From: "Girar awaiter (admsasha)" <> To: Alexander Danilov <> Cc:,, Subject: [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 11) libabseil-cpp.git=20250127.0-alt1 protobuf.git=3.25.5-alt6 ... Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 11:06:43 +0000 Message-ID: <> (raw) In-Reply-To: <> subtask name aarch64 i586 x86_64 #7700 LLVMSPIRVLib 3:59 2:10 2:35 #10000 llvm-common 1:01 50 53 #10100 android-tools 4:29 2:37 3:38 2025-Mar-10 10:16:42 :: test-only swift task #377171 for p11 resumed by admsasha: 2025-Mar-10 10:16:42 :: message: test_only #40 build 20250127.0-alt1 from /gears/l/libabseil-cpp.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:11:49 from sisyphus #100 build 3.25.5-alt6 from /gears/p/protobuf.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 10:51:47 from sisyphus #200 build 5.4.0-alt1 from /gears/C/CuraEngine.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:43:37 from p11 #300 build 8.0.41-alt1 from /gears/M/MySQL.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:44:04 from p11 #400 build 1.1.2-alt8 from /gears/P/PokerTH.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:44:07 from p11 #500 removed #600 removed #700 removed #1000 build 5.8.3-alt1 from /gears/a/ayugram-desktop.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:44:17 from p11 #1100 removed #1200 removed #1300 build 2.4.0-alt3 from /gears/c/clickhouse-cpp.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:44:23 from p11 #1400 removed #1500 removed #1600 removed #1700 removed #2000 removed #2100 removed #2200 removed #2300 removed #2400 removed #2500 build kismet-0.0.2023.07.R1-alt1_4.src.rpm from p11 #2600 build 5.3.0-alt1 from /gears/l/libArcus.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:44:58 from p11 #2700 build 4.10.0-alt2 from /gears/l/libopencv.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:03 from p11 #3000 removed #3100 build libphonenumber-8.13.54-alt1.src.rpm from p11 #3200 build 20240501-alt2 from /gears/l/libre2.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:06 from p11 #3300 build 24.11.90-alt2 from /gears/m/marble.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:08 from p11 #3400 build 2.4.1-alt1 from /gears/m/mixxx.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:11 from p11 #3500 removed #3600 build 1.4.287-alt2.3 from /gears/m/mumble.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:13 from p11 #3700 build 20241226-alt1 from /gears/n/ncnn.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:18 from p11 #4000 removed #4100 removed #4200 build percona-xtrabackup80-8.0.35-alt4.src.rpm from p11 #4300 build 1.5.0-alt1 from /gears/p/protobuf-c.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:29 from p11 #4400 removed #4500 build 3.40.1-alt1 from /gears/q/qgis.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:40 from p11 #4600 removed #4700 build 5.10.7-alt1 from /gears/t/telegram-desktop.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:49 from p11 #5000 build 1.1.3-alt1 from /gears/u/usbguard.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:51 from p11 #5100 build 3.0.20-alt1 from /gears/v/vlc.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 11:45:53 from p11 #5200 removed #5300 build 2.31.5712-alt2_1 from /gears/f/fcitx5-mozc.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:23:31 from sisyphus #5400 build 1.70.1-alt1 from /gears/g/grpc.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:24:26 from sisyphus #5500 build 2.1.0-alt2 from /gears/a/apache-orc.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:25:07 from sisyphus #5600 build 12.0.0-alt2.3 from /gears/a/arrow.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:25:43 from sisyphus #5700 build 3.1.5-alt1 from /gears/b/bear.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:25:55 from sisyphus #6000 build 0.39.0-alt3 from /gears/s/sysdig.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:26:23 from sisyphus #6100 build 1.4.0-alt1.2 from /gears/m/mosh.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:26:35 from sisyphus #6200 build from /gears/c/compiz.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:26:54 from sisyphus #6300 build 0.9.0-alt1.5 from /gears/p/purple-whatsapp.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:27:08 from sisyphus #6400 build 1.5.0-alt1_12jpp11 from /gears/o/osmpbf.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:27:24 from sisyphus #6500 build 3.7-alt1.1 from /gears/o/osgearth.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:27:49 from sisyphus #6600 build from /gears/c/clementine.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:52:23 from sisyphus #6700 build 11.0.1-alt1 from /gears/g/gz-msgs.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:56:01 from sisyphus #7000 build 10.0.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gz-fuel-tools.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:56:09 from sisyphus #7100 build 14.0.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gz-transport.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:56:14 from sisyphus #7200 build 9.0.0-alt2 from /gears/g/gz-sensors.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:56:19 from sisyphus #7300 build 9.0.0-alt2 from /gears/g/gz-gui.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:56:24 from sisyphus #7400 build 9.0.0-alt2 from /gears/g/gz-sim.git fetched at 2025-Mar-07 12:56:33 from sisyphus #7440 build libopenshot-audio-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm from sisyphus #7500 build libopenshot-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm from sisyphus #7540 removed #7600 removed #7700 build 19.1.0-alt1 from /gears/L/LLVMSPIRVLib.git fetched at 2025-Mar-10 10:16:01 from sisyphus #10000 build 19.1.0-alt1 from /gears/l/llvm-common.git fetched at 2025-Mar-10 10:16:08 from sisyphus #10100 build 34.0.5-alt3 from /gears/a/android-tools.git fetched at 2025-Mar-10 10:16:28 from sisyphus 2025-Mar-10 10:16:42 :: created build repo 2025-Mar-10 10:16:44 :: [x86_64] #40 libabseil-cpp.git 20250127.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:44 :: [aarch64] #40 libabseil-cpp.git 20250127.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:44 :: [i586] #40 libabseil-cpp.git 20250127.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:44 :: [x86_64] #40 libabseil-cpp.git 20250127.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:44 :: [i586] #40 libabseil-cpp.git 20250127.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:44 :: [aarch64] #40 libabseil-cpp.git 20250127.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:45 :: [i586] #100 protobuf.git 3.25.5-alt6: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:45 :: [x86_64] #100 protobuf.git 3.25.5-alt6: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:45 :: [aarch64] #100 protobuf.git 3.25.5-alt6: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:45 :: [i586] #100 protobuf.git 3.25.5-alt6: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:45 :: [x86_64] #100 protobuf.git 3.25.5-alt6: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:45 :: [aarch64] #100 protobuf.git 3.25.5-alt6: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:45 :: [i586] #200 CuraEngine.git 5.4.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:45 :: [x86_64] #200 CuraEngine.git 5.4.