Name: dbmail Version: 2.2.4 Release: alt0.1 Summary: DBMail is a POP3/IMAP server that enables email to be stored in and retrieved from a database License: GPL Group: System/Servers Url: PreReq: chkconfig Requires: %name-storage = %version-%release ########################################### # Relations with other POP3/IMAP server pkgs (like dbmail) # Provide the abstract service names (which are virtual pkg names), # specify their origin (our pkg name as the epoch + version-release): Provides: IMAPD = %name:%version-%release Provides: POP3D = %name:%version-%release # Conflict with all other real pkgs which provide the same services # (they should specify the origin the same way, so the epoch-version-release # of the virtual pkgs POP3D & IMAPD will always differ from that of ours if # they are provided by a different real pkg): Conflicts: IMAPD < %name:%version-%release Conflicts: IMAPD > %name:%version-%release Conflicts: POP3D < %name:%version-%release Conflicts: POP3D > %name:%version-%release # End of the statements to describe relations with other POP3/IMAP server pkgs ######################################## %add_findprov_lib_path %_libdir/%name Source0: %name-%version.tar.gz Source1: %name-pop3d.init Source2: %name-imapd.init Source3: %name-lmtpd.init Source4: %name-timsieved.init Source5: %name-clean Source6: %name.conf Patch0: %name-%version-altlinux--as-need.patch BuildPreReq: glib2-devel >= 2.6 libgmime-devel zlib-devel %def_with mysql %def_with pgsql %def_with sqlite %def_with ldap %def_with sieve %{?_with_mysql:BuildPreReq: libMySQL-devel} %{?_with_pgsql:BuildPreReq: postgresql-devel} %{?_with_sqlite:BuildPreReq: libsqlite3-devel} %{?_with_ldap:BuildPreReq: libldap-devel} %{?_with_sieve:BuildPreReq: libsieve-devel} %description DBMail is a POP3/IMAP server that enables email to be stored in and retrieved from a database %if_with mysql %package mysql Summary: MySQL storage driver for DBMail Group: System/Servers Requires: %name = %version-%release Provides: %name-storage = %version-%release %description mysql MySQL storage driver for DBMail %endif %if_with pgsql %package pgsql Summary: PostgreSQL storage driver for DBMail Group: System/Servers Requires: %name = %version-%release Provides: %name-storage = %version-%release %description pgsql PostgreSQL storage driver for DBMail %endif %if_with sqlite %package sqlite Summary: SQLite storage driver for DBMail Group: System/Servers Requires: %name = %version-%release Provides: %name-storage = %version-%release %description sqlite SQLite storage driver for DBMail %endif %if_with ldap %package ldap Summary: LDAP authentication driver for DBMail Group: System/Servers Requires: %name = %version-%release %description ldap LDAP authentication driver for DBMail %endif %if_with sieve %package sieve Summary: Sieve filtering engine for DBMail Group: System/Servers Requires: %name = %version-%release Requires: libsieve %description sieve Sieve filtering engine for DBMail. %endif %package contrib Summary: Additional tools for DBMail Group: System/Servers Requires: %name = %version-%release %description contrib Additional tools for DBMail %prep %setup %patch0 -p1 #%patch1 -p1 %build CONFIGURE_WITH="" %if_with mysql CONFIGURE_WITH="${CONFIGURE_WITH} --with-mysql" %endif %if_with pgsql CONFIGURE_WITH="${CONFIGURE_WITH} --with-pgsql" %endif %if_with sqlite CONFIGURE_WITH="${CONFIGURE_WITH} --with-sqlite" %endif %if_with ldap CONFIGURE_WITH="${CONFIGURE_WITH} --with-ldap" %endif %if_with sieve CONFIGURE_WITH="${CONFIGURE_WITH} --with-sieve" %endif #%__autoconf autoreconf -fisv %configure ${CONFIGURE_WITH} %make_build %install # adjust $RPM_BUILD for install %__mkdir_p %buildroot/%_sbindir %__mkdir_p %buildroot/%_libdir %__mkdir_p %buildroot/%_man1dir %__mkdir_p %buildroot/%_man8dir %__mkdir_p %buildroot/%_sysconfdir %__mkdir_p %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/cron.daily %__mkdir_p %buildroot/%_initdir %__mkdir_p %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__mkdir_p %buildroot/%_datadir/%name-%version/contrib %__make DESTDIR=%buildroot install # package cron, config and init scripts %__install -m 0755 %SOURCE1 %buildroot/%_initdir/%name-pop3d %__install -m 0755 %SOURCE2 %buildroot/%_initdir/%name-imapd %__install -m 0755 %SOURCE3 %buildroot/%_initdir/%name-lmtpd %__install -m 0755 %SOURCE4 %buildroot/%_initdir/%name-timsieved %__install -m 