From: "Girar awaiter (thatman)" <> To: Alexander Burmatov <> Cc:,, Subject: [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 10) opennebula.git= ... Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 00:05:05 +0000 Message-ID: <> (raw) In-Reply-To: <> subtask name aarch64 i586 x86_64 #760 gem-faraday-rack 45 30 30 #770 gem-highline 42 25 26 #774 gem-pusher-client ? 30 30 #1000 gem-travis ? 36 40 #1100 gem-ipaddress ? failed failed 2024-Nov-23 00:00:23 :: test-only task #363172 for p11 resumed by thatman: #100 build from /people/thatman/packages/opennebula.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 11:45:34 #200 build 2021.12.29-alt1 from /people/thatman/packages/python3-module-pytest-helpers-namespace.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 14:56:05 #300 build 0.8.2-alt1 from /people/thatman/packages/python3-module-alt-pytest-asyncio.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 15:23:51 #400 build 2.4.9-alt1 from /people/thatman/packages/python3-module-nose-of-yeti.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 15:24:13 #500 build 1.7.6-alt1 from /people/thatman/packages/python3-module-dict2xml.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 15:25:24 #600 build 3.8.0-alt1 from /people/thatman/packages/gem-rbvmomi2.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 15:37:13 #700 removed #720 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-faraday-typhoeus.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 23:47:15 from sisyphus #740 build 0.21.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-gh.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 23:43:39 from sisyphus #760 build 2.0.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-faraday-rack.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 23:51:43 from sisyphus #770 build 3.1.1-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-highline.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 23:55:30 from sisyphus #774 build 0.6.2-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-pusher-client.git fetched at 2024-Nov-23 00:00:17 from sisyphus #1000 build 1.14.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-travis.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 23:38:17 from sisyphus #1100 build from /gears/g/gem-ipaddress.git fetched at 2024-Nov-22 23:38:59 from sisyphus 2024-Nov-23 00:00:23 :: created build repo 2024-Nov-23 00:00:24 :: #760: force rebuild 2024-Nov-23 00:00:24 :: #770: force rebuild 2024-Nov-23 00:00:25 :: [x86_64] #100 opennebula.git build start 2024-Nov-23 00:00:25 :: [i586] #100 opennebula.git build start 2024-Nov-23 00:00:25 :: [aarch64] #100 opennebula.git build start 2024-Nov-23 00:00:43 :: [x86_64] #100 opennebula.git build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:00:43 :: [i586] #100 opennebula.git build SKIPPED 2024-Nov-23 00:00:43 :: [x86_64] #200 python3-module-pytest-helpers-namespace.git 2021.12.29-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:00:43 :: [i586] #200 python3-module-pytest-helpers-namespace.git 2021.12.29-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:00:55 :: [aarch64] #100 opennebula.git build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:00:55 :: [aarch64] #200 python3-module-pytest-helpers-namespace.git 2021.12.29-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:00:56 :: [i586] #200 python3-module-pytest-helpers-namespace.git 2021.12.29-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:00:57 :: [x86_64] #200 python3-module-pytest-helpers-namespace.git 2021.12.29-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:00:57 :: [i586] #300 python3-module-alt-pytest-asyncio.git 0.8.2-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:00:57 :: [x86_64] #300 python3-module-alt-pytest-asyncio.git 0.8.2-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:01:10 :: [i586] #300 python3-module-alt-pytest-asyncio.git 0.8.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:01:10 :: [i586] #400 python3-module-nose-of-yeti.git 2.4.9-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:01:11 :: [x86_64] #300 python3-module-alt-pytest-asyncio.git 0.8.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:01:11 :: [x86_64] #400 python3-module-nose-of-yeti.git 2.4.9-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:01:18 :: [aarch64] #200 python3-module-pytest-helpers-namespace.git 2021.12.29-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:01:18 :: [aarch64] #300 python3-module-alt-pytest-asyncio.git 0.8.2-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:01:24 :: [i586] #400 python3-module-nose-of-yeti.git 2.4.9-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:01:25 :: [i586] #500 python3-module-dict2xml.git 1.7.6-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:01:26 :: [x86_64] #400 python3-module-nose-of-yeti.git 2.4.9-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:01:27 :: [x86_64] #500 python3-module-dict2xml.git 1.7.6-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:01:40 :: [i586] #500 python3-module-dict2xml.git 1.7.6-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:01:40 :: [i586] #600 gem-rbvmomi2.git 3.8.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:01:41 :: [aarch64] #300 python3-module-alt-pytest-asyncio.git 0.8.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:01:41 :: [aarch64] #400 python3-module-nose-of-yeti.git 2.4.9-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:01:42 :: [x86_64] #500 python3-module-dict2xml.git 1.7.6-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:01:42 :: [x86_64] #600 gem-rbvmomi2.git 3.8.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:01:53 :: [i586] #600 gem-rbvmomi2.git 3.8.