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:46 :: [aarch64] #200 CuraEngine.git 5.4.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:46 :: [x86_64] #200 CuraEngine.git 5.4.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:46 :: [i586] #200 CuraEngine.git 5.4.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:46 :: [aarch64] #200 CuraEngine.git 5.4.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:46 :: [x86_64] #300 MySQL.git 8.0.41-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:46 :: [i586] #300 MySQL.git 8.0.41-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:46 :: [aarch64] #300 MySQL.git 8.0.41-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:51 :: [x86_64] #300 MySQL.git 8.0.41-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:51 :: [i586] #300 MySQL.git 8.0.41-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:51 :: [x86_64] #400 PokerTH.git 1.1.2-alt8: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:51 :: [i586] #400 PokerTH.git 1.1.2-alt8: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:52 :: [x86_64] #400 PokerTH.git 1.1.2-alt8: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:52 :: [i586] #400 PokerTH.git 1.1.2-alt8: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:52 :: [x86_64] #1000 ayugram-desktop.git 5.8.3-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:52 :: [i586] #1000 ayugram-desktop.git 5.8.3-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:52 :: [aarch64] #300 MySQL.git 8.0.41-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:53 :: [aarch64] #400 PokerTH.git 1.1.2-alt8: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:53 :: [x86_64] #1000 ayugram-desktop.git 5.8.3-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:53 :: [i586] #1000 ayugram-desktop.git 5.8.3-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:53 :: [x86_64] #1300 clickhouse-cpp.git 2.4.0-alt3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:53 :: [i586] #1300 clickhouse-cpp.git 2.4.0-alt3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:54 :: [x86_64] #1300 clickhouse-cpp.git 2.4.0-alt3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:54 :: [aarch64] #400 PokerTH.git 1.1.2-alt8: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:54 :: [i586] #1300 clickhouse-cpp.git 2.4.0-alt3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:54 :: [aarch64] #1000 ayugram-desktop.git 5.8.3-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:54 :: [x86_64] #2500 kismet-0.0.2023.07.R1-alt1_4.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:54 :: [i586] #2500 kismet-0.0.2023.07.R1-alt1_4.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:54 :: [x86_64] #2500 kismet-0.0.2023.07.R1-alt1_4.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:55 :: [i586] #2500 kismet-0.0.2023.07.R1-alt1_4.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:55 :: [x86_64] #2600 libArcus.git 5.3.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:55 :: [i586] #2600 libArcus.git 5.3.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:55 :: [x86_64] #2600 libArcus.git 5.3.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:55 :: [i586] #2600 libArcus.git 5.3.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:55 :: [x86_64] #2700 libopencv.git 4.10.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:55 :: [i586] #2700 libopencv.git 4.10.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:58 :: [x86_64] #2700 libopencv.git 4.10.0-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:58 :: [i586] #2700 libopencv.git 4.10.0-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:58 :: [x86_64] #3100 libphonenumber-8.13.54-alt1.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:58 :: [i586] #3100 libphonenumber-8.13.54-alt1.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:59 :: [x86_64] #3100 libphonenumber-8.13.54-alt1.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:59 :: [i586] #3100 libphonenumber-8.13.54-alt1.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:59 :: [x86_64] #3200 libre2.git 20240501-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:59 :: [i586] #3200 libre2.git 20240501-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:59 :: [x86_64] #3200 libre2.git 20240501-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:59 :: [i586] #3200 libre2.git 20240501-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:16:59 :: [x86_64] #3300 marble.git 24.11.90-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:16:59 :: [i586] #3300 marble.git 24.11.90-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:00 :: [i586] #3300 marble.git 24.11.90-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:00 :: [x86_64] #3300 marble.git 24.11.90-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:01 :: [i586] #3400 mixxx.git 2.4.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:01 :: [x86_64] #3400 mixxx.git 2.4.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:01 :: [i586] #3400 mixxx.git 2.4.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:01 :: [x86_64] #3400 mixxx.git 2.4.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:02 :: [x86_64] #3600 mumble.git 1.4.287-alt2.3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:02 :: [i586] #3600 mumble.git 1.4.287-alt2.3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:02 :: [i586] #3600 mumble.git 1.4.287-alt2.3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:02 :: [x86_64] #3600 mumble.git 1.4.287-alt2.3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:02 :: [i586] #3700 ncnn.git 20241226-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:02 :: [x86_64] #3700 ncnn.git 20241226-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:03 :: [x86_64] #3700 ncnn.git 20241226-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:03 :: [i586] #3700 ncnn.git 20241226-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:03 :: [x86_64] #4200 percona-xtrabackup80-8.0.35-alt4.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:03 :: [i586] #4200 percona-xtrabackup80-8.0.35-alt4.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:07 :: [x86_64] #4200 percona-xtrabackup80-8.0.35-alt4.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:07 :: [x86_64] #4300 protobuf-c.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:08 :: [x86_64] #4300 protobuf-c.git 1.5.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:08 :: [x86_64] #4500 qgis.git 3.40.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:12 :: [x86_64] #4500 qgis.git 3.40.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:12 :: [x86_64] #4700 telegram-desktop.git 5.10.7-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:13 :: [x86_64] #4700 telegram-desktop.git 5.10.7-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:13 :: [x86_64] #5000 usbguard.git 1.1.3-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:14 :: [x86_64] #5000 usbguard.git 1.1.3-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:14 :: [x86_64] #5100 vlc.git 3.0.20-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:15 :: [x86_64] #5100 vlc.git 3.0.20-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:15 :: [x86_64] #5300 fcitx5-mozc.git 2.31.5712-alt2_1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:16 :: [x86_64] #5300 fcitx5-mozc.git 2.31.5712-alt2_1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:16 :: [x86_64] #5400 grpc.git 1.70.