From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.1 (2015-04-28) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-3.3 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,RP_MATCHES_RCVD, SPF_FAIL,TO_EQ_FM_DOM_SPF_FAIL autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.1 Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 22:25:28 +0000 From: "Girar awaiter (majioa)" To: Pavel Skrylev Subject: [#353063] [test-only] FAILED (try 27) rvm.git= ruby.git=3.3.4-alt1 ... Message-ID: Mail-Followup-To: Girar awaiter robot References: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline In-Reply-To: X-girar-task-id: 353063 X-girar-task-owner: majioa X-girar-task-repo: sisyphus X-girar-task-try: 27 X-girar-task-iter: 1 X-girar-task-status: FAILED X-girar-task-URL: X-girar-task-log: logs/events.27.1.log X-girar-task-summary: [#353063] [test-only] FAILED (try 27) rvm.git= ruby.git=3.3.4-alt1 gem-setup.git=5.999.6-alt12 gem-aliyun-sdk.git=0.8.0-alt1.1 gem-absolute-time.git= gem-amatch.git=0.4.1-alt1 gem-atomic.git=1.1.101-alt1 gem-augeas.git=0.6.4-alt1 gem-bcrypt.git=3.1.20-alt1 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git=1.1.1-alt1 gem-racc.git=1.8.0-alt1 gem-strscan.git=3.1.1-alt0.1 gem-rexml.git=3.3.2-alt1 gem-nokogiri.git=1.16.7-alt1 gem-ruby-memcheck.git=3.0.0-alt1 gem-msgpack.git=1.7.2-alt1 gem-bootsnap.git=1.18.3-alt1 gem-byebug.git=11.1.3-alt1.1 gem-ruby-prof.git=1.7.0-alt1 gem-bson.git=5.0.1-alt1 gem-cap2.git= gem-cbor.git= gem-tidy-ext.git=0.1.14-alt1 gem-bluecloth.git=2.2.0-alt1 gem-redcarpet.git=3.6.0-alt1 gem-concurrent-ruby.git=1.2.3-alt1 gem-rb-sys.git=0.9.98-alt1 gem-cool-io.git=1.8.1-alt1 gem-curb.git=1.0.0-alt1 gem-debug.git=1.9.2-alt1 gem-curses.git=1.4.6-alt1 gem-data-objects.git=0.10.17-alt1 gem-date.git=3.3.4-alt1 gem-dbm.git=1.1.0-alt1 gem-io-event.git=1.6.5-alt1 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git=3.3.1-alt1 gem-fiber-annotation.git=0.2.0-alt1 gem-debase.git=0.2.6-alt0.1 gem-debug-inspector.git=1.2.0-alt1 gem-console.git=1.27.0-alt1 gem-digest.git=3.1.1-alt1 gem-async.git=2.14.2-alt1 gem-async-rest.git=0.13.0-alt1 gem-fiber-storage.git=0.1.2-alt1 gem-fiber-local.git=1.1.0-alt1 gem-markly.git=0.10.0-alt1 gem-duktape.git= gem-ed25519.git=1.3.0-alt1.1 gem-erb.git=4.0.4-alt1 gem-url-escape.git=2009.06.24-alt1 gem-escape-utils.git= gem-eventmachine.git= gem-fcgi.git= gem-digest-crc.git=0.6.5-alt1 gem-gpgme.git=2.0.24-alt1 gem-hamlit.git=3.0.3-alt1 gem-hiredis.git= gem-rbs.git=3.5.2-alt1 gem-hpricot.git= gem-ffi.git=1.17.0-alt1 gem-ffi-yajl.git=2.6.0-alt1 gem-yajl-ruby.git=1.4.3-alt1 gem-http-parser-rb.git=0.8.0-alt1 gem-iconv.git= gem-idn-ruby.git=0.1.5-alt1 gem-timeout.git=0.4.1-alt1 gem-raap.git=0.10.0-alt1 gem-steep.git=1.7.1-alt1 gem-io-extra.git=1.4.0-alt1 gem-io-console.git=0.7.2-alt1 gem-jaro-winkler.git=1.5.6-alt1 gem-journald-native.git=1.0.11-alt1.3 gem-jsminc.git=2.0.0-alt3 gem-kgio.git=2.11.4-alt1 gem-json.git=2.7.2-alt1 gem-llhttp-ffi.git=0.5.0-alt1 gem-memcached.git= gem-libxml-ruby.git=5.0.2-alt1 gem-mongrel.git=1.2.0-alt1.1 gem-libv8-node.git= gem-mini-racer.git=0.12.0-alt1 gem-mysql2.git=0.5.5-alt1 gem-nio4r.git=2.7.3-alt1 gem-net-protocol.git=0.2.2-alt1 gem-ruby-ll.git=2.1.2-alt1.3 gem-oga.git=3.4-alt1 gem-opengl.git=0.10.0-alt1.4 gem-openssl.git=3.2.0-alt1 gem-oj.git=3.16.4-alt1 gem-ox.git=2.14.18-alt1 gem-pg.git=1.5.6-alt1 gem-posix-mq.git=2.4.1-alt4 gem-posix-spawn.git=0.3.15-alt1 gem-psych.git=4.0.6-alt1 gem-puma.git=5.6.8-alt1 gem-raindrops.git=0.20.1-alt1.1 gem-rdiscount.git= gem-patron.git= gem-stackprof.git=0.2.26-alt1 gem-rkerberos.git=0.1.5-alt1 gem-redis-client.git=0.22.2-alt1 gem-rmem.git=1.0.0-alt1 gem-ruby-augeas.git=0.5.0-alt4 gem-rmagick.git=6.0.1-alt1 gem-ruby-odbc.git=0.999991-alt1 gem-ruby-libvirt.git=0.8.3-alt1 gem-ruby-shadow.git=2.5.1-alt1 gem-rugged.git=1.7.2-alt1 gem-strptime.git=0.2.5-alt1 gem-thin.git=1.8.2-alt1 gem-trenni.git=3.14.0-alt1 gem-unf-ext.git= gem-unf.git= gem-sqlite3.git=1.7.3-alt1 gem-unicorn.git= gem-unicode.git= gem-vterm.git=0.0.5-alt1 gem-x25519.git=1.0.10-alt3 gem-zoom.git=0.5.0-alt3.2 google-cloud-ruby.git=20210531-alt1.2 grpc.git=1.53.0-alt1 libcaca.git=0.99-alt23 srpm=marisa-0.2.6-alt1_5.src.rpm unit.git=1.32.1-alt1 gem-cairo.git=1.17.13-alt1 ruby-gnome2.git=4.2.0-alt1.2 gem-websocket-driver.git=0.7.6-alt1 gem-em-spec.git=0.2.7-alt1 gem-em-mongo.git=0.6.1-alt1 gem-io-endpoint.git=0.13.0-alt1 gem-async-dns.git=1.3.0-alt1 gem-process-daemon.git=1.0.1-alt1 gem-rubydns.git=2.0.2-alt1 gem-solargraph.git=0.50.0-alt1 gem-ffi-libc.git=0.1.1-alt1 gem-timeout-interrupt.git=0.4.0-alt1 gem-mongo.git=2.20.1-alt1 gem-commonmarker.git=0.23.10-alt1 gem-test-unit-rr.git= gem-ruby-parser.git=3.21.1-alt1 gem-rbtree.git=0.4.4-alt2 gem-ruby-ldap.git=0.9.21-alt1 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git=4.6.0-alt1 gem-alexandria-book-collection-manager.git=0.7.10-alt1.3 gem-hoe-git2.git=1.8.0-alt1 gem-mime-types.git=3.5.2-alt1 gem-rabl.git=0.16.1-alt1 gem-passenger.git=6.0.23-alt1 del=passenger gem-rubocop-on-rbs.git=0.7.0-alt1 gem-columnize.git=0.9.1-alt0.1 gem-linecache2.git=1.4.0-alt1 gem-ruby-debug.git= gem-parser.git= protobuf.git=3.21.12-alt5 gem-capybara.git=3.40.0-alt1 gem-fakefs.git=2.5.0-alt1 gem-license-finder.git=7.2.1-alt1 gem-amazing-print.git=1.6.0-alt1 gem-dbi-dbrc.git= gem-fission.git=0.5.0-alt2.1 gem-librarianp.git=1.1.2-alt1 gem-pathspec.git=1.1.3-alt1 google-api-ruby-client.git=20221017-alt1.2 xapian-bindings.git=1.4.26-alt1 gem-vault.git=0.18.2-alt1 gem-glu.git=8.3.0-alt2 gem-capybara-webkit.git= gem-chef.git=18.4.59-alt1 gem-pry.git=0.14.2-alt1 gem-smart-proxy.git=3.5.1-alt3.3 User-Agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13) Cc:, X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.12 Precedence: list Reply-To: ALT Devel discussion list List-Id: ALT Linux Girar Builder robot reports List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2024 22:25:34 -0000 Archived-At: List-Archive: subtask name aarch64 i586 ppc64le x86_64 #500 gem-atomic 57 34 1:06 35 #600 gem-augeas 51 33 53 34 #700 gem-bcrypt 48 32 52 33 #1000 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf 49 33 54 34 #1140 gem-racc 54 35 58 35 #1300 gem-strscan 44 28 48 29 #1400 gem-rexml 50 31 53 31 #1440 gem-nokogiri 1:34 1:01 1:42 58 #1600 gem-ruby-memcheck 49 33 52 33 #1700 gem-msgpack 1:01 39 1:06 40 #2000 gem-bootsnap 54 37 59 37 #2100 gem-byebug 56 37 1:01 37 #2200 gem-ruby-prof 51 35 56 35 #2300 gem-bson 55 36 1:01 36 #2400 gem-cap2 47 32 51 33 #2500 gem-cbor 54 35 58 36 #2600 gem-tidy-ext 56 35 1:01 34 #2700 gem-bluecloth 58 39 1:03 39 #3000 gem-redcarpet 55 37 ? 37 #3100 gem-concurrent-ruby 1:31 1:03 ? 59 #3200 gem-rb-sys ? 30 ? 30 #3300 gem-cool-io ? 39 ? 38 #3400 gem-curb ? 1:21 ? 1:19 #3500 gem-debug ? 37 ? 37 #3600 gem-curses ? 51 ? 49 #3700 gem-data-objects ? 1:07 ? 1:06 #5230 gem-async-rest ? failed ? failed 2024-Aug-07 22:06:10 :: test-only swift task #353063 for sisyphus resumed by majioa: 2024-Aug-07 22:06:10 :: message: update_ruby_with_cleanup #10 build from /people/majioa/packages/rvm.git fetched at 2024-Aug-07 16:28:36 #20 removed #30 removed #34 removed #36 build 3.3.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/ruby.git fetched at 2024-Aug-06 23:57:24 #40 build 5.999.6-alt12 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-setup.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 17:40:04 #100 removed #140 removed #200 build 0.8.0-alt1.1 from /gears/g/gem-aliyun-sdk.git fetched at 2024-Jul-23 08:03:22 from sisyphus #300 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-absolute-time.git fetched at 2024-Jul-23 08:30:47 #400 build 0.4.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-amatch.git fetched at 2024-Jul-23 08:36:58 #500 build 1.1.101-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-atomic.git fetched at 2024-Jul-23 08:38:48 from sisyphus #600 build 0.6.4-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-augeas.git fetched at 2024-Jul-23 08:39:22 from sisyphus #700 build 3.1.20-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-bcrypt.git fetched at 2024-Jul-23 08:45:40 #1000 build 1.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git fetched at 2024-Jul-23 08:55:57 #1100 removed #1140 build 1.8.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-racc.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 19:16:26 #1200 removed #1300 build 3.1.1-alt0.1 from /gears/g/gem-strscan.git fetched at 2024-Jul-23 09:53:40 from sisyphus #1400 build 3.3.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rexml.git fetched at 2024-Jul-23 13:49:09 #1440 build 1.16.7-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-nokogiri.git fetched at 2024-Aug-04 12:24:49 #1500 removed #1600 build 3.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-memcheck.git fetched at 2024-Jul-23 15:42:30 #1700 build 1.7.2-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-msgpack.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 02:02:39 from sisyphus #2000 build 1.18.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-bootsnap.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 03:56:48 #2100 build 11.1.3-alt1.1 from /gears/g/gem-byebug.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 05:35:04 from sisyphus #2200 build 1.7.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-prof.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 05:44:25 #2300 build 5.