" Vim completion script " Language: XHTML 1.0 Strict " Maintainer: Mikolaj Machowski ( mikmach AT wp DOT pl ) " Last Change: 2005 Sep 12 " Groups of attributes let g:coreattrs = ["id", "class", "style", "title"] let g:i18n = ["lang", "xml:lang", "dir"] let g:events = ["onclick", "ondblclick", "onmousedown", "onmouseup", "onmousemove", \ "onmouseout", "onkeypress", "onkeydown", "onkeyup"] let g:focus = ["accesskey", "tabindex", "onfocus", "onblur"] let g:coregroup = g:coreattrs let g:coregroup = extend(g:coregroup, g:i18n) let g:coregroup = extend(g:coregroup, g:events) fun! CompleteTags(findstart, base) if a:findstart " locate the start of the word let line = getline('.') let start = col('.') - 1 while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] !~ '<' let start -= 1 endwhile let g:st = start return start else " find tags matching with "a:base" let res = [] let g:ba = a:base if a:base =~ '>' return [] endif " If it contains Space it is attribute, we have to get first word to offer " proper attributes. if a:base =~ ' ' let tag = split(a:base)[0] " Get last word, it should be attr name let attr = matchstr(a:base, '.*\s\zs.*') " Shorten a:base to not include last word let sbase = matchstr(a:base, '.*\ze\s.*') if tag == 'a' let tagspec = ["charset", "type", "name", "href", "hreflang", "rel", "rev", "shape", "coords"] let attrs = extend(tagspec, g:coregroup) let attrs = extend(attrs, g:focus) endif if tag =~ '^\(abbr\|acronym\|b\|bdo\|big\|caption\|cite\|code\|dd\|dfn\|div\|dl\|dt\|em\|fieldset\|h\d\|kbd\|li\|noscript\|ol\|p\|samp\|small\|span\|strong\|sub\|sup\|tt\|ul\|var\)$' let attrs = g:coregroup endif if tag == 'area' let attrs = g:coregroup endif if tag == 'base' let attrs = ["href", "id"] endif if tag == 'blockquote' let attrs = g:coregroup let attrs = extend(attrs, ["cite"]) endif if tag == 'body' let attrs = g:coregroup let attrs = extend(attrs, ["onload", "onunload"]) endif if tag == 'br' let attrs = g:coreattrs endif if tag == 'button' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, g:focus) let attrs = extend(attrs, ["name", "value", "type"]) endif if tag == '^\(col\|colgroup\)$' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["span", "width", "align", "char", "charoff", "valign"]) endif if tag =~ '^\(del\|ins\)$' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["cite", "datetime"]) endif if tag == 'form' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["action", "method", "enctype", "onsubmit", "onreset", "accept", "accept-charset"]) endif if tag == 'head' let attrs = g:i18n let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id", "profile"]) endif if tag == 'html' let attrs = g:i18n let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id", "xmlns"]) endif if tag == 'img' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["src", "alt", "longdesc", "height", "width", "usemap", "ismap"]) endif if tag == 'input' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, g:focus) let attrs = extend(attrs, ["type", "name", "value", "checked", "disabled", "readonly", "size", "maxlength", "src", "alt", "usemap", "onselect", "onchange", "accept"]) endif if tag == 'label' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["for", "accesskey", "onfocus", "onblur"]) endif if tag == 'legend' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["accesskey"]) endif if tag == 'link' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["charset", "href", "hreflang", "type", "rel", "rev", "media"]) endif if tag == 'map' let attrs = g:i18n let attrs = extend(attrs, g:events) let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id", "class", "style", "title", "name"]) endif if tag == 'meta' let attrs = g:i18n let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id", "http-equiv", "content", "scheme", "name"]) endif if tag == 'title' let attrs = g:i18n let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id"]) endif if tag == 'object' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["declare", "classid", "codebase", "data", "type", "codetype", "archive", "standby", "height", "width", "usemap", "name", "tabindex"]) endif if tag == 'optgroup' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["disbled", "label"]) endif if tag == 'option' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["disbled", "selected", "value", "label"]) endif if tag == 'param' let attrs = ["id", "name", "value", "valuetype", "type"] endif if tag == 'pre' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["xml:space"]) endif if tag == 'q' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["cite"]) endif if tag == 'script' let attrs = ["id", "charset", "type", "src", "defer", "xml:space"] endif if tag == 'select' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["name", "size", "multiple", "disabled", "tabindex", "onfocus", "onblur", "onchange"]) endif if tag == 'style' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["id", "type", "media", "title", "xml:space"]) endif if tag == 'table' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["summary", "width", "border", "frame", "rules" "cellspacing", "cellpadding"]) endif if tag =~ '^\(thead\|tfoot\|tbody\|tr\)$' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["align", "char", "charoff", "valign"]) endif if tag == 'textarea' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, g:focus) let attrs = extend(attrs, ["name", "rows", "cols", "disabled", "readonly", "onselect", "onchange"]) endif if tag =~ '^\(th\|td\)$' let attrs = g:coreattrs let attrs = extend(attrs, ["abbr", "headers", "scope", "rowspan", "colspan", "align", "char", "charoff", "valign"]) endif for m in sort(attrs) if m =~ '^' . attr call add(res, sbase.' '.m.'="') endif endfor return res endif for m in split("a abbr acronym address area b base bdo big blockquote body br button caption cite code col colgroup dd del dfn div dl dt em fieldset form head h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hr html i img input ins kbd label legend li link map meta noscript object ol optgroup option p param pre q samp script select small span strong style sub sup table tbody td textarea tfoot th thead title tr tt ul var") if m =~ '^' . a:base call add(res, m) endif endfor return res endif endfun set occultfunc=CompleteTags