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:17 :: [x86_64] #5400 grpc.git 1.70.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:17 :: [x86_64] #5500 apache-orc.git 2.1.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:17 :: [x86_64] #5500 apache-orc.git 2.1.0-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:18 :: [x86_64] #5600 arrow.git 12.0.0-alt2.3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:18 :: [x86_64] #5600 arrow.git 12.0.0-alt2.3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:19 :: [x86_64] #5700 bear.git 3.1.5-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:19 :: [x86_64] #5700 bear.git 3.1.5-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:19 :: [x86_64] #6000 sysdig.git 0.39.0-alt3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:20 :: [x86_64] #6000 sysdig.git 0.39.0-alt3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:20 :: [x86_64] #6100 mosh.git 1.4.0-alt1.2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:20 :: [x86_64] #6100 mosh.git 1.4.0-alt1.2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:20 :: [x86_64] #6200 compiz.git build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:20 :: [x86_64] #6200 compiz.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:21 :: [x86_64] #6300 purple-whatsapp.git 0.9.0-alt1.5: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:21 :: [x86_64] #6300 purple-whatsapp.git 0.9.0-alt1.5: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:21 :: [x86_64] #6400 osmpbf.git 1.5.0-alt1_12jpp11: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:21 :: [x86_64] #6400 osmpbf.git 1.5.0-alt1_12jpp11: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:21 :: [x86_64] #6500 osgearth.git 3.7-alt1.1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:23 :: [x86_64] #6500 osgearth.git 3.7-alt1.1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:23 :: [x86_64] #6600 clementine.git build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:24 :: [x86_64] #6600 clementine.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:24 :: [x86_64] #6700 gz-msgs.git 11.0.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:24 :: [x86_64] #6700 gz-msgs.git 11.0.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:25 :: [x86_64] #7000 gz-fuel-tools.git 10.0.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:25 :: [x86_64] #7000 gz-fuel-tools.git 10.0.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:25 :: [x86_64] #7100 gz-transport.git 14.0.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:25 :: [x86_64] #7100 gz-transport.git 14.0.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:25 :: [x86_64] #7200 gz-sensors.git 9.0.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:26 :: [x86_64] #7200 gz-sensors.git 9.0.0-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:26 :: [x86_64] #7300 gz-gui.git 9.0.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:26 :: [x86_64] #7300 gz-gui.git 9.0.0-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:26 :: [x86_64] #7400 gz-sim.git 9.0.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:28 :: [x86_64] #7400 gz-sim.git 9.0.0-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:28 :: [x86_64] #7440 libopenshot-audio-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:28 :: [x86_64] #7440 libopenshot-audio-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:28 :: [x86_64] #7500 libopenshot-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:29 :: [x86_64] #7500 libopenshot-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:29 :: [x86_64] #7700 LLVMSPIRVLib.git 19.1.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:29 :: [aarch64] #1000 ayugram-desktop.git 5.8.3-alt1: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:30 :: [aarch64] #1300 clickhouse-cpp.git 2.4.0-alt3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:30 :: [aarch64] #1300 clickhouse-cpp.git 2.4.0-alt3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:30 :: [aarch64] #2500 kismet-0.0.2023.07.R1-alt1_4.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:31 :: [aarch64] #2500 kismet-0.0.2023.07.R1-alt1_4.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:31 :: [aarch64] #2600 libArcus.git 5.3.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:31 :: [aarch64] #2600 libArcus.git 5.3.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:32 :: [aarch64] #2700 libopencv.git 4.10.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:35 :: [aarch64] #2700 libopencv.git 4.10.0-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:35 :: [aarch64] #3100 libphonenumber-8.13.54-alt1.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:36 :: [aarch64] #3100 libphonenumber-8.13.54-alt1.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:36 :: [aarch64] #3200 libre2.git 20240501-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:36 :: [aarch64] #3200 libre2.git 20240501-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:36 :: [aarch64] #3300 marble.git 24.11.90-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:38 :: [aarch64] #3300 marble.git 24.11.90-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:38 :: [aarch64] #3400 mixxx.git 2.4.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:39 :: [aarch64] #3400 mixxx.git 2.4.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:39 :: [aarch64] #3600 mumble.git 1.4.287-alt2.3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:40 :: [aarch64] #3600 mumble.git 1.4.287-alt2.3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:40 :: [aarch64] #3700 ncnn.git 20241226-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:41 :: [aarch64] #3700 ncnn.git 20241226-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:41 :: [i586] #4200 percona-xtrabackup80-8.0.35-alt4.src.rpm: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:41 :: [aarch64] #4200 percona-xtrabackup80-8.0.35-alt4.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:41 :: [i586] #4300 protobuf-c.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:41 :: [i586] #4300 protobuf-c.git 1.5.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:41 :: [i586] #4500 qgis.git 3.40.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:46 :: [aarch64] #4200 percona-xtrabackup80-8.0.35-alt4.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:47 :: [aarch64] #4300 protobuf-c.git 1.5.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:47 :: [aarch64] #4300 protobuf-c.git 1.5.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:47 :: [aarch64] #4500 qgis.git 3.40.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:52 :: [aarch64] #4500 qgis.git 3.40.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:52 :: [aarch64] #4700 telegram-desktop.git 5.10.7-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:54 :: [aarch64] #4700 telegram-desktop.git 5.10.7-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:54 :: [aarch64] #5000 usbguard.git 1.1.3-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:55 :: [aarch64] #5000 usbguard.git 1.1.3-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:55 :: [aarch64] #5100 vlc.git 3.0.20-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:56 :: [aarch64] #5100 vlc.git 3.0.20-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:56 :: [aarch64] #5300 fcitx5-mozc.git 2.31.5712-alt2_1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:57 :: [aarch64] #5300 fcitx5-mozc.git 2.31.5712-alt2_1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:57 :: [aarch64] #5400 grpc.git 1.70.