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:01:53 :: [i586] #720 gem-faraday-typhoeus.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:01:56 :: [x86_64] #600 gem-rbvmomi2.git 3.8.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:01:56 :: [x86_64] #720 gem-faraday-typhoeus.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:02:05 :: [aarch64] #400 python3-module-nose-of-yeti.git 2.4.9-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:02:05 :: [aarch64] #500 python3-module-dict2xml.git 1.7.6-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:02:06 :: [i586] #720 gem-faraday-typhoeus.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:02:06 :: [i586] #740 gem-gh.git 0.21.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:02:10 :: [x86_64] #720 gem-faraday-typhoeus.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:02:10 :: [x86_64] #740 gem-gh.git 0.21.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:02:19 :: [i586] #740 gem-gh.git 0.21.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:02:19 :: [i586] #760 gem-faraday-rack.git 2.0.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:02:23 :: [x86_64] #740 gem-gh.git 0.21.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:02:24 :: [x86_64] #760 gem-faraday-rack.git 2.0.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:02:28 :: [aarch64] #500 python3-module-dict2xml.git 1.7.6-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:02:28 :: [aarch64] #600 gem-rbvmomi2.git 3.8.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:02:49 :: [i586] #760 gem-faraday-rack.git 2.0.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Nov-23 00:02:49 :: [i586] #770 gem-highline.git 3.1.1-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:02:51 :: [aarch64] #600 gem-rbvmomi2.git 3.8.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:02:52 :: [aarch64] #720 gem-faraday-typhoeus.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:02:54 :: [x86_64] #760 gem-faraday-rack.git 2.0.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Nov-23 00:02:54 :: [x86_64] #770 gem-highline.git 3.1.1-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:03:14 :: [i586] #770 gem-highline.git 3.1.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Nov-23 00:03:14 :: [i586] #774 gem-pusher-client.git 0.6.2-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:03:15 :: [aarch64] #720 gem-faraday-typhoeus.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:03:15 :: [aarch64] #740 gem-gh.git 0.21.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:03:20 :: [x86_64] #770 gem-highline.git 3.1.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Nov-23 00:03:20 :: [x86_64] #774 gem-pusher-client.git 0.6.2-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:03:38 :: [aarch64] #740 gem-gh.git 0.21.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2024-Nov-23 00:03:38 :: [aarch64] #760 gem-faraday-rack.git 2.0.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:03:44 :: [i586] #774 gem-pusher-client.git 0.6.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Nov-23 00:03:44 :: [i586] #1000 gem-travis.git 1.14.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:03:50 :: [x86_64] #774 gem-pusher-client.git 0.6.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Nov-23 00:03:50 :: [x86_64] #1000 gem-travis.git 1.14.0-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:04:20 :: [i586] #1000 gem-travis.git 1.14.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Nov-23 00:04:20 :: [i586] #1100 gem-ipaddress.git build start 2024-Nov-23 00:04:23 :: [aarch64] #760 gem-faraday-rack.git 2.0.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Nov-23 00:04:23 :: [aarch64] #770 gem-highline.git 3.1.1-alt1: build start 2024-Nov-23 00:04:30 :: [x86_64] #1000 gem-travis.git 1.14.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Nov-23 00:04:30 :: [x86_64] #1100 gem-ipaddress.git build start [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: libruby-3.1.4-alt4.4 sisyphus+344821.44.45.2 1715887288 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: libruby-devel-3.1.4-alt4.4 sisyphus+344821.44.45.2 1715887288 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: rpm-macros-ruby-1:3.1.4-alt4.4 sisyphus+344821.44.45.2 1715887288 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: libyaml2-0.2.5-alt1 sisyphus+278391.100.1.1 1626094932 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: libncurses6-6.3.20220618-alt4 sisyphus+327286.4600.14.1 1711486782 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: chrpath-0.16-alt1 sisyphus+346101.200.3.1 1716459476 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: setup-rb-5.999.6-alt10 sisyphus+342746.62.8.1 1710630324 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: gem-setup-5.999.6-alt10 sisyphus+342746.62.8.1 1710630324 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: libp11-kit-1:0.25.5-alt1 p11+352554.100.2.1 1721826049 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: libtasn1-4.19.0-alt3 sisyphus+327816.100.1.1 1692802618 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: rpm-macros-alternatives-0.5.2-alt2 sisyphus+315270.200.2.1 1676457367 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: alternatives-0.5.2-alt2 sisyphus+315270.200.2.1 1676457367 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: ca-certificates-2024.07.01-alt1 p11+357171.700.10.1 1729161389 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: ca-trust-0.2.0-alt1 sisyphus+344843.100.1.1 1712743326 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: p11-kit-trust-1:0.25.5-alt1 p11+352554.100.2.1 1721826049 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: libcrypto3-3.1.7-alt2 