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-bson.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 06:01:03 #2400 build from /gears/g/gem-cap2.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 11:29:51 from sisyphus #2500 build from /gears/g/gem-cbor.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 11:30:54 from sisyphus #2600 build 0.1.14-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-tidy-ext.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:01:49 from sisyphus #2700 build 2.2.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-bluecloth.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:04:53 from sisyphus #3000 build 3.6.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-redcarpet.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:05:15 from sisyphus #3100 build 1.2.3-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-concurrent-ruby.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:11:05 from sisyphus #3200 build 0.9.98-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rb-sys.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:14:00 #3300 build 1.8.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-cool-io.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:35:49 #3400 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-curb.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:39:10 from sisyphus #3500 build 1.9.2-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-debug.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:39:39 from sisyphus #3600 build 1.4.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-curses.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:46:42 #3700 build 0.10.17-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-data-objects.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:47:41 from sisyphus #3720 removed #3740 removed #4000 build 3.3.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-date.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:58:30 #4100 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-dbm.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 12:58:57 from sisyphus #4200 build 1.6.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-io-event.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 13:00:45 #4300 build 3.3.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 13:41:53 #4400 build 0.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fiber-annotation.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 13:46:22 #4500 build 0.2.6-alt0.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-debase.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 13:55:06 #4600 build 1.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-debug-inspector.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 14:12:37 #4700 removed #4740 removed #5000 removed #5100 build 1.27.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-console.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 14:24:17 #5200 build 3.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-digest.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 14:35:25 #5220 build 2.14.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-async.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 18:03:16 #5230 build 0.13.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-async-rest.git fetched at 2024-Aug-07 19:11:29 #5234 build 0.1.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fiber-storage.git fetched at 2024-Aug-07 19:16:57 #5236 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fiber-local.git fetched at 2024-Aug-07 19:17:07 #5240 removed #5300 build 0.10.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-markly.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 14:41:49 #5400 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-duktape.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 14:58:05 #5500 build 1.3.0-alt1.1 from /gears/g/gem-ed25519.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 15:01:05 from sisyphus #5600 build 4.0.4-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-erb.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 15:02:02 from sisyphus #5620 build 2009.06.24-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-url-escape.git fetched at 2024-Jul-31 11:48:06 from sisyphus #5640 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-escape-utils.git fetched at 2024-Jul-31 09:10:44 #5700 removed #5740 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-eventmachine.git fetched at 2024-Aug-02 20:24:08 #6000 removed #6100 build from /gears/g/gem-fcgi.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 15:07:04 from sisyphus #6200 build 0.6.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-digest-crc.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 15:50:52 #6300 build 2.0.24-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-gpgme.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 16:28:44 #6400 build 3.0.3-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-hamlit.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 16:40:58 from sisyphus #6500 build from /gears/g/gem-hiredis.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 16:41:41 from sisyphus #6540 build 3.5.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rbs.git fetched at 2024-Jul-28 02:59:32 #6600 build from /gears/g/gem-hpricot.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 16:42:37 from sisyphus #6640 build 1.17.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ffi.git fetched at 2024-Jul-28 02:41:35 #6660 build 2.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ffi-yajl.git fetched at 2024-Jul-28 02:41:59 #6670 build 1.4.3-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-yajl-ruby.git fetched at 2024-Jul-28 10:28:29 from sisyphus #6700 build 0.8.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-http-parser-rb.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 16:43:08 from sisyphus #7000 build from /gears/g/gem-iconv.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 16:44:20 from sisyphus #7100 build 0.1.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-idn-ruby.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 16:54:32 #7200 build 0.4.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-timeout.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 16:55:49 #7240 build 0.10.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-raap.git fetched at 2024-Aug-05 11:48:50 #7300 removed #7400 build 1.7.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-steep.git fetched at 2024-Jul-24 17:12:06 #7500 removed #7600 removed #7700 build 1.4.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-io-extra.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 06:15:06 from sisyphus #10000 build 0.7.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-io-console.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 06:18:17 #10100 build 1.5.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-jaro-winkler.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 06:22:09 #10200 build 1.0.11-alt1.3 from /gears/g/gem-journald-native.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 06:51:22 from sisyphus #10300 build 2.0.0-alt3 from /gears/g/gem-jsminc.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 06:51:39 from sisyphus #10400 build 2.11.4-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-kgio.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 06:56:42 from sisyphus #10500 build 2.7.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-json.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 06:58:26 #10600 build 0.5.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-llhttp-ffi.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 07:02:24 from sisyphus #10700 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-memcached.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 08:12:13 #11000 build 5.0.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-libxml-ruby.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 08:52:32 #11100 build 1.2.0-alt1.1 from /gears/g/gem-mongrel.git fetched at 2024-Jul-25 08:53:10 from sisyphus #11200 removed #11300 removed #11320 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-libv8-node.git fetched at 2024-Aug-03 08:48:39 #11340 removed #11400 removed #11500 build 0.12.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mini-racer.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 08:47:39 #11600 build 0.5.5-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-mysql2.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 08:58:04 from sisyphus #11700 build 2.7.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-nio4r.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 09:06:58 #12000 build 0.2.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-net-protocol.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 09:14:42 #12040 build 2.1.2-alt1.3 from /gears/g/gem-ruby-ll.git fetched at 2024-Jul-28 16:35:25 from sisyphus #12100 build 3.4-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-oga.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 09:15:37 from sisyphus #12200 build 0.10.0-alt1.4 from /gears/g/gem-opengl.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 09:28:39 from sisyphus #12300 build 3.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-openssl.