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:59 :: [aarch64] #5400 grpc.git 1.70.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:17:59 :: [aarch64] #5500 apache-orc.git 2.1.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:17:59 :: [aarch64] #5500 apache-orc.git 2.1.0-alt2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:00 :: [aarch64] #5600 arrow.git 12.0.0-alt2.3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:01 :: [aarch64] #5600 arrow.git 12.0.0-alt2.3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:01 :: [aarch64] #5700 bear.git 3.1.5-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:01 :: [i586] #4500 qgis.git 3.40.1-alt1: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:01 :: [aarch64] #5700 bear.git 3.1.5-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:01 :: [i586] #4700 telegram-desktop.git 5.10.7-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:01 :: [aarch64] #6000 sysdig.git 0.39.0-alt3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:02 :: [aarch64] #6000 sysdig.git 0.39.0-alt3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:02 :: [aarch64] #6100 mosh.git 1.4.0-alt1.2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:02 :: [aarch64] #6100 mosh.git 1.4.0-alt1.2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:02 :: [i586] #4700 telegram-desktop.git 5.10.7-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:03 :: [aarch64] #6200 compiz.git build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:03 :: [i586] #5000 usbguard.git 1.1.3-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:03 :: [i586] #5000 usbguard.git 1.1.3-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:03 :: [aarch64] #6200 compiz.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:03 :: [i586] #5100 vlc.git 3.0.20-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:03 :: [aarch64] #6300 purple-whatsapp.git 0.9.0-alt1.5: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:03 :: [aarch64] #6300 purple-whatsapp.git 0.9.0-alt1.5: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:04 :: [aarch64] #6400 osmpbf.git 1.5.0-alt1_12jpp11: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:04 :: [aarch64] #6400 osmpbf.git 1.5.0-alt1_12jpp11: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:04 :: [aarch64] #6500 osgearth.git 3.7-alt1.1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:04 :: [i586] #5100 vlc.git 3.0.20-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:04 :: [i586] #5300 fcitx5-mozc.git 2.31.5712-alt2_1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:05 :: [i586] #5300 fcitx5-mozc.git 2.31.5712-alt2_1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:05 :: [i586] #5400 grpc.git 1.70.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:06 :: [aarch64] #6500 osgearth.git 3.7-alt1.1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:06 :: [i586] #5400 grpc.git 1.70.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:07 :: [aarch64] #6600 clementine.git build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:07 :: [i586] #5500 apache-orc.git 2.1.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:07 :: [aarch64] #6600 clementine.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:08 :: [aarch64] #6700 gz-msgs.git 11.0.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:08 :: [aarch64] #6700 gz-msgs.git 11.0.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:08 :: [aarch64] #7000 gz-fuel-tools.git 10.0.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:08 :: [aarch64] #7000 gz-fuel-tools.git 10.0.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:09 :: [aarch64] #7100 gz-transport.git 14.0.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:09 :: [aarch64] #7100 gz-transport.git 14.0.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:09 :: [aarch64] #7200 gz-sensors.git 9.0.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:20 :: [i586] #5500 apache-orc.git 2.1.0-alt2: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:20 :: [i586] #5600 arrow.git 12.0.0-alt2.3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:21 :: [i586] #5600 arrow.git 12.0.0-alt2.3: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:21 :: [i586] #5700 bear.git 3.1.5-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:21 :: [i586] #5700 bear.git 3.1.5-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:22 :: [i586] #6000 sysdig.git 0.39.0-alt3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:35 :: [i586] #6000 sysdig.git 0.39.0-alt3: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:35 :: [i586] #6100 mosh.git 1.4.0-alt1.2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:35 :: [aarch64] #7200 gz-sensors.git 9.0.0-alt2: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:35 :: [i586] #6100 mosh.git 1.4.0-alt1.2: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:35 :: [aarch64] #7300 gz-gui.git 9.0.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:36 :: [i586] #6200 compiz.git build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:36 :: [i586] #6200 compiz.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:36 :: [i586] #6300 purple-whatsapp.git 0.9.0-alt1.5: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:36 :: [i586] #6300 purple-whatsapp.git 0.9.0-alt1.5: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:37 :: [i586] #6400 osmpbf.git 1.5.0-alt1_12jpp11: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:37 :: [i586] #6400 osmpbf.git 1.5.0-alt1_12jpp11: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:37 :: [i586] #6500 osgearth.git 3.7-alt1.1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:39 :: [i586] #6500 osgearth.git 3.7-alt1.1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:39 :: [i586] #6600 clementine.git build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:39 :: [i586] #6600 clementine.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:40 :: [i586] #6700 gz-msgs.git 11.0.1-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:40 :: [i586] #6700 gz-msgs.git 11.0.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:40 :: [i586] #7000 gz-fuel-tools.git 10.0.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:40 :: [i586] #7000 gz-fuel-tools.git 10.0.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:41 :: [i586] #7100 gz-transport.git 14.0.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:41 :: [i586] #7100 gz-transport.git 14.0.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:41 :: [i586] #7200 gz-sensors.git 9.0.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:18:56 :: [i586] #7200 gz-sensors.git 9.0.0-alt2: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:18:56 :: [i586] #7300 gz-gui.git 9.0.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:19:02 :: [aarch64] #7300 gz-gui.git 9.0.0-alt2: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:19:02 :: [aarch64] #7400 gz-sim.git 9.0.