Hi, On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 04:45:51PM -0500, Ivan Adzhubey wrote: [...] > Inkscape crashes upon importing certain ps/eps/pdf files with the following > error message: Ivan, thank you for pointing it out. > inkscape: symbol lookup error: inkscape: undefined symbol: > _ZN13GfxColorSpace5parseEP6Object I'd be surprised if it didn't: $ ldd -r /usr/bin/inkscape 2>&1 >/dev/null |c++filt undefined symbol: GfxResources::lookupShading(char*) (/usr/bin/inkscape) undefined symbol: GfxColorSpace::parse(Object*) (/usr/bin/inkscape) undefined symbol: GfxResources::lookupPattern(char*) (/usr/bin/inkscape) That happens because libpoppler.so.5 failed to provide backwards compatibility. > $ rpm -qa|fgrep inkscape > inkscape-0.47-alt4 inkview suffers from the same problem. Simple rebuild of inkscape should cure the crash, but not the problem in general because libpoppler changes ABI incompatibly from time to time. 2zerg: You have to change soname every time such things happen with libpoppler. -- ldv