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 09:33:17 #12400 build 3.16.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-oj.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 09:34:21 #12500 build 2.14.18-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ox.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 09:42:11 #12540 removed #12600 removed #12700 build 1.5.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pg.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 09:56:59 #13000 build 2.4.1-alt4 from /gears/g/gem-posix-mq.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 09:57:59 from sisyphus #13100 build 0.3.15-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-posix-spawn.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 09:58:16 from sisyphus #13140 build 4.0.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-psych.git fetched at 2024-Aug-01 13:17:37 #13200 removed #13240 build 5.6.8-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-puma.git fetched at 2024-Aug-01 13:14:14 #13300 removed #13400 removed #13440 build 0.20.1-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-raindrops.git fetched at 2024-Aug-06 23:55:59 #13500 removed #13600 removed #13700 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rdiscount.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 13:56:00 #13740 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-patron.git fetched at 2024-Aug-04 20:07:38 #14000 build 0.2.26-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-stackprof.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 14:37:06 #14100 build 0.1.5-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-rkerberos.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 14:39:47 from sisyphus #14200 build 0.22.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-redis-client.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 14:40:40 #14300 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-rmem.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 14:43:43 from sisyphus #14400 build 0.5.0-alt4 from /gears/g/gem-ruby-augeas.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 14:47:46 from sisyphus #14500 removed #14600 build 6.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rmagick.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 14:50:13 #14700 removed #14740 build 0.999991-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-odbc.git fetched at 2024-Aug-04 01:30:36 #15000 removed #15100 build 0.8.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-libvirt.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 14:55:41 #15200 removed #15300 build 2.5.1-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-ruby-shadow.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 14:56:41 from sisyphus #15400 build 1.7.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rugged.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:11:12 #15500 build 0.2.5-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-strptime.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:15:39 from sisyphus #15600 build 1.8.2-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-thin.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:16:47 from sisyphus #15700 build 3.14.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-trenni.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:22:41 #15740 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-unf-ext.git fetched at 2024-Jul-28 20:36:16 #16000 build from /gears/g/gem-unf.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:27:21 from sisyphus #16100 build 1.7.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sqlite3.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:36:51 #16200 removed #16300 build from /gears/g/gem-unicorn.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:38:43 from sisyphus #16400 build from /gears/g/gem-unicode.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:38:58 from sisyphus #16500 removed #16600 build 0.0.5-alt1 from /gears/g/gem-vterm.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:39:53 from sisyphus #16700 build 1.0.10-alt3 from /gears/g/gem-x25519.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:42:34 from sisyphus #17000 removed #17100 build 0.5.0-alt3.2 from /gears/g/gem-zoom.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:43:10 from sisyphus #17200 build 20210531-alt1.2 from /gears/g/google-cloud-ruby.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:44:35 from sisyphus #17300 build 1.53.0-alt1 from /gears/g/grpc.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:44:45 from sisyphus #17400 build 0.99-alt23 from /gears/l/libcaca.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:44:52 from sisyphus #17500 build marisa-0.2.6-alt1_5.src.rpm from sisyphus #17600 removed #17700 build 1.32.1-alt1 from /gears/u/unit.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:45:21 from sisyphus #20000 removed #20020 build 1.17.13-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-cairo.git fetched at 2024-Aug-02 12:38:05 #20040 removed #20100 build 4.2.0-alt1.2 from /gears/r/ruby-gnome2.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:46:46 from sisyphus #20200 build 0.7.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-websocket-driver.git fetched at 2024-Jul-26 15:50:24 #20300 build 0.2.7-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-em-spec.git fetched at 2024-Jul-29 14:39:52 #20400 build 0.6.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-em-mongo.git fetched at 2024-Jul-29 14:44:58 #20500 build 0.13.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-io-endpoint.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 09:01:22 #20600 build 1.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-async-dns.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 09:10:46 #20700 build 1.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-process-daemon.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 12:07:23 #21000 build 2.0.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubydns.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 12:53:25 #21100 build 0.50.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-solargraph.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 13:13:02 #21200 build 0.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ffi-libc.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 13:48:26 #21300 build 0.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-timeout-interrupt.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 14:05:54 #21340 build 2.20.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mongo.git fetched at 2024-Aug-01 13:11:24 #21400 removed #21500 build 0.23.10-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-commonmarker.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 15:23:03 #21600 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-test-unit-rr.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 16:56:26 #21620 build 3.21.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-parser.git fetched at 2024-Aug-02 20:38:23 #21640 removed #21700 removed #22000 build 0.4.4-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rbtree.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 18:17:00 #22020 build 0.9.21-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-ldap.git fetched at 2024-Aug-07 16:13:51 #22040 removed #22100 removed #22200 build 4.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git fetched at 2024-Jul-30 18:45:33 #22300 build 0.7.10-alt1.3 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-alexandria-book-collection-manager.git fetched at 2024-Jul-31 06:41:48 #22400 removed #22500 removed #22600 removed #22700 build 1.8.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-hoe-git2.git fetched at 2024-Jul-31 18:01:33 #23000 build 3.5.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mime-types.git fetched at 2024-Jul-31 18:05:25 #23100 build 0.16.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rabl.git fetched at 2024-Jul-31 19:41:56 #23200 build 6.0.23-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-passenger.git fetched at 2024-Jul-31 20:05:50 #23300 delete passenger #23400 removed #23500 removed #23540 build 0.7.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-on-rbs.git fetched at 2024-Aug-05 11:48:17 #23600 removed #23640 build 0.9.1-alt0.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-columnize.git fetched at 2024-Aug-04 14:42:45 #23700 removed #23740 build 1.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-linecache2.git fetched at 2024-Aug-04 14:51:14 #24000 removed #24100 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-debug.git fetched at 2024-Aug-01 13:07:45 #24140 removed #24200 removed #24300 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-parser.git fetched at 2024-Aug-02 20:42:45 #24400 build 3.21.12-alt5 from /gears/p/protobuf.git fetched at 2024-Aug-02 20:43:57 from sisyphus #24500 build 3.40.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-capybara.git fetched at 2024-Aug-03 07:49:52 #24600 build 2.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fakefs.git fetched at 2024-Aug-03 08:08:49 #24700 build 7.2.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-license-finder.git fetched at 2024-Aug-03 08:30:47 #25000 build 1.