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:19:11 :: [i586] #7300 gz-gui.git 9.0.0-alt2: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:19:11 :: [i586] #7400 gz-sim.git 9.0.0-alt2: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:19:26 :: [i586] #7400 gz-sim.git 9.0.0-alt2: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:19:26 :: [i586] #7440 libopenshot-audio-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:19:26 :: [i586] #7440 libopenshot-audio-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:19:27 :: [i586] #7500 libopenshot-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:19:27 :: [i586] #7500 libopenshot-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:19:27 :: [i586] #7700 LLVMSPIRVLib.git 19.1.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:19:29 :: [aarch64] #7400 gz-sim.git 9.0.0-alt2: build SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:19:29 :: [aarch64] #7440 libopenshot-audio-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:19:30 :: [aarch64] #7440 libopenshot-audio-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:19:30 :: [aarch64] #7500 libopenshot-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:19:31 :: [aarch64] #7500 libopenshot-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build swiftly SKIPPED 2025-Mar-10 10:19:31 :: [aarch64] #7700 LLVMSPIRVLib.git 19.1.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:20:04 :: [x86_64] #7700 LLVMSPIRVLib.git 19.1.0-alt1: build OK 2025-Mar-10 10:20:04 :: [x86_64] #10000 llvm-common.git 19.1.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:20:57 :: [x86_64] #10000 llvm-common.git 19.1.0-alt1: build OK 2025-Mar-10 10:20:57 :: [x86_64] #10100 android-tools.git 34.0.5-alt3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:21:37 :: [i586] #7700 LLVMSPIRVLib.git 19.1.0-alt1: build OK 2025-Mar-10 10:21:37 :: [i586] #10000 llvm-common.git 19.1.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:22:27 :: [i586] #10000 llvm-common.git 19.1.0-alt1: build OK 2025-Mar-10 10:22:27 :: [i586] #10100 android-tools.git 34.0.5-alt3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:23:30 :: [aarch64] #7700 LLVMSPIRVLib.git 19.1.0-alt1: build OK 2025-Mar-10 10:23:30 :: [aarch64] #10000 llvm-common.git 19.1.0-alt1: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:24:31 :: [aarch64] #10000 llvm-common.git 19.1.0-alt1: build OK 2025-Mar-10 10:24:31 :: [aarch64] #10100 android-tools.git 34.0.5-alt3: build start 2025-Mar-10 10:24:35 :: [x86_64] #10100 android-tools.git 34.0.5-alt3: build OK 2025-Mar-10 10:25:04 :: [i586] #10100 android-tools.git 34.0.5-alt3: build OK 2025-Mar-10 10:29:00 :: [aarch64] #10100 android-tools.git 34.0.5-alt3: build OK 2025-Mar-10 10:29:19 :: #40: libabseil-cpp.git 20250127.0-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:30:15 :: #100: protobuf.git 3.25.5-alt6: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:30:25 :: #200: CuraEngine.git 5.4.0-alt1: build check OK x86_64/srpm/MySQL-8.0.41-alt1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/libmysqlclient21-debuginfo-8.0.41-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/MySQL-server-debuginfo-8.0.41-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/MySQL-client-debuginfo-8.0.41-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/srpm/MySQL-8.0.41-alt1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/rpms/MySQL-server-debuginfo-8.0.41-alt1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/rpms/libmysqlclient21-debuginfo-8.0.41-alt1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/rpms/MySQL-client-debuginfo-8.0.41-alt1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/srpm/MySQL-8.0.41-alt1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/MySQL-server-debuginfo-8.0.41-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/MySQL-client-debuginfo-8.0.41-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/libmysqlclient21-debuginfo-8.0.41-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions 2025-Mar-10 10:31:02 :: #300: MySQL.git 8.0.41-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:31:16 :: #400: PokerTH.git 1.1.2-alt8: build check OK x86_64/srpm/ayugram-desktop-5.8.3-alt1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL x86_64/srpm/ayugram-desktop-5.8.3-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception x86_64/rpms/ayugram-desktop-5.8.3-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL x86_64/rpms/ayugram-desktop-5.8.3-alt1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception x86_64/rpms/ayugram-desktop-debuginfo-5.8.3-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL x86_64/rpms/ayugram-desktop-debuginfo-5.8.3-alt1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception i586/srpm/ayugram-desktop-5.8.3-alt1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL i586/srpm/ayugram-desktop-5.8.3-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception i586/rpms/ayugram-desktop-5.8.3-alt1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL i586/rpms/ayugram-desktop-5.8.3-alt1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception i586/rpms/ayugram-desktop-debuginfo-5.8.3-alt1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL i586/rpms/ayugram-desktop-debuginfo-5.8.3-alt1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception 2025-Mar-10 10:31:26 :: #1000: ayugram-desktop.git 5.8.3-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:31:37 :: #1300: clickhouse-cpp.git 2.4.0-alt3: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:31:50 :: #2500: kismet-0.0.2023.07.R1-alt1_4.src.rpm: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:32:06 :: #2600: libArcus.git 5.3.0-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:33:03 :: #2700: libopencv.git 4.10.0-alt2: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:33:16 :: #3100: libphonenumber-8.13.54-alt1.src.rpm: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:33:28 :: #3200: libre2.git 20240501-alt2: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:33:51 :: #3300: marble.git 24.11.90-alt2: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:34:05 :: #3400: mixxx.git 2.4.1-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:34:29 :: #3600: mumble.git 1.4.287-alt2.3: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:34:47 :: #3700: ncnn.git 20241226-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:35:07 :: #4200: percona-xtrabackup80-8.0.35-alt4.src.rpm: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:35:23 :: #4300: protobuf-c.git 1.5.0-alt1: build check OK