p11+359805.200.8.1 1729405612 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: libssl3-3.1.7-alt2 p11+359805.200.8.1 1729405612 installed [i586] <86>Nov 23 00:04:34 groupadd[586885]: group added to /etc/group: name=ruby, GID=999 [i586] <86>Nov 23 00:04:34 groupadd[586885]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=ruby [i586] <86>Nov 23 00:04:34 groupadd[586885]: new group: name=ruby, GID=999 [i586] <86>Nov 23 00:04:34 usermod[586896]: add 'root' to group 'ruby' [i586] <86>Nov 23 00:04:34 usermod[586896]: add 'root' to shadow group 'ruby' [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: ruby-3.1.4-alt4.4 sisyphus+344821.44.45.2 1715887288 installed [i586] NOTE: to make the environment variable changes come into effect, please relogin the terminal session [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: ruby-stdlibs-3.1.4-alt4.4 sisyphus+344821.44.45.2 1715887288 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: gem-rake-13.1.0-alt1.1 sisyphus+343176.100.1.1 1710938591 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: rake-13.1.0-alt1.1 sisyphus+343176.100.1.1 1710938591 installed [i586] <13>Nov 23 00:04:34 rpmi: rpm-build-ruby-1:1.1.1-alt1 sisyphus+334339.50.37.1 1702423926 installed [i586] Reading Package Lists... [i586] Building Dependency Tree... [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-pry [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(coderay) >= 1.1 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-coderay 1.1.3-alt1.1:sisyphus+296703.240.105.2@1663320161 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-coderay 1.1.3-alt1.1:sisyphus+296703.240.105.2@1663320161 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-coderay (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-coderay [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(method_source) >= 1.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-method-source 1.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+277150.100.1.1@1625406396 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-method-source 1.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+277150.100.1.1@1625406396 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-method-source (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-method-source [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-travis [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday-rack) >= 2 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-faraday-rack 2.0.0-alt1:p11+363172.760.10.1@1732320167 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-faraday-rack 2.0.0-alt1:p11+363172.760.10.1@1732320167 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-faraday-rack (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-faraday-rack [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday) >= 2.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-faraday 2.6.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.21040.43.1@1666815691 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-faraday 2.6.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.21040.43.1@1666815691 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-faraday (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-faraday [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday-net_http) >= 2.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-faraday-net-http 3.0.1-alt1:sisyphus+296741.22600.43.1@1666816006 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-faraday-net-http 3.0.1-alt1:sisyphus+296741.22600.43.1@1666816006 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-faraday-net-http (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-faraday-net-http [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(highline) >= 2.1.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-highline 1:3.1.1-alt1:p11+363172.770.10.1@1732320192 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-highline 1:3.1.1-alt1:p11+363172.770.10.1@1732320192 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-highline (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-highline [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(json_pure) >= 2.6.3 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-json-pure 2.6.3-alt1:sisyphus+313736.13100.47.3@1677072349 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-json-pure 2.6.3-alt1:sisyphus+313736.13100.47.3@1677072349 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-json-pure (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-json-pure [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(launchy) >= 2.5.2 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-launchy 2.5.2-alt1:sisyphus+313736.2500.47.3@1677071077 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-launchy 2.5.2-alt1:sisyphus+313736.2500.47.3@1677071077 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-launchy (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-launchy [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(addressable) >= 2.8 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-addressable 2.8.1-alt1:sisyphus+316463.1200.5.1@1678467969 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-addressable 2.8.1-alt1:sisyphus+316463.1200.5.1@1678467969 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-addressable (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-addressable [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(public_suffix) >= 2.0.2 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-public-suffix 4.0.6-alt1:sisyphus+276204.23600.14.1@1630429629 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-public-suffix 4.0.6-alt1:sisyphus+276204.23600.14.1@1630429629 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-public-suffix (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-public-suffix [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(pusher-client) >= 0.6.2 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-pusher-client 0.6.2-alt1:p11+363172.774.10.1@1732320222 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-pusher-client 0.6.2-alt1:p11+363172.774.10.1@1732320222 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-pusher-client (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-pusher-client [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(websocket) >= 1.