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-amazing-print.git fetched at 2024-Aug-03 16:00:37 #25100 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-dbi-dbrc.git fetched at 2024-Aug-03 16:23:09 #25200 build 0.5.0-alt2.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fission.git fetched at 2024-Aug-03 16:42:58 #25300 build 1.1.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-librarianp.git fetched at 2024-Aug-03 16:50:14 #25400 build 1.1.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pathspec.git fetched at 2024-Aug-03 17:01:29 #25500 build 20221017-alt1.2 from /people/majioa/packages/google-api-ruby-client.git fetched at 2024-Aug-03 18:03:45 #25600 build 1.4.26-alt1 from /gears/x/xapian-bindings.git fetched at 2024-Aug-04 14:53:29 from sisyphus #25700 build 0.18.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-vault.git fetched at 2024-Aug-05 12:01:42 #26000 build 8.3.0-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-glu.git fetched at 2024-Aug-05 16:54:07 #26100 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-capybara-webkit.git fetched at 2024-Aug-05 18:23:05 #26200 removed #26300 removed #26400 build 18.4.59-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-chef.git fetched at 2024-Aug-06 07:01:43 #26500 build 0.14.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pry.git fetched at 2024-Aug-06 07:13:59 #26600 build 3.5.1-alt3.3 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-smart-proxy.git fetched at 2024-Aug-07 08:53:31 2024-Aug-07 22:06:12 :: created build repo 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #500: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #600: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #700: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #1000: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #1140: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #1300: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #1400: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #1440: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #1600: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #1700: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #2000: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #2100: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #2200: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #2300: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #2400: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #2500: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #2600: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #2700: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #3000: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #3100: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #3200: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #3300: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #3400: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #3500: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #3600: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:13 :: #3700: force rebuild 2024-Aug-07 22:06:14 :: [ppc64le] #10 rvm.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:14 :: [i586] #10 rvm.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:14 :: [x86_64] #10 rvm.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:14 :: [aarch64] #10 rvm.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:14 :: [aarch64] #10 rvm.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:14 :: [ppc64le] #10 rvm.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:14 :: [i586] #10 rvm.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:14 :: [x86_64] #10 rvm.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:15 :: [aarch64] #36 ruby.git 3.3.4-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:15 :: [i586] #36 ruby.git 3.3.4-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:15 :: [ppc64le] #36 ruby.git 3.3.4-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:15 :: [x86_64] #36 ruby.git 3.3.4-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:16 :: [ppc64le] #36 ruby.git 3.3.4-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:16 :: [i586] #36 ruby.git 3.3.4-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:16 :: [x86_64] #36 ruby.git 3.3.4-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:16 :: [aarch64] #36 ruby.git 3.3.4-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:16 :: [ppc64le] #40 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt12: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:16 :: [i586] #40 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt12: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:16 :: [x86_64] #40 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt12: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [ppc64le] #40 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt12: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [aarch64] #40 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt12: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [i586] #40 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt12: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [x86_64] #40 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt12: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [aarch64] #40 gem-setup.git 5.999.6-alt12: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [ppc64le] #200 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [i586] #200 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [x86_64] #200 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [aarch64] #200 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [ppc64le] #200 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1.1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [i586] #200 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1.1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:17 :: [x86_64] #200 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1.1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:18 :: [aarch64] #200 gem-aliyun-sdk.git 0.8.0-alt1.1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:18 :: [x86_64] #300 gem-absolute-time.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:18 :: [aarch64] #300 gem-absolute-time.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:18 :: [i586] #300 gem-absolute-time.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:18 :: [ppc64le] #300 gem-absolute-time.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:18 :: [x86_64] #300 gem-absolute-time.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:18 :: [i586] #300 gem-absolute-time.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:18 :: [aarch64] #300 gem-absolute-time.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:19 :: [ppc64le] #300 gem-absolute-time.git build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:19 :: [x86_64] #400 gem-amatch.git 0.4.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:19 :: [ppc64le] #400 gem-amatch.git 0.4.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:19 :: [aarch64] #400 gem-amatch.git 0.4.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:19 :: [i586] #400 gem-amatch.git 0.4.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:19 :: [x86_64] #400 gem-amatch.git 0.4.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:19 :: [ppc64le] #400 gem-amatch.git 0.4.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:19 :: [aarch64] #400 gem-amatch.git 0.4.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:19 :: [i586] #400 gem-amatch.git 0.4.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:06:20 :: [x86_64] #500 gem-atomic.git 1.1.101-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:20 :: [aarch64] #500 gem-atomic.git 1.1.101-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:20 :: [i586] #500 gem-atomic.git 1.1.101-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:20 :: [ppc64le] #500 gem-atomic.git 1.1.101-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:54 :: [i586] #500 gem-atomic.git 1.1.101-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:06:55 :: [i586] #600 gem-augeas.git 0.6.4-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:06:55 :: [x86_64] #500 gem-atomic.git 1.1.101-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:06:55 :: [x86_64] #600 gem-augeas.git 0.6.4-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:07:17 :: [aarch64] #500 gem-atomic.git 1.1.101-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:07:17 :: [aarch64] #600 gem-augeas.git 0.6.4-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:07:26 :: [ppc64le] #500 gem-atomic.git 1.1.101-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:07:26 :: [ppc64le] #600 gem-augeas.git 0.6.4-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:07:28 :: [i586] #600 gem-augeas.git 0.6.4-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:07:28 :: [i586] #700 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.20-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:07:29 :: [x86_64] #600 gem-augeas.git 0.6.4-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:07:29 :: [x86_64] #700 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.20-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:08:00 :: [i586] #700 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.20-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:08:01 :: [i586] #1000 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:08:02 :: [x86_64] #700 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.20-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:08:02 :: [x86_64] #1000 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:08:08 :: [aarch64] #600 gem-augeas.git 0.6.4-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:08:08 :: [aarch64] #700 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.20-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:08:19 :: [ppc64le] #600 gem-augeas.git 0.6.4-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:08:19 :: [ppc64le] #700 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.20-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:08:34 :: [i586] #1000 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:08:34 :: [i586] #1140 gem-racc.git 1.8.