0755 %SOURCE5 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/cron.daily/ %__install -m 0644 %SOURCE6 %buildroot/%_sysconfdir/%name.conf # package docs %__install -m 0644 AUTHORS %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 BUGS %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 COPYING %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 ChangeLog %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 INSTALL %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 README.exim %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 README.postfix %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 README.qmail %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 README.sieve %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 README.ldap %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 README.smtp %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 README.solaris %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 README.usermap %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 NEWS %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 README %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 THANKS %buildroot/%_docdir/%name-%version %__install -m 0644 dbmail.schema %buildroot/%_datadir/%name-%version cp -r contrib/sql2sql %buildroot/%_datadir/%name-%version/contrib cp -r contrib/mailbox2dbmail %buildroot/%_datadir/%name-%version/contrib cp -r sql %buildroot/%_datadir/%name-%version %post %post_service %name-pop3d %post_service %name-imapd %post_service %name-lmtpd %preun %preun_service %name-pop3d %preun_service %name-imapd %preun_service %name-lmtpd %post sieve %post_service %name-timsieved %preun sieve %preun_service %name-timsieved %files %_sysconfdir/cron.daily/dbmail-clean %_initdir/dbmail-imapd %_initdir/dbmail-pop3d %_initdir/dbmail-lmtpd %config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/%name.conf %_sbindir/dbmail-imapd %_sbindir/dbmail-pop3d %_sbindir/dbmail-lmtpd %_sbindir/dbmail-export %_sbindir/dbmail-smtp %_sbindir/dbmail-users %_sbindir/dbmail-util %_man1dir/dbmail.1.gz %_man1dir/dbmail-smtp.1.gz %_man5dir/dbmail.conf.5.gz %_man8dir/dbmail-imapd.8.gz %_man8dir/dbmail-pop3d.8.gz %_man8dir/dbmail-lmtpd.8.gz %_man8dir/dbmail-users.8.gz %_man8dir/dbmail-util.8.gz %_man8dir/dbmail-export.8.gz %_libdir/%name/* %_libdir/%name/* %doc %_docdir/%name-%version/* %files mysql %_libdir/%name/* %_datadir/%name-%version/sql/mysql/* %files pgsql %_libdir/%name/* %_datadir/%name-%version/sql/postgresql/* %files sqlite %_libdir/%name/* %_datadir/%name-%version/sql/sqlite/* %files ldap %_libdir/%name/* %_datadir/%name-%version/dbmail.schema %files sieve %_libdir/%name/* %_initdir/dbmail-timsieved %_sbindir/dbmail-timsieved %_sbindir/dbmail-sievecmd %_man8dir/dbmail-sievecmd.8.gz %_man8dir/dbmail-timsieved.8.gz %files contrib %_datadir/%name-%version/contrib %changelog * Fri Mar 30 2007 ALT QA Team Robot 2.2.1-alt5.0 - Rebuilt due to -> soname change. * Fri Jan 19 2007 Eugene Prokopiev 2.2.1-alt5 - fix build error patch for x86_64 (thanks to Damir Shayhutdinov) * Thu Jan 11 2007 Eugene Prokopiev 2.2.1-alt4 - exclude .la files (thanks to Alexey Shentsev) - include dbmail.schema to dbmail-ldap package (thanks to Alexey Shentsev) * Mon Dec 25 2006 Eugene Prokopiev 2.2.1-alt3 - fix build error on x86_64 (thanks to Damir Shayhutdinov) - but result is unsuccessfull :( * Mon Dec 18 2006 Eugene Prokopiev 2.2.1-alt2 - --as-needed patch (thanks to Alexey Shentsev) * Thu Dec 14 2006 Eugene Prokopiev 2.2.1-alt1 - move to 2.2.1 - split into packages - exclude patches * Mon Jul 10 2006 Eugene Prokopiev 2.0.10-alt2 - replace provides hack with %add_findprov_lib_path - modified libadd patch to support build with MySQL - default build with MySQL * Thu Jun 29 2006 Eugene Prokopiev 2.0.10-alt1 - build with new version - now can be compiled on Sisyphus with libadd patch * Mon Jan 16 2006 Eugene Prokopiev 2.0.7-alt5.M24.1 - add dbmail-folders patch written by David A. Niblett (RFC 3598) - similify Requires and BuilRequires * Mon Dec 26 2005 Eugene Prokopiev 2.0.7-alt4.M24.1 - add pgsql74/pgsql80/pgsql81/mysql40 switcher for building * Sun Nov 20 2005 Eugene Prokopiev 2.0.7-alt3.M24.1 - add cron job for db check and clean * Wed Sep 21 2005 Eugene Prokopiev 2.0.7-alt2.M24.1 - add mailfilter patch * Sun Sep 10 2005 Eugene Prokopiev 2.0.7-alt1.M24.1 - initial package for ALT Linux