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-websocket 1.2.10-alt1:sisyphus+334339.3400.37.1@1702424602 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-websocket 1.2.10-alt1:sisyphus+334339.3400.37.1@1702424602 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-websocket (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-websocket [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(rack-test) >= 1.1.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-rack-test 2.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+313736.17200.47.3@1677072956 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-rack-test 2.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+313736.17200.47.3@1677072956 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-rack-test (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-rack-test [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(rack) >= 1.3 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-rack 1:3.0.10-alt2:sisyphus+344821.2610.45.2@1715887953 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-rack 1:3.0.10-alt2:sisyphus+344821.2610.45.2@1715887953 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-rack (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-rack [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday) >= 2.7.2 [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(gh) >= 0.21.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-gh 0.21.0-alt1:p11+363172.740.9.1@1732319865 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-gh 0.21.0-alt1:p11+363172.740.9.1@1732319865 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-gh (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-gh [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(activesupport) >= [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-activesupport [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-activesupport [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-activesupport (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-activesupport [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(i18n) >= 1.6 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-i18n 1.10.0-alt1:sisyphus+296637.23500.56.4@1654668065 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-i18n 1.10.0-alt1:sisyphus+296637.23500.56.4@1654668065 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-i18n (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-i18n [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(concurrent-ruby) >= 1.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-concurrent-ruby 1.2.3-alt1:sisyphus+340909.200.2.1@1709225626 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-concurrent-ruby 1.2.3-alt1:sisyphus+340909.200.2.1@1709225626 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-concurrent-ruby (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-concurrent-ruby [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(tzinfo) >= 2.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-tzinfo 2.0.4-alt1:sisyphus+263530.340.88.5@1629542455 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-tzinfo 2.0.4-alt1:sisyphus+263530.340.88.5@1629542455 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-tzinfo (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-tzinfo [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(zeitwerk) >= 2.3 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-zeitwerk 2.6.1-alt1:sisyphus+296741.17500.43.1@1666815437 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-zeitwerk 2.6.1-alt1:sisyphus+296741.17500.43.1@1666815437 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-zeitwerk (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-zeitwerk [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday-retry) >= 0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-faraday-retry 2.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+313736.6500.47.3@1677071626 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-faraday-retry 2.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+313736.6500.47.3@1677071626 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-faraday-retry (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-faraday-retry [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday-typhoeus) >= 0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-faraday-typhoeus 1.1.0-alt1:p11+363172.720.7.1@1732319374 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-faraday-typhoeus 1.1.0-alt1:p11+363172.720.7.1@1732319374 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-faraday-typhoeus (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-faraday-typhoeus [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(typhoeus) >= 1.4 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-typhoeus 1.4.0-alt1:sisyphus+263530.37200.88.5@1629561022 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-typhoeus 1.4.0-alt1:sisyphus+263530.37200.88.5@1629561022 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-typhoeus (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-typhoeus [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(ethon) >= 0.9.