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:08:36 :: [x86_64] #1000 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:08:36 :: [x86_64] #1140 gem-racc.git 1.8.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:08:56 :: [aarch64] #700 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.20-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:08:57 :: [aarch64] #1000 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:09:09 :: [i586] #1140 gem-racc.git 1.8.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:09:10 :: [i586] #1300 gem-strscan.git 3.1.1-alt0.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:09:11 :: [x86_64] #1140 gem-racc.git 1.8.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:09:11 :: [ppc64le] #700 gem-bcrypt.git 3.1.20-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:09:11 :: [x86_64] #1300 gem-strscan.git 3.1.1-alt0.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:09:11 :: [ppc64le] #1000 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:09:38 :: [i586] #1300 gem-strscan.git 3.1.1-alt0.1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:09:38 :: [i586] #1400 gem-rexml.git 3.3.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:09:40 :: [x86_64] #1300 gem-strscan.git 3.1.1-alt0.1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:09:40 :: [x86_64] #1400 gem-rexml.git 3.3.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:09:46 :: [aarch64] #1000 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:09:47 :: [aarch64] #1140 gem-racc.git 1.8.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:10:05 :: [ppc64le] #1000 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf.git 1.1.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:10:05 :: [ppc64le] #1140 gem-racc.git 1.8.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:10:09 :: [i586] #1400 gem-rexml.git 3.3.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:10:09 :: [i586] #1440 gem-nokogiri.git 1.16.7-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:10:11 :: [x86_64] #1400 gem-rexml.git 3.3.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:10:11 :: [x86_64] #1440 gem-nokogiri.git 1.16.7-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:10:41 :: [aarch64] #1140 gem-racc.git 1.8.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:10:41 :: [aarch64] #1300 gem-strscan.git 3.1.1-alt0.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:11:03 :: [ppc64le] #1140 gem-racc.git 1.8.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:11:04 :: [ppc64le] #1300 gem-strscan.git 3.1.1-alt0.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:11:09 :: [x86_64] #1440 gem-nokogiri.git 1.16.7-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:11:10 :: [i586] #1440 gem-nokogiri.git 1.16.7-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:11:10 :: [x86_64] #1600 gem-ruby-memcheck.git 3.0.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:11:10 :: [i586] #1600 gem-ruby-memcheck.git 3.0.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:11:25 :: [aarch64] #1300 gem-strscan.git 3.1.1-alt0.1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:11:26 :: [aarch64] #1400 gem-rexml.git 3.3.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:11:43 :: [x86_64] #1600 gem-ruby-memcheck.git 3.0.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:11:43 :: [i586] #1600 gem-ruby-memcheck.git 3.0.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:11:43 :: [x86_64] #1700 gem-msgpack.git 1.7.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:11:44 :: [i586] #1700 gem-msgpack.git 1.7.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:11:52 :: [ppc64le] #1300 gem-strscan.git 3.1.1-alt0.1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:11:53 :: [ppc64le] #1400 gem-rexml.git 3.3.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:12:16 :: [aarch64] #1400 gem-rexml.git 3.3.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:12:16 :: [aarch64] #1440 gem-nokogiri.git 1.16.7-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:12:23 :: [x86_64] #1700 gem-msgpack.git 1.7.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:12:23 :: [i586] #1700 gem-msgpack.git 1.7.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:12:23 :: [x86_64] #2000 gem-bootsnap.git 1.18.3-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:12:23 :: [i586] #2000 gem-bootsnap.git 1.18.3-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:12:46 :: [ppc64le] #1400 gem-rexml.git 3.3.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:12:47 :: [ppc64le] #1440 gem-nokogiri.git 1.16.7-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:13:00 :: [i586] #2000 gem-bootsnap.git 1.18.3-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:13:00 :: [i586] #2100 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:13:00 :: [x86_64] #2000 gem-bootsnap.git 1.18.3-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:13:01 :: [x86_64] #2100 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:13:37 :: [i586] #2100 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:13:37 :: [i586] #2200 gem-ruby-prof.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:13:38 :: [x86_64] #2100 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:13:38 :: [x86_64] #2200 gem-ruby-prof.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:13:50 :: [aarch64] #1440 gem-nokogiri.git 1.16.7-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:13:51 :: [aarch64] #1600 gem-ruby-memcheck.git 3.0.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:14:12 :: [i586] #2200 gem-ruby-prof.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:14:12 :: [i586] #2300 gem-bson.git 5.0.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:14:13 :: [x86_64] #2200 gem-ruby-prof.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:14:14 :: [x86_64] #2300 gem-bson.git 5.0.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:14:29 :: [ppc64le] #1440 gem-nokogiri.git 1.16.7-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:14:29 :: [ppc64le] #1600 gem-ruby-memcheck.git 3.0.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:14:40 :: [aarch64] #1600 gem-ruby-memcheck.git 3.0.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:14:40 :: [aarch64] #1700 gem-msgpack.git 1.7.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:14:48 :: [i586] #2300 gem-bson.git 5.0.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:14:49 :: [i586] #2400 gem-cap2.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:14:50 :: [x86_64] #2300 gem-bson.git 5.0.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:14:50 :: [x86_64] #2400 gem-cap2.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:15:21 :: [ppc64le] #1600 gem-ruby-memcheck.git 3.0.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:15:21 :: [ppc64le] #1700 gem-msgpack.git 1.7.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:15:21 :: [i586] #2400 gem-cap2.git build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:15:22 :: [i586] #2500 gem-cbor.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:15:23 :: [x86_64] #2400 gem-cap2.git build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:15:23 :: [x86_64] #2500 gem-cbor.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:15:41 :: [aarch64] #1700 gem-msgpack.git 1.7.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:15:41 :: [aarch64] #2000 gem-bootsnap.git 1.18.3-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:15:57 :: [i586] #2500 gem-cbor.git build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:15:57 :: [i586] #2600 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:15:59 :: [x86_64] #2500 gem-cbor.git build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:15:59 :: [x86_64] #2600 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:16:27 :: [ppc64le] #1700 gem-msgpack.git 1.7.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:16:27 :: [ppc64le] #2000 gem-bootsnap.git 1.18.3-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:16:32 :: [i586] #2600 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:16:32 :: [i586] #2700 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:16:33 :: [x86_64] #2600 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:16:34 :: [x86_64] #2700 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:16:35 :: [aarch64] #2000 gem-bootsnap.git 1.18.3-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:16:35 :: [aarch64] #2100 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:17:11 :: [i586] #2700 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:17:12 :: [i586] #3000 gem-redcarpet.git 3.6.