x86_64/srpm/qgis-3.40.1-alt1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/qgis-python-3.40.1-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/qgis-3.40.1-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/qgis-grass-3.40.1-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/qgis-grass-debuginfo-3.40.1-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/qgis-devel-debuginfo-3.40.1-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/qgis-devel-3.40.1-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/qgis-python-debuginfo-3.40.1-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/qgis-debuginfo-3.40.1-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/qgis-server-3.40.1-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/qgis-server-debuginfo-3.40.1-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/srpm/qgis-3.40.1-alt1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/qgis-server-debuginfo-3.40.1-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/qgis-grass-3.40.1-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/qgis-3.40.1-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/qgis-devel-3.40.1-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/qgis-python-debuginfo-3.40.1-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/qgis-python-3.40.1-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/qgis-devel-debuginfo-3.40.1-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/qgis-debuginfo-3.40.1-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/qgis-grass-debuginfo-3.40.1-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/qgis-server-3.40.1-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions 2025-Mar-10 10:35:56 :: #4500: qgis.git 3.40.1-alt1: build check OK x86_64/srpm/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL x86_64/srpm/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception x86_64/rpms/telegram-desktop-debuginfo-5.10.7-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL x86_64/rpms/telegram-desktop-debuginfo-5.10.7-alt1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception x86_64/rpms/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL x86_64/rpms/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception i586/srpm/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL i586/srpm/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception i586/rpms/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL i586/rpms/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception i586/rpms/telegram-desktop-debuginfo-5.10.7-alt1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL i586/rpms/telegram-desktop-debuginfo-5.10.7-alt1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception aarch64/srpm/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL aarch64/srpm/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception aarch64/rpms/telegram-desktop-debuginfo-5.10.7-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL aarch64/rpms/telegram-desktop-debuginfo-5.10.7-alt1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception aarch64/rpms/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: OpenSSL aarch64/rpms/telegram-desktop-5.10.7-alt1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: exception 2025-Mar-10 10:36:08 :: #4700: telegram-desktop.git 5.10.7-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:36:35 :: #5000: usbguard.git 1.1.3-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:41:17 :: #5100: vlc.git 3.0.20-alt1: build check OK x86_64/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: ASL x86_64/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: 2.0 x86_64/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Public x86_64/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Domain x86_64/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: mecab-ipadic x86_64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: ASL x86_64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: 2.0 x86_64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Public x86_64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Domain x86_64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: mecab-ipadic x86_64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: ASL x86_64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: 2.0 x86_64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Public x86_64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Domain x86_64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.x86_64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: mecab-ipadic i586/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: ASL i586/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: 2.0 i586/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Public i586/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Domain i586/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: mecab-ipadic i586/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: ASL i586/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: 2.0 i586/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Public i586/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Domain i586/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: mecab-ipadic i586/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: ASL i586/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: 2.0 i586/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Public i586/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Domain i586/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.i586.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: mecab-ipadic aarch64/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: ASL aarch64/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: 2.0 aarch64/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Public aarch64/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Domain aarch64/srpm/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.src.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: mecab-ipadic aarch64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: ASL aarch64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: 2.0 aarch64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Public aarch64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Domain aarch64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-debuginfo-2.31.5712-alt2_1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: mecab-ipadic aarch64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: ASL aarch64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: 2.0 aarch64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Public aarch64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: Domain aarch64/rpms/fcitx5-mozc-2.31.5712-alt2_1.aarch64.rpm: license not found in '/usr/share/license' directory: mecab-ipadic 2025-Mar-10 10:41:27 :: #5300: fcitx5-mozc.git 2.31.5712-alt2_1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:42:10 :: #5400: grpc.git 1.70.1-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:42:20 :: #5500: apache-orc.git 2.1.0-alt2: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:43:56 :: #5600: arrow.git 12.0.0-alt2.3: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:44:06 :: #5700: bear.git 3.1.5-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:44:16 :: #6000: sysdig.git 0.39.0-alt3: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:44:26 :: #6100: mosh.git 1.4.0-alt1.2: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:44:45 :: #6200: compiz.git build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:44:54 :: #6300: purple-whatsapp.git 0.9.0-alt1.5: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:45:11 :: #6400: osmpbf.git 1.5.0-alt1_12jpp11: build check OK x86_64/srpm/osgearth-3.7-alt1.1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/osgearth-data-3.7-alt1.1.noarch.