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-ethon 0.14.0-alt1:sisyphus+263530.37100.88.5@1629560981 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-ethon 0.14.0-alt1:sisyphus+263530.37100.88.5@1629560981 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-ethon (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-ethon [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(ffi) >= 1.15.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-ffi 1.17.0-alt2:p11+356670.100.3.1@1728295741 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-ffi 1.17.0-alt2:p11+356670.100.3.1@1728295741 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-ffi (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-ffi [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(multi_json) >= 1 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-multi-json 1.15.0-alt1:sisyphus+258085.1500.4.1@1600238680 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-multi-json 1.15.0-alt1:sisyphus+258085.1500.4.1@1600238680 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-multi-json (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-multi-json [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(net-http-persistent) >= 4 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-net-http-persistent 4.0.1-alt1:sisyphus+296703.226.105.2@1663320100 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-net-http-persistent 4.0.1-alt1:sisyphus+296703.226.105.2@1663320100 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-net-http-persistent (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-net-http-persistent [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(connection_pool) >= 2.2 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-connection-pool 2.2.5-alt1:sisyphus+276204.20500.14.1@1630428836 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-connection-pool 2.2.5-alt1:sisyphus+276204.20500.14.1@1630428836 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-connection-pool (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-connection-pool [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(net-http-pipeline) >= 0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-net-http-pipeline 1.0.1-alt2.1:sisyphus+252259.200.1.1@1590505450 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-net-http-pipeline 1.0.1-alt2.1:sisyphus+252259.200.1.1@1590505450 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-net-http-pipeline (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-net-http-pipeline [i586] rpm-build-ruby is already the newest version. [i586] Version ruby-stdlibs#3.1.4-alt4.4:sisyphus+344821.44.45.2@1715887288 for gem(bundler)>=1.0 is already installed [i586] ruby-stdlibs is already the newest version. [i586] Version gem-rake#13.1.0-alt1.1:sisyphus+343176.100.1.1@1710938591 for gem(rake)>=10.5.0 is already installed [i586] gem-rake is already the newest version. [i586] Selected version gem-minitest#5.18.1-alt1:sisyphus+323401.1400.2.1@1687352748 for gem(minitest)>=5.8 [i586] Selected version gem-pry# for gem(pry)>=0.10.1 [i586] Selected version gem-travis#1.14.0-alt1:p11+363172.1000.10.1@1732320257 for gem(travis)>=1.8.2 [i586] E: Version >='2.0.1' for 'gem(jeweler)' was not found [i586] hsh-install: Failed to calculate package file list. [i586] hsh-install: Failed to generate package file list. 2024-Nov-23 00:04:36 :: [i586] gem-ipaddress.git remote: cannot build src.rpm 2024-Nov-23 00:04:36 :: [i586] #1100 gem-ipaddress.git build FAILED 2024-Nov-23 00:04:36 :: [i586] requesting cancellation of task processing [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: libruby-3.1.4-alt4.4 sisyphus+344821.44.45.2 1715887248 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: libruby-devel-3.1.4-alt4.4 sisyphus+344821.44.45.2 1715887248 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: rpm-macros-ruby-1:3.1.4-alt4.4 sisyphus+344821.44.45.2 1715887248 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: libyaml2-0.2.5-alt1 sisyphus+278391.100.1.1 1626094928 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: libncurses6-6.3.20220618-alt4 sisyphus+327286.4600.14.1 1711486705 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: chrpath-0.16-alt1 sisyphus+346101.200.3.1 1716459476 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: setup-rb-5.999.6-alt10 sisyphus+342746.62.8.1 1710630324 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: gem-setup-5.999.6-alt10 sisyphus+342746.62.8.1 1710630324 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: libp11-kit-1:0.25.5-alt1 p11+352554.100.2.1 1721826035 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: libtasn1-4.19.0-alt3 sisyphus+327816.100.1.1 1692802615 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: rpm-macros-alternatives-0.5.2-alt2 sisyphus+315270.200.2.1 1676457367 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: alternatives-0.5.2-alt2 sisyphus+315270.200.2.1 1676457367 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: ca-certificates-2024.07.01-alt1 p11+357171.700.10.1 1729161389 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: ca-trust-0.2.0-alt1 sisyphus+344843.100.1.1 1712743326 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: p11-kit-trust-1:0.25.5-alt1 p11+352554.100.2.1 1721826035 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: libcrypto3-3.1.7-alt2 p11+359805.200.8.1 1729405356 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: libssl3-3.1.7-alt2 p11+359805.200.8.1 1729405356 installed [x86_64] <86>Nov 23 00:04:45 groupadd[1143341]: group added to /etc/group: name=ruby, GID=999 [x86_64] <86>Nov 23 00:04:45 groupadd[1143341]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=ruby [x86_64] <86>Nov 23 00:04:45 groupadd[1143341]: new group: name=ruby, GID=999 [x86_64] <86>Nov 23 00:04:45 usermod[1143358]: add 'root' to group 'ruby' [x86_64] <86>Nov 23 00:04:45 usermod[1143358]: add 'root' to shadow group 'ruby' [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:45 rpmi: ruby-3.1.4-alt4.4 sisyphus+344821.44.45.2 1715887248 installed [x86_64] NOTE: to make the environment variable changes come into effect, please relogin the terminal session [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:46 rpmi: ruby-stdlibs-3.1.4-alt4.4 sisyphus+344821.44.45.2 1715887248 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:46 rpmi: gem-rake-13.1.0-alt1.1 sisyphus+343176.100.1.1 1710938591 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:46 rpmi: rake-13.1.0-alt1.1 sisyphus+343176.100.1.1 1710938591 installed [x86_64] <13>Nov 23 00:04:46 rpmi: rpm-build-ruby-1:1.1.1-alt1 sisyphus+334339.50.37.1 1702423926 installed [x86_64] Reading Package Lists... [x86_64] Building Dependency Tree... [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-pry [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(coderay) >= 1.1 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-coderay 1.1.3-alt1.1:sisyphus+296703.240.105.2@1663320161 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-coderay 1.1.3-alt1.1:sisyphus+296703.240.105.2@1663320161 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-coderay (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-coderay [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(method_source) >= 1.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-method-source 1.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+277150.100.1.1@1625406396 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-method-source 1.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+277150.100.1.1@1625406396 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-method-source (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-method-source [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-travis [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday-rack) >= 2 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-faraday-rack 2.0.0-alt1:p11+363172.760.10.1@1732320172 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-faraday-rack 2.0.0-alt1:p11+363172.760.10.1@1732320172 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-faraday-rack (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-faraday-rack [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday) >= 2.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-faraday 2.6.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.21040.43.1@1666815691 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-faraday 2.6.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.21040.43.1@1666815691 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-faraday (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-faraday [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday-net_http) >= 2.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-faraday-net-http 3.0.1-alt1:sisyphus+296741.22600.43.1@1666816006 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-faraday-net-http 3.0.1-alt1:sisyphus+296741.22600.43.1@1666816006 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-faraday-net-http (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-faraday-net-http [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(highline) >= 2.1.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-highline 1:3.1.1-alt1:p11+363172.770.10.1@1732320198 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-highline 1:3.1.1-alt1:p11+363172.770.10.1@1732320198 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-highline (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-highline [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(json_pure) >= 2.6.3 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-json-pure 2.6.3-alt1:sisyphus+313736.13100.47.3@1677072349 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-json-pure 2.6.3-alt1:sisyphus+313736.13100.47.3@1677072349 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-json-pure (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-json-pure [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(launchy) >= 2.5.2 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-launchy 2.5.2-alt1:sisyphus+313736.2500.47.3@1677071077 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-launchy 2.5.2-alt1:sisyphus+313736.2500.47.3@1677071077 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-launchy (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-launchy [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(addressable) >= 2.8 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-addressable 2.8.1-alt1:sisyphus+316463.1200.5.1@1678467969 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-addressable 2.8.1-alt1:sisyphus+316463.1200.5.1@1678467969 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-addressable (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-addressable [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(public_suffix) >= 2.0.2 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-public-suffix 4.0.6-alt1:sisyphus+276204.23600.14.1@1630429629 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-public-suffix 4.0.6-alt1:sisyphus+276204.23600.14.1@1630429629 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-public-suffix (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-public-suffix [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(pusher-client) >= 0.6.2 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-pusher-client 0.6.2-alt1:p11+363172.774.10.1@1732320228 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-pusher-client 0.6.2-alt1:p11+363172.774.10.1@1732320228 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-pusher-client (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-pusher-client [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(websocket) >= 1.