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:17:13 :: [x86_64] #2700 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:17:14 :: [x86_64] #3000 gem-redcarpet.git 3.6.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:17:26 :: [ppc64le] #2000 gem-bootsnap.git 1.18.3-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:17:27 :: [ppc64le] #2100 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:17:31 :: [aarch64] #2100 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:17:32 :: [aarch64] #2200 gem-ruby-prof.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:17:49 :: [i586] #3000 gem-redcarpet.git 3.6.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:17:50 :: [i586] #3100 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.2.3-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:17:51 :: [x86_64] #3000 gem-redcarpet.git 3.6.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:17:52 :: [x86_64] #3100 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.2.3-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:18:23 :: [aarch64] #2200 gem-ruby-prof.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:18:24 :: [aarch64] #2300 gem-bson.git 5.0.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:18:28 :: [ppc64le] #2100 gem-byebug.git 11.1.3-alt1.1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:18:28 :: [ppc64le] #2200 gem-ruby-prof.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:18:51 :: [x86_64] #3100 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.2.3-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:18:52 :: [x86_64] #3200 gem-rb-sys.git 0.9.98-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:18:53 :: [i586] #3100 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.2.3-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:18:54 :: [i586] #3200 gem-rb-sys.git 0.9.98-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:19:19 :: [aarch64] #2300 gem-bson.git 5.0.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:19:20 :: [aarch64] #2400 gem-cap2.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:19:22 :: [x86_64] #3200 gem-rb-sys.git 0.9.98-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:19:23 :: [x86_64] #3300 gem-cool-io.git 1.8.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:19:24 :: [i586] #3200 gem-rb-sys.git 0.9.98-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:19:24 :: [i586] #3300 gem-cool-io.git 1.8.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:19:24 :: [ppc64le] #2200 gem-ruby-prof.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:19:25 :: [ppc64le] #2300 gem-bson.git 5.0.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:20:01 :: [x86_64] #3300 gem-cool-io.git 1.8.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:20:01 :: [x86_64] #3400 gem-curb.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:20:03 :: [i586] #3300 gem-cool-io.git 1.8.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:20:03 :: [i586] #3400 gem-curb.git 1.0.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:20:07 :: [aarch64] #2400 gem-cap2.git build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:20:08 :: [aarch64] #2500 gem-cbor.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:20:26 :: [ppc64le] #2300 gem-bson.git 5.0.1-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:20:26 :: [ppc64le] #2400 gem-cap2.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:21:02 :: [aarch64] #2500 gem-cbor.git build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:21:02 :: [aarch64] #2600 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:21:17 :: [ppc64le] #2400 gem-cap2.git build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:21:17 :: [ppc64le] #2500 gem-cbor.git build start 2024-Aug-07 22:21:20 :: [x86_64] #3400 gem-curb.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:21:20 :: [x86_64] #3500 gem-debug.git 1.9.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:21:24 :: [i586] #3400 gem-curb.git 1.0.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:21:24 :: [i586] #3500 gem-debug.git 1.9.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:21:57 :: [x86_64] #3500 gem-debug.git 1.9.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:21:57 :: [x86_64] #3600 gem-curses.git 1.4.6-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:21:58 :: [aarch64] #2600 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:21:59 :: [aarch64] #2700 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:22:01 :: [i586] #3500 gem-debug.git 1.9.2-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:22:01 :: [i586] #3600 gem-curses.git 1.4.6-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:22:15 :: [ppc64le] #2500 gem-cbor.git build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:22:15 :: [ppc64le] #2600 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:22:46 :: [x86_64] #3600 gem-curses.git 1.4.6-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:22:46 :: [x86_64] #3700 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:22:52 :: [i586] #3600 gem-curses.git 1.4.6-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:22:52 :: [i586] #3700 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:22:57 :: [aarch64] #2700 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:22:58 :: [aarch64] #3000 gem-redcarpet.git 3.6.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:16 :: [ppc64le] #2600 gem-tidy-ext.git 0.1.14-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:23:17 :: [ppc64le] #2700 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:52 :: [x86_64] #3700 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:23:53 :: [aarch64] #3000 gem-redcarpet.git 3.6.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:23:53 :: [x86_64] #4000 gem-date.git 3.3.4-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:53 :: [x86_64] #4000 gem-date.git 3.3.4-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:23:53 :: [aarch64] #3100 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.2.3-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:54 :: [x86_64] #4100 gem-dbm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:54 :: [x86_64] #4100 gem-dbm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:23:54 :: [x86_64] #4200 gem-io-event.git 1.6.5-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:54 :: [x86_64] #4200 gem-io-event.git 1.6.5-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:23:55 :: [x86_64] #4300 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 3.3.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:55 :: [x86_64] #4300 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 3.3.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:23:56 :: [x86_64] #4400 gem-fiber-annotation.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:56 :: [x86_64] #4400 gem-fiber-annotation.git 0.2.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:23:56 :: [x86_64] #4500 gem-debase.git 0.2.6-alt0.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:56 :: [x86_64] #4500 gem-debase.git 0.2.6-alt0.1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:23:57 :: [x86_64] #4600 gem-debug-inspector.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:57 :: [x86_64] #4600 gem-debug-inspector.git 1.2.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:23:58 :: [x86_64] #5100 gem-console.git 1.27.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:58 :: [x86_64] #5100 gem-console.git 1.27.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:23:58 :: [x86_64] #5200 gem-digest.git 3.1.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:58 :: [x86_64] #5200 gem-digest.git 3.1.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:23:59 :: [i586] #3700 gem-data-objects.git 0.10.17-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:23:59 :: [x86_64] #5220 gem-async.git 2.14.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:59 :: [x86_64] #5220 gem-async.git 2.14.2-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:23:59 :: [i586] #4000 gem-date.git 3.3.4-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:23:59 :: [i586] #4000 gem-date.git 3.3.4-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:00 :: [x86_64] #5230 gem-async-rest.git 0.13.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:24:00 :: [i586] #4100 gem-dbm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:24:00 :: [i586] #4100 gem-dbm.git 1.1.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:01 :: [i586] #4200 gem-io-event.git 1.6.5-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:24:01 :: [i586] #4200 gem-io-event.git 1.6.5-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:01 :: [i586] #4300 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 3.3.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:24:02 :: [i586] #4300 gem-debase-ruby-core-source.git 3.3.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:02 :: [i586] #4400 gem-fiber-annotation.git 0.2.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:24:02 :: [i586] #4400 gem-fiber-annotation.git 0.2.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:03 :: [i586] #4500 gem-debase.git 0.2.6-alt0.1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:24:03 :: [i586] #4500 gem-debase.git 0.2.6-alt0.1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:03 :: [i586] #4600 gem-debug-inspector.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:24:04 :: [i586] #4600 gem-debug-inspector.git 1.2.