//Union Tap Code (UTC) //Copyright Zhen-Xjell 2004 http://nukecops.com //Beta 4 Code to prevent UNION SQL Injections unset($matches); unset($loc); $loc=rawurldecode($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]); //This if block catches C-like comment code within all SQL Injections, not just Union. //White paper available here: http://www.securiteam.com/securityreviews/5FP0O0KCKM.html if (strstr($loc,"*")) { die("YOU ARE SLAPPED BY NUKECOPS BY USING '$loc'."); } //This catches plaintext and base64 version of the Union SQL Injection code. if (preg_match("/([OdWo5NIbpuU4V2iJT0n]{5}) /", $loc, $matches)) { die("YOU ARE SLAPPED BY NUKECOPS BY USING '$matches[1]' INSIDE '$loc'."); } // End Hack Attempt