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-websocket 1.2.10-alt1:sisyphus+334339.3400.37.1@1702424602 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-websocket 1.2.10-alt1:sisyphus+334339.3400.37.1@1702424602 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-websocket (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-websocket [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(rack-test) >= 1.1.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-rack-test 2.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+313736.17200.47.3@1677072956 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-rack-test 2.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+313736.17200.47.3@1677072956 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-rack-test (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-rack-test [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(rack) >= 1.3 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-rack 1:3.0.10-alt2:sisyphus+344821.2610.45.2@1715887953 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-rack 1:3.0.10-alt2:sisyphus+344821.2610.45.2@1715887953 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-rack (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-rack [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday) >= 2.7.2 [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(gh) >= 0.21.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-gh 0.21.0-alt1:p11+363172.740.9.1@1732319869 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-gh 0.21.0-alt1:p11+363172.740.9.1@1732319869 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-gh (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-gh [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(activesupport) >= [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-activesupport [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-activesupport [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-activesupport (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-activesupport [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(i18n) >= 1.6 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-i18n 1.10.0-alt1:sisyphus+296637.23500.56.4@1654668065 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-i18n 1.10.0-alt1:sisyphus+296637.23500.56.4@1654668065 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-i18n (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-i18n [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(concurrent-ruby) >= 1.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-concurrent-ruby 1.2.3-alt1:sisyphus+340909.200.2.1@1709225621 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-concurrent-ruby 1.2.3-alt1:sisyphus+340909.200.2.1@1709225621 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-concurrent-ruby (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-concurrent-ruby [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(tzinfo) >= 2.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-tzinfo 2.0.4-alt1:sisyphus+263530.340.88.5@1629542455 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-tzinfo 2.0.4-alt1:sisyphus+263530.340.88.5@1629542455 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-tzinfo (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-tzinfo [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(zeitwerk) >= 2.3 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-zeitwerk 2.6.1-alt1:sisyphus+296741.17500.43.1@1666815437 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-zeitwerk 2.6.1-alt1:sisyphus+296741.17500.43.1@1666815437 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-zeitwerk (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-zeitwerk [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday-retry) >= 0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-faraday-retry 2.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+313736.6500.47.3@1677071626 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-faraday-retry 2.0.0-alt1:sisyphus+313736.6500.47.3@1677071626 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-faraday-retry (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-faraday-retry [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(faraday-typhoeus) >= 0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-faraday-typhoeus 1.1.0-alt1:p11+363172.720.7.1@1732319376 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-faraday-typhoeus 1.1.0-alt1:p11+363172.720.7.1@1732319376 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-faraday-typhoeus (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-faraday-typhoeus [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(typhoeus) >= 1.4 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-typhoeus 1.4.0-alt1:sisyphus+263530.37200.88.5@1629561022 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-typhoeus 1.4.0-alt1:sisyphus+263530.37200.88.5@1629561022 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-typhoeus (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-typhoeus [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(ethon) >= 0.9.