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:04 :: [i586] #5100 gem-console.git 1.27.0-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:24:04 :: [i586] #5100 gem-console.git 1.27.0-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:05 :: [i586] #5200 gem-digest.git 3.1.1-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:24:05 :: [i586] #5200 gem-digest.git 3.1.1-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:05 :: [i586] #5220 gem-async.git 2.14.2-alt1: build start 2024-Aug-07 22:24:06 :: [i586] #5220 gem-async.git 2.14.2-alt1: build swiftly SKIPPED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:06 :: [i586] #5230 gem-async-rest.git 0.13.0-alt1: build start [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: libruby-3.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+353063.36.23.1 1722989057 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: libruby-devel-3.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+353063.36.23.1 1722989057 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: rpm-macros-ruby-1:3.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+353063.36.23.1 1722989057 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: libyaml2-0.2.5-alt1 sisyphus+278391.100.1.1 1626094928 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: chrpath-0.16-alt1 sisyphus+346101.200.3.1 1716459476 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: setup-rb-5.999.6-alt12 sisyphus+353063.40.9.1 1722534719 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: gem-setup-5.999.6-alt12 sisyphus+353063.40.9.1 1722534719 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: libp11-kit-1:0.25.5-alt1 sisyphus+352553.100.1.1 1720622573 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: libtasn1-4.19.0-alt3 sisyphus+327816.100.1.1 1692802615 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: rpm-macros-alternatives-0.5.2-alt2 sisyphus+315270.200.2.1 1676457367 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: alternatives-0.5.2-alt2 sisyphus+315270.200.2.1 1676457367 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: ca-certificates-2024.07.01-alt1 sisyphus+351897.100.1.1 1719826350 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: ca-trust-0.2.0-alt1 sisyphus+344843.100.1.1 1712743326 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: p11-kit-trust-1:0.25.5-alt1 sisyphus+352553.100.1.1 1720622573 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: libcrypto3-3.1.6-alt1 sisyphus+350419.100.1.1 1717605656 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: libssl3-3.1.6-alt1 sisyphus+350419.100.1.1 1717605656 installed [x86_64] <86>Aug 7 22:24:13 groupadd[683960]: group added to /etc/group: name=ruby, GID=999 [x86_64] <86>Aug 7 22:24:13 groupadd[683960]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=ruby [x86_64] <86>Aug 7 22:24:13 groupadd[683960]: new group: name=ruby, GID=999 [x86_64] <86>Aug 7 22:24:13 usermod[683966]: add 'root' to group 'ruby' [x86_64] <86>Aug 7 22:24:13 usermod[683966]: add 'root' to shadow group 'ruby' [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: ruby-3.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+353063.36.23.1 1722989057 installed [x86_64] NOTE: to make the environment variable changes come into effect, please relogin the terminal session [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: ruby-stdlibs-3.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+353063.36.23.1 1722989057 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: gem-rake-13.1.0-alt1.1 sisyphus+343176.100.1.1 1710938591 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: rake-13.1.0-alt1.1 sisyphus+343176.100.1.1 1710938591 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 7 22:24:13 rpmi: rpm-build-ruby-1:1.1.1-alt1 sisyphus+334339.50.37.1 1702423926 installed [x86_64] Reading Package Lists... [x86_64] Building Dependency Tree... [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-async-http [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(async) >= 1.25 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-async 2.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5220.9.1@1722536262 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-async 2.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5220.9.1@1722536262 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-async (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-async [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(console) >= 1.25.2 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-console 1.27.0-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5100.9.1@1722536194 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-console 1.27.0-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5100.9.1@1722536194 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-console (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-console [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(fiber-annotation) >= 0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-fiber-annotation 0.2.0-alt1:sisyphus+353063.4400.9.1@1722536039 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-fiber-annotation 0.2.0-alt1:sisyphus+353063.4400.9.1@1722536039 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-fiber-annotation (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-fiber-annotation [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(fiber-local) >= 1.1 [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(io-event) >= 1.6.5 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-io-event 1.6.5-alt1:sisyphus+353063.4200.9.1@1722535967 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-io-event 1.6.5-alt1:sisyphus+353063.4200.9.1@1722535967 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-io-event (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-io-event [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(async-io) >= 1.28 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-async-io 1.34.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.22200.43.1@1666815923 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-async-io 1.34.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.22200.43.1@1666815923 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-async-io (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-async-io [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(async-pool) >= 0.2 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-async-pool 0.3.8-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3400.5.1@1630916090 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-async-pool 0.3.8-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3400.5.1@1630916090 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-async-pool (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-async-pool [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(protocol-http) >= 0.23.1 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-protocol-http 0.23.12-alt1:sisyphus+296741.26500.43.1@1666818124 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-protocol-http 0.23.12-alt1:sisyphus+296741.26500.43.1@1666818124 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-protocol-http (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-protocol-http [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(protocol-http1) >= 0.14.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-protocol-http1 0.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3600.5.1@1630916164 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-protocol-http1 0.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3600.5.1@1630916164 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-protocol-http1 (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-protocol-http1 [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(protocol-http2) >= 0.14.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-protocol-http2 0.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.4000.5.1@1630916240 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-protocol-http2 0.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.4000.5.1@1630916240 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-protocol-http2 (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-protocol-http2 [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(protocol-hpack) >= 1.4 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-protocol-hpack 1.4.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3700.5.1@1630916203 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-protocol-hpack 1.4.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3700.5.1@1630916203 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-protocol-hpack (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-protocol-hpack [x86_64] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(traces) >= 0.4.0 [x86_64] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-traces 0.7.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.27400.43.1@1666818302 [x86_64] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-traces 0.7.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.27400.43.1@1666818302 [x86_64] MI2a: requesting to install gem-traces (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [x86_64] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-traces [x86_64] Starting [x86_64] Starting 2 [x86_64] Investigating gem-console 1.27.0-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5100.9.1@1722536194 [x86_64] Package gem-console has a broken Depends: gem(fiber-local) >= 1.1 [x86_64] Investigating gem-async 2.