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/libosgearth-devel-3.7-alt1.1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/osgearth-examples-3.7-alt1.1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/osgearth-examples-debuginfo-3.7-alt1.1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/libosgearth-3.7-alt1.1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions x86_64/rpms/libosgearth-debuginfo-3.7-alt1.1.x86_64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/srpm/osgearth-3.7-alt1.1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/rpms/libosgearth-debuginfo-3.7-alt1.1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/rpms/libosgearth-devel-3.7-alt1.1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/rpms/osgearth-examples-debuginfo-3.7-alt1.1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/rpms/libosgearth-3.7-alt1.1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/rpms/osgearth-data-3.7-alt1.1.noarch.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions i586/rpms/osgearth-examples-3.7-alt1.1.i586.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/srpm/osgearth-3.7-alt1.1.src.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/osgearth-examples-debuginfo-3.7-alt1.1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/libosgearth-devel-3.7-alt1.1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/osgearth-data-3.7-alt1.1.noarch.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/osgearth-examples-3.7-alt1.1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/libosgearth-3.7-alt1.1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions aarch64/rpms/libosgearth-debuginfo-3.7-alt1.1.aarch64.rpm: exception not found in '/usr/share/license-exception' directory: exceptions 2025-Mar-10 10:45:34 :: #6500: osgearth.git 3.7-alt1.1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:46:10 :: #6600: clementine.git build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:46:21 :: #6700: gz-msgs.git 11.0.1-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:46:33 :: #7000: gz-fuel-tools.git 10.0.0-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:46:44 :: #7100: gz-transport.git 14.0.0-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:46:51 :: #7200: gz-sensors.git 9.0.0-alt2: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:46:57 :: #7300: gz-gui.git 9.0.0-alt2: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:47:05 :: #7400: gz-sim.git 9.0.0-alt2: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:47:17 :: #7440: libopenshot-audio-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:47:34 :: #7500: libopenshot-0.4.0-alt1.src.rpm: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:47:50 :: #7700: LLVMSPIRVLib.git 19.1.0-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:48:37 :: #10000: llvm-common.git 19.1.0-alt1: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:48:48 :: #10100: android-tools.git 34.0.5-alt3: build check OK 2025-Mar-10 10:48:51 :: build check OK --- libopencv-examples-4.10.0-alt2.x86_64.rpm.share 2025-03-10 10:52:55.802397862 +0000 +++ libopencv-examples-4.10.0-alt2.aarch64.rpm.share 2025-03-10 10:52:57.867418684 +0000 @@ -461,5 +461,3 @@ /usr/share/OpenCV/samples/opencl/CMakeLists.txt 100644 ASCII text -/usr/share/OpenCV/samples/opencl/ 100644 ASCII C program text /usr/share/OpenCV/samples/opencl/opencl-opencv-interop.cpp 100644 ASCII C program text -/usr/share/OpenCV/samples/opencl/va_intel_interop.cpp 100644 ASCII C program text /usr/share/OpenCV/samples/optflow 40755 directory warning (#2700): non-identical /usr/share part --- libopencv-examples-4.10.0-alt2.i586.rpm.share 2025-03-10 10:53:12.724568485 +0000 +++ libopencv-examples-4.10.0-alt2.aarch64.rpm.share 2025-03-10 10:53:12.726568505 +0000 @@ -461,5 +461,3 @@ /usr/share/OpenCV/samples/opencl/CMakeLists.txt 100644 ASCII text -/usr/share/OpenCV/samples/opencl/ 100644 ASCII C program text /usr/share/OpenCV/samples/opencl/opencl-opencv-interop.cpp 100644 ASCII C program text -/usr/share/OpenCV/samples/opencl/va_intel_interop.cpp 100644 ASCII C program text /usr/share/OpenCV/samples/optflow 40755 directory warning (#2700): non-identical /usr/share part warning (#2700): libopencv-examples-4.10.0-alt2.x86_64.rpm should be .noarch.rpm warning (#5100): vlc-plugin-globalhotkeys-3.0.20-alt1.x86_64.rpm should be .noarch.rpm --- arrow-devel-12.0.0-alt2.3.x86_64.rpm.share 2025-03-10 11:00:27.155000863 +0000 +++ arrow-devel-12.0.0-alt2.3.i586.rpm.share 2025-03-10 11:00:27.353002884 +0000 @@ -5,2 +5,2 @@ /usr/share/doc/arrow-devel-12.0.0/ 100644 exported SGML document text -/usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib64/ 100644 ASCII English text +/usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib/ 100644 ASCII English text warning (#5600): non-identical /usr/share part --- arrow-glib-doc-12.0.0-alt2.3.x86_64.rpm.share 2025-03-10 11:00:27.429003660 +0000 +++ arrow-glib-doc-12.0.0-alt2.3.i586.rpm.share 2025-03-10 11:00:27.498004364 +0000 @@ -92,3 +92,2 @@ /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/arrow-glib/object-tree.html 100644 HTML document text -/usr/share/gtk-doc/html/arrow-glib/orc-file-reader.html 100644 HTML document text /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/arrow-glib/output-stream-classes.html 100644 HTML document text warning (#5600): non-identical /usr/share part --- arrow-devel-12.0.0-alt2.3.i586.rpm.share 2025-03-10 11:01:07.028407878 +0000 +++ arrow-devel-12.0.0-alt2.3.aarch64.rpm.share 2025-03-10 11:01:07.030407899 +0000 @@ -5,2 +5,2 @@ /usr/share/doc/arrow-devel-12.0.0/ 100644 exported SGML document text -/usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib/ 100644 ASCII English text +/usr/share/gdb/auto-load/usr/lib64/ 100644 ASCII English text warning (#5600): non-identical /usr/share part --- arrow-glib-doc-12.0.0-alt2.3.i586.rpm.share 2025-03-10 11:01:07.035407950 +0000 +++ arrow-glib-doc-12.0.0-alt2.3.aarch64.rpm.share 2025-03-10 11:01:07.037407970 +0000 @@ -92,2 +92,3 @@ /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/arrow-glib/object-tree.html 100644 HTML document text +/usr/share/gtk-doc/html/arrow-glib/orc-file-reader.html 100644 HTML document text /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/arrow-glib/output-stream-classes.html 100644 HTML document text warning (#5600): non-identical /usr/share part warning (#5600): arrow-glib-doc-12.0.0-alt2.3.x86_64.rpm should be .noarch.rpm warning (#10000): lld-devel-19.1.0-alt1.x86_64.rpm should be .noarch.rpm warning (#10000): llvm-devel-static-19.1.0-alt1.x86_64.rpm should be .noarch.rpm 2025-Mar-10 11:04:07 :: noarch check OK 2025-Mar-10 11:04:10 :: plan: src +45 -45 =19574, aarch64 +315 -315 =33976, i586 +299 -299 =33127, noarch +36 -36 =20460, x86_64 +327 -327 =34752 #7700 LLVMSPIRVLib 18.1.0-alt1.g1745c78f -> 19.1.0-alt1 Mon Oct 07 2024 L.A. Kostis <> 19.1.0-alt1 - Rebased to 19.1.0. - Use llvm19.1. Wed Sep 04 2024 L.A. Kostis <> 18.1.4-alt1 - Rebased to 18.1.4. Thu Aug 08 2024 L.A. Kostis <> 18.1.3-alt1 - Rebased to v18.1.3. #10100 android-tools 34.0.4-alt4 -> 34.0.5-alt3 Mon Mar 03 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 34.0.5-alt3 - NMU: Fixed build with libprotobuf25. Sat Mar 01 2025 Pavel Nakonechnyi <zorg@altlinux> 34.0.5-alt2 - Build with Clang 19.1, this also fixes boringssl build failure Wed Nov 13 2024 Ivan A. Melnikov <iv@altlinux> 34.0.5-alt1.1 - NMU: add basic riscv64 support Sun Nov 03 2024 Pavel Nakonechnyi <zorg@altlinux> 34.0.5-alt1 - Platform 34.0.5 (no