[sisyphus] îÅ ÍÏÇÕ ÄÏÓÔÕÞÁÔØÓÑ ÄÏ ftp.cng.ru
2002-12-08 15:07 UTC (8+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] Не могу достучаться до ftp.cng.ru
[sisyphus] 2.4.20 release from ALT?
2002-12-08 14:50 UTC (4+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] Gkrellm2
2002-12-08 13:49 UTC (11+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] ATI driver
2002-12-08 12:54 UTC (7+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] pygtk2
2002-12-08 12:35 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] dist-upgade немножно еррорнулся
2002-12-08 12:26 UTC (4+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] qt-mt?
2002-12-08 12:17 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] kernel24-adv-up with packed-cd patch
2002-12-07 17:57 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] New WineX in Sisyphus
2002-12-07 15:55 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] Possible bug in updating synaptic?
2002-12-07 12:13 UTC (3+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] Maildrop filtering
2002-12-07 10:54 UTC (3+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] libXft.so.2
2002-12-07 0:12 UTC (3+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] libXft.so.2
[sisyphus] kernel24-adv-up with packed-cd patch
2002-12-07 0:11 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] LDAP PDC (вот такая моя печаль)
2002-12-06 23:22 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] Не апдейтится репозитарий для i686
2002-12-06 21:44 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] ImageMagick problem
2002-12-06 21:38 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] mon
2002-12-06 20:09 UTC (13+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] u: leafnode-1.9.30-alt1
2002-12-06 17:10 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] I: изменения политики на ftp.altlinux.ru
2002-12-06 16:02 UTC (13+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] [JT] "
` [sisyphus] "
[sisyphus] Печать русского в Мозиле!
2002-12-06 15:22 UTC (3+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] Убить xterm
2002-12-06 15:17 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] Q: rawhide-release: ghost?
2002-12-06 14:09 UTC (26+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] "
` [sisyphus] Ошибка локализована!
` [sisyphus] "
` [sisyphus] Re: ïÛÉÂËÁ ÌÏËÁÌÉÚÏ×ÁÎÁ!
` [sisyphus] Re: [sisyphus] Re: Ошибка локализована!
[sisyphus] latest cups
2002-12-06 13:36 UTC (6+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] "
[sisyphus] AbiWord - Бага?
2002-12-06 13:02 UTC (3+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] IQ: рассылка по ЕСКД/*nix (Fwd: [oleg: Re: шрифты, dia и другие])
2002-12-06 12:49 UTC - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] LDAP PDC (вот такая моя печаль)
2002-12-06 12:13 UTC (10+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] "
[sisyphus] сглаживание в mozilla-1.2.1-alt2
2002-12-06 11:41 UTC (6+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] "
[sisyphus] Надо попросить apt НЕ обновлять определенные пакеты
2002-12-06 10:40 UTC (10+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] Mozilla 1.2.1-alt2 & IXBT.com
2002-12-06 9:46 UTC (12+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] Quanta
2002-12-06 9:39 UTC (5+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] пакет HP Office Jet
2002-12-06 9:23 UTC (8+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] Sylpheed & News
2002-12-06 9:07 UTC (5+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] "
[sisyphus] Openmosix Kernel
2002-12-06 7:38 UTC (10+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] Openmosix Kernel Сорри! Наврал!
` [sisyphus] Re: Openmosix Kernel óÏÒÒÉ! îÁ×ÒÁÌ!
` [sisyphus] Re: Openmosix Kernel Сорри! Наврал!
[sisyphus] (no subject)
2002-12-06 5:41 UTC (2+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] I: rsync.altlinux.ru
2002-12-05 20:57 UTC (9+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] Новый пакет - kmediagrab
2002-12-05 20:20 UTC (3+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] компиляция kde
2002-12-05 18:02 UTC (9+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] "
` [sisyphus] Re: xmllint (was: компиляция kde)
` [sisyphus] "
` [sisyphus] "
` [sisyphus] xmllint bug
[sisyphus] Не могу нормально обновить полностью дистрибутив!
2002-12-05 16:47 UTC (8+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] "
` [sisyphus] "
[sisyphus] Mozilla-1.2.1 & Java
2002-12-05 14:23 UTC (4+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] заколдованный круг
2002-12-05 14:09 UTC (3+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] apt-get update + pgp key
2002-12-05 12:11 UTC (6+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
` [sisyphus] Re: apt-get update + pgp key -- btw gnupg
[sisyphus] kpackage
2002-12-05 11:46 UTC (4+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] How to burn Sisyphus CD's
2002-12-05 11:29 UTC (2+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
[sisyphus] `update-menus -n` is not working
2002-12-05 11:00 UTC (5+ messages) - mbox.gz / Atom
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