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-ethon 0.14.0-alt1:sisyphus+263530.37100.88.5@1629560981 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-ethon 0.14.0-alt1:sisyphus+263530.37100.88.5@1629560981 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-ethon (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-ethon [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(ffi) >= 1.15.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-ffi 1.17.0-alt2:p11+356670.100.3.1@1728295740 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-ffi 1.17.0-alt2:p11+356670.100.3.1@1728295740 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-ffi (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-ffi [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(multi_json) >= 1 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-multi-json 1.15.0-alt1:sisyphus+258085.1500.4.1@1600238680 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-multi-json 1.15.0-alt1:sisyphus+258085.1500.4.1@1600238680 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-multi-json (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-multi-json [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(net-http-persistent) >= 4 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-net-http-persistent 4.0.1-alt1:sisyphus+296703.226.105.2@1663320100 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-net-http-persistent 4.0.1-alt1:sisyphus+296703.226.105.2@1663320100 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-net-http-persistent (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-net-http-persistent [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(connection_pool) >= 2.2 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-connection-pool 2.2.5-alt1:sisyphus+276204.20500.14.1@1630428836 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-connection-pool 2.2.5-alt1:sisyphus+276204.20500.14.1@1630428836 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-connection-pool (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-connection-pool [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(net-http-pipeline) >= 0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-net-http-pipeline 1.0.1-alt2.1:sisyphus+252259.200.1.1@1590505450 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-net-http-pipeline 1.0.1-alt2.1:sisyphus+252259.200.1.1@1590505450 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-net-http-pipeline (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-net-http-pipeline [x86_64] rpm-build-ruby is already the newest version. [x86_64] Version ruby-stdlibs#3.1.4-alt4.4:sisyphus+344821.44.45.2@1715887248 for gem(bundler)>=1.0 is already installed [x86_64] ruby-stdlibs is already the newest version. [x86_64] Version gem-rake#13.1.0-alt1.1:sisyphus+343176.100.1.1@1710938591 for gem(rake)>=10.5.0 is already installed [x86_64] gem-rake is already the newest version. [x86_64] Selected version gem-minitest#5.18.1-alt1:sisyphus+323401.1400.2.1@1687352748 for gem(minitest)>=5.8 [x86_64] Selected version gem-pry# for gem(pry)>=0.10.1 [x86_64] Selected version gem-travis#1.14.0-alt1:p11+363172.1000.10.1@1732320267 for gem(travis)>=1.8.2 [x86_64] E: Version >='2.0.1' for 'gem(jeweler)' was not found [x86_64] hsh-install: Failed to calculate package file list. [x86_64] hsh-install: Failed to generate package file list. 2024-Nov-23 00:04:47 :: [x86_64] gem-ipaddress.git remote: cannot build src.rpm 2024-Nov-23 00:04:47 :: [x86_64] #1100 gem-ipaddress.git build FAILED 2024-Nov-23 00:05:05 :: [aarch64] #770 gem-highline.git 3.1.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Nov-23 00:05:05 :: [aarch64] task processing CANCELLED 2024-Nov-23 00:04:36 :: [i586] build FAILED 2024-Nov-23 00:04:47 :: [x86_64] build FAILED 2024-Nov-23 00:05:05 :: [aarch64] build FAILED 2024-Nov-23 00:05:05 :: task #363172 for p11 FAILED
next prev parent reply other threads:[~2024-11-23 0:05 UTC|newest] Thread overview: 16+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top 2024-11-22 12:04 [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-22 15:34 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 2) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-22 15:56 ` [#363172] p11 TESTED (try 3) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-22 23:36 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 4) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-22 23:41 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 5) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-22 23:45 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 6) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-22 23:50 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 7) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-22 23:54 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 8) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-22 23:59 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 9) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-23 0:05 ` Girar awaiter (thatman) [this message] 2024-11-23 0:10 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 11) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-23 0:18 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 12) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-23 0:28 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 13) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-23 1:15 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 14) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-23 1:40 ` [#363172] [test-only] p11 FAILED (try 15) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman) 2024-11-23 2:33 ` [#363172] p11 TESTED (try 16) opennebula.git= Girar awaiter (thatman)
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