changes in modeules we package) - Some patches from Debian #5500 apache-orc 1.9.1-alt1 -> 2.1.0-alt2 Tue Mar 04 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 2.1.0-alt2 - Fix building of ppc64le. Fri Feb 28 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 2.1.0-alt1 - New version 2.1.0. #5700 bear 3.1.3-alt1 -> 3.1.5-alt1 Sat Oct 19 2024 Nazarov Denis <nenderus@altlinux> 3.1.5-alt1 - New version #6600 clementine 1.4.0-alt6.git7b678f26e -> Fri Feb 14 2025 Andrew A. Vasilyev <andy@altlinux> - Update upstream source to 1.4.1-32-g2e6af22d7 #6200 compiz -> Tue Mar 04 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> - NMU: Switch to C++17 for new Protobuf and Abseil. #5300 fcitx5-mozc 2.17.2102.102.1-alt2_20.1 -> 2.31.5712-alt2_1 Thu Feb 20 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 2.31.5712-alt2_1 - NMU: Build with external libabseil-cpp. Thu Feb 20 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 2.31.5712-alt1_1 - NMU: Updated to version 2.31.5712. #5400 grpc 1.53.0-alt1 -> 1.70.1-alt1 Fri Feb 21 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 1.70.1-alt1 - NMU: Update to v1.70.1. - NMU: Install third-party libraries to /usr/lib64/grpc. #7300 gz-gui 9.0.0-alt1 -> 9.0.0-alt2 Wed Jan 15 2025 Michael Shigorin <mike@altlinux> 9.0.0-alt2 - E2K: builds fine. - Minor spec cleanup. #7200 gz-sensors 9.0.0-alt1 -> 9.0.0-alt2 Wed Jan 15 2025 Michael Shigorin <mike@altlinux> 9.0.0-alt2 - E2K: builds fine. - Minor spec cleanup. #7400 gz-sim 9.0.0-alt1 -> 9.0.0-alt2 Wed Jan 15 2025 Michael Shigorin <mike@altlinux> 9.0.0-alt2 - E2K: builds fine. - Minor spec cleanup. #40 libabseil-cpp 20230125.3-alt3 -> 20250127.0-alt1 Tue Feb 18 2025 Anton Farygin <> 20250127.0-alt1 - 20240722.0 -> 20250127.0 Fri Aug 30 2024 Anton Farygin <> 20240722.0-alt1 - update to LTS 20240722.0 - package with libraries renamed according shared libs policy #7500 libopenshot 0.3.3-alt1 -> 0.4.0-alt1 Mon Dec 23 2024 Yuri N. Sedunov <aris@altlinux> 0.4.0-alt1 - 0.4.0 #7440 libopenshot-audio 0.3.3-alt1 -> 0.4.0-alt1 Mon Dec 23 2024 Yuri N. Sedunov <aris@altlinux> 0.4.0-alt1 - 0.4.0 #10000 llvm-common 18.1.0-alt2 -> 19.1.0-alt1 Sat Dec 21 2024 L.A. Kostis <> 19.1.0-alt1 - Bump llvm_version to 19.1. #6100 mosh 1.4.0-alt1 -> 1.4.0-alt1.2 Tue Mar 04 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 1.4.0-alt1.2 - NMU: Switch to C++17 for new Protobuf and Abseil. Sun Jul 21 2024 Ivan A. Melnikov <iv@altlinux> 1.4.0-alt1.1 - Add BR: perl-diagnostics (fixes FTBFS). #6500 osgearth 3.5-alt2 -> 3.7-alt1.1 Tue Mar 04 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 3.7-alt1.1 - Switch to C++17 for new Protobuf and Abseil. Sat Oct 05 2024 Andrey Cherepanov <cas@altlinux> 3.7-alt1 - New version. Thu Jul 25 2024 Andrey Cherepanov <cas@altlinux> 3.6.1-alt1 - New version. Sun Jul 21 2024 Andrey Cherepanov <cas@altlinux> 3.6-alt1 - New version. #6400 osmpbf 1.5.0-alt1_11jpp11 -> 1.5.0-alt1_12jpp11 Tue Mar 04 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 1.5.0-alt1_12jpp11 - NMU: Switch to C++17 for new Protobuf and Abseil. #100 protobuf 3.21.12-alt4 -> 3.25.5-alt6 Wed Feb 26 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 3.25.5-alt6 - Compile and provide utf8_range as a part of and Tue Feb 25 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 3.25.5-alt5 - Fix: Make libprotobuf-devel libprotobuf-lite-devel. Thu Feb 13 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 3.25.5-alt4 - Make libprotobuf-devel require libprotobuf25-lite and the protoc compiler (due to references in protobuf-targets-noconfig.cmake). Tue Feb 11 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 3.25.5-alt3 - Make and be an LD script [...] #6300 purple-whatsapp 0.9.0-alt1.3 -> 0.9.0-alt1.5 Tue Mar 04 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 0.9.0-alt1.5 - NMU: Switch to C++17 for new Protobuf and Abseil. Tue Nov 05 2024 Artyom Bystrov <arbars@altlinux> 0.9.0-alt1.4 - Fix build on GCC14 #6000 sysdig 0.39.0-alt2 -> 0.39.0-alt3 Thu Feb 27 2025 Paul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux> 0.39.0-alt3 - NMU: Turn on --as-needed linking. 2025-Mar-10 11:04:11 :: protobuf: fixes vulnerabilities: CVE-2024-7254 2025-Mar-10 11:05:37 :: patched apt indices 2025-Mar-10 11:05:47 :: created next repo 2025-Mar-10 11:05:58 :: duplicate provides check OK x86_64: NEW unmet dependencies detected: chatty#0.8.5-alt1.1:p11+372203.20200.14.2@1739290237 >= set:nkjXxpOKvdUoKzU39L4I1 evolution-data-server#3.54.3-alt1:p11+372203.6700.14.2@1739282052 >= set:nj7kFCjcttLMAyG58YI0I0qGyVuLjZiJ3 libkpim6itinerary6#24.12.2-alt1:p11+374605.700.3.1@1741069773 >= set:nk7k9dDogqTqAGOIZKvFZ0 i586: NEW unmet dependencies detected: chatty#0.8.5-alt1.1:p11+372203.20200.14.2@1739292303 >= set:nkjXxpOKvdUoKzU39L4I1 evolution-data-server#3.54.3-alt1:p11+372203.6700.14.2@1739283091 >= set:nj7kFCjcttLMAyG58YI0I0qGyVuLjZiJ3 libkpim6itinerary6#24.12.2-alt1:p11+374605.700.3.1@1741069795 >= set:nk7k9dDogqTqAGOIZKvFZ0 aarch64: NEW unmet dependencies detected: chatty#0.8.5-alt1.1:p11+372203.20200.14.2@1739302963 >= set:nkjXxpOKvdUoKzU39L4I1 evolution-data-server#3.54.3-alt1:p11+372203.6700.14.2@1739288117 >= set:nj7kFCjcttLMAyG58YI0I0qGyVuLjZiJ3 libkpim6itinerary6#24.12.2-alt1:p11+374605.700.3.1@1741070369 >= set:nk7k9dDogqTqAGOIZKvFZ0 ACLs of affected packages (3): chatty evolution-data-server kitinerary 2025-Mar-10 11:06:42 :: unmets: x86_64 +3 -0 =3, i586 +3 -0 =3, aarch64 +3 -0 =6 2025-Mar-10 11:06:42 :: dependencies check FAILED 2025-Mar-10 11:06:43 :: task #377171 for p11 FAILED
next prev parent reply other threads:[~2025-03-10 11:06 UTC|newest] Thread overview: 13+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top 2025-03-07 10:53 [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED protobuf.git=3.25.5-alt6 Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-07 11:38 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 2) libabseil-cpp.git=20250127.0-alt1 protobuf.git=3.25.5-alt6 Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-07 12:20 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 3) " Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-07 12:51 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 4) " Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-07 12:54 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 5) " Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-07 13:28 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 6) " Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-07 15:18 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 7) " Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-07 17:22 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 8) " Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-08 9:32 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 9) " Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-10 9:54 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 10) " Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-10 11:06 ` Girar awaiter (admsasha) [this message] 2025-03-10 12:21 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 12) " Girar awaiter (admsasha) 2025-03-10 12:24 ` [#377171] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 13) " Girar awaiter (admsasha)
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