Damir Shayhutdinov пишет: > > 1, Explicit linking dynamic objects with all dso it needs ensures > correct soname dependencies and prevent ABI incompatibilities. > > 2. Unused direct dependencies encumber package with extra dependencies > (including soname dependencies). An encumbered program takes more time > to load (5% in case of gdm for example), and need more memory mapped > to its address space. > > An encumbered package requires extra packages when installed, and > needs extra care when one of unused libraries was updated and its > soname was changed. Увы. Переговоры с апстримом закончились ничем... Править мейкфайлы для поддержки --as-needed автор отказался. Аргументы оказались неубедительными. David> A linker feature that makes `make install' of my program run David> 5x slower, makes module loading 50% slower, etc. is not David> something that worths to support. David> In any case, --as-needed is a hack. It subverts the normal David> linker behaviour -- based on certain assumptions that may or David> may not be true. They are not true for Gwyddion. Granted, David> the linking scheme used by Gwyddion is not common, but David> there's nothing incorrect on it (in fact, it prevents some David> disasters that can occur when modules are linked with an David> independent set of libraries). The correct approach to David> --as-needed would be probably to detect it's in use in David> configure and add --no-as-needed to linker flags. This way David> everyone would be happy -- execept perhaps people who made David> it a religion. и т.д... А т.к. это, похоже, исключительно наша фишка, нужны боле сильные аргументы или правка в процессе сборки rpm-а. Насколько я знаю, rpm не умеет вызывать при наложении патчей autoconf/automake. Так? Или я не прав? -- Rgrds, Andriy ********************************************************************* email: dobr at iop dot kiev dot ua Kyiv, Ukraine Phone: (380-44) 525-7824 Department of Gas Electronics Fax: (380-44) 525-2329 Institute of Physics of NASU *********************dobrATjabber.iop.kiev.ua************************