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5220.9.1@1722536262 [x86_64] Package gem-async has a broken Depends: gem(console) >= 1.25.2 [x86_64] Considering gem-console -1 as a solution to gem-async -1 [x86_64] Holding Back gem-async rather than change one of its deps: perhaps gem(console) or another one [x86_64] Investigating gem-async-http 0.59.2-alt1:sisyphus+296741.25300.43.1@1666817867 [x86_64] Package gem-async-http has a broken Depends: gem(async) >= 1.25 [x86_64] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [x86_64] Reinst(gem-async) Need to fix this dep (or an alternative): Depends: gem(console) >= 1.25.2 [x86_64] Reinst(gem-console) Need to fix this dep (or an alternative): Depends: gem(fiber-local) >= 1.1 [x86_64] Reinst One of the alternatives failed early: Depends: gem(fiber-local) >= 1.1 [x86_64] Reinst(gem-console) All alternatives failed. So the whole current Reinst fails [x86_64] Reinst One of the alternatives failed because of gem-console [x86_64] Reinst(gem-async) All alternatives failed. So the whole current Reinst fails [x86_64] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [x86_64] Reinst not done for non-upgradable gem-async [x86_64] Investigating gem-async-io 1.34.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.22200.43.1@1666815923 [x86_64] Package gem-async-io has a broken Depends: gem(async) >= 0 [x86_64] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-io -1 [x86_64] Holding Back gem-async-io rather than change one of its deps: perhaps gem(async) or another one [x86_64] Investigating gem-async-pool 0.3.8-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3400.5.1@1630916090 [x86_64] Package gem-async-pool has a broken Depends: gem(async) >= 1.25 [x86_64] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-pool -1 [x86_64] Holding Back gem-async-pool rather than change one of its deps: perhaps gem(async) or another one [x86_64] Investigating gem-async-http 0.59.2-alt1:sisyphus+296741.25300.43.1@1666817867 [x86_64] Package gem-async-http has a broken Depends: gem(async) >= 1.25 [x86_64] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [x86_64] Reinst not done for non-upgradable gem-async [x86_64] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [x86_64] Reinst not done for non-upgradable gem-async [x86_64] Package gem-async-http has a broken Depends: gem(async-io) >= 1.28 [x86_64] Considering gem-async-io -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [x86_64] Reinst(gem-async-io) Need to fix this dep (or an alternative): Depends: gem(async) >= 0 [x86_64] Reinst not done for non-upgradable gem-async [x86_64] Reinst One of the alternatives failed because of gem-async [x86_64] Reinst(gem-async-io) All alternatives failed. So the whole current Reinst fails [x86_64] Package gem-async-http has a broken Depends: gem(async-pool) >= 0.2 [x86_64] Considering gem-async-pool -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [x86_64] Reinst(gem-async-pool) Need to fix this dep (or an alternative): Depends: gem(async) >= 1.25 [x86_64] Reinst not done for non-upgradable gem-async [x86_64] Reinst One of the alternatives failed because of gem-async [x86_64] Reinst(gem-async-pool) All alternatives failed. So the whole current Reinst fails [x86_64] Done [x86_64] rpm-build-ruby is already the newest version. [x86_64] Selected version gem-async-http#0.59.2-alt1:sisyphus+296741.25300.43.1@1666817867 for gem(async-http)>=0.42 [x86_64] Version gem-protocol-http#0.23.12-alt1:sisyphus+296741.26500.43.1@1666818124 for gem(protocol-http)>=0.7 is already selected for install [x86_64] Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have [x86_64] requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable [x86_64] distribution that some required packages have not yet been created [x86_64] or been moved out of Incoming. [x86_64] The following information may help to resolve the situation: [x86_64] [x86_64] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [x86_64] gem-async-http: Depends: gem(async) (>= 1.25) [x86_64] Depends: gem(async-io) (>= 1.28) [x86_64] Depends: gem(async-pool) (>= 0.2) [x86_64] E: Broken packages [x86_64] hsh-install: Failed to calculate package file list. [x86_64] hsh-install: Failed to generate package file list. 2024-Aug-07 22:24:15 :: [x86_64] gem-async-rest.git 0.13.0-alt1: remote: cannot build src.rpm 2024-Aug-07 22:24:15 :: [x86_64] #5230 gem-async-rest.git 0.13.0-alt1: build FAILED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:15 :: [x86_64] requesting cancellation of task processing 2024-Aug-07 22:24:20 :: [ppc64le] #2700 gem-bluecloth.git 2.2.0-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:24:21 :: [ppc64le] task processing CANCELLED [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: libruby-3.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+353063.36.23.1 1722989101 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: libruby-devel-3.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+353063.36.23.1 1722989101 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: rpm-macros-ruby-1:3.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+353063.36.23.1 1722989101 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: libyaml2-0.2.5-alt1 sisyphus+278391.100.1.1 1626094932 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: chrpath-0.16-alt1 sisyphus+346101.200.3.1 1716459476 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: setup-rb-5.999.6-alt12 sisyphus+353063.40.9.1 1722534768 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: gem-setup-5.999.6-alt12 sisyphus+353063.40.9.1 1722534768 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: libp11-kit-1:0.25.5-alt1 sisyphus+352553.100.1.1 1720622586 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: libtasn1-4.19.0-alt3 sisyphus+327816.100.1.1 1692802618 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: rpm-macros-alternatives-0.5.2-alt2 sisyphus+315270.200.2.1 1676457367 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: alternatives-0.5.2-alt2 sisyphus+315270.200.2.1 1676457367 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: ca-certificates-2024.07.01-alt1 sisyphus+351897.100.1.1 1719826350 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: ca-trust-0.2.0-alt1 sisyphus+344843.100.1.1 1712743326 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: p11-kit-trust-1:0.25.5-alt1 sisyphus+352553.100.1.1 1720622586 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: libcrypto3-3.1.6-alt1 sisyphus+350419.100.1.1 1717605920 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: libssl3-3.1.6-alt1 sisyphus+350419.100.1.1 1717605920 installed [i586] <86>Aug 7 22:24:19 groupadd[971047]: group added to /etc/group: name=ruby, GID=999 [i586] <86>Aug 7 22:24:19 groupadd[971047]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=ruby [i586] <86>Aug 7 22:24:19 groupadd[971047]: new group: name=ruby, GID=999 [i586] <86>Aug 7 22:24:19 usermod[971053]: add 'root' to group 'ruby' [i586] <86>Aug 7 22:24:19 usermod[971053]: add 'root' to shadow group 'ruby' [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: ruby-3.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+353063.36.23.1 1722989101 installed [i586] NOTE: to make the environment variable changes come into effect, please relogin the terminal session [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: ruby-stdlibs-3.3.4-alt1 sisyphus+353063.36.23.1 1722989101 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: gem-rake-13.1.0-alt1.1 sisyphus+343176.100.1.1 1710938591 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: rake-13.1.0-alt1.1 sisyphus+343176.100.1.1 1710938591 installed [i586] <13>Aug 7 22:24:19 rpmi: rpm-build-ruby-1:1.1.1-alt1 sisyphus+334339.50.37.1 1702423926 installed [i586] Reading Package Lists... [i586] Building Dependency Tree... [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-async-http [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(async) >= 1.25 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-async 2.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5220.9.1@1722536323 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-async 2.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5220.9.1@1722536323 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-async (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-async [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(console) >= 1.25.2 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-console 1.27.0-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5100.9.1@1722536255 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-console 1.27.0-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5100.9.1@1722536255 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-console (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-console [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(fiber-annotation) >= 0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-fiber-annotation 0.2.0-alt1:sisyphus+353063.4400.9.1@1722536102 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-fiber-annotation 0.2.0-alt1:sisyphus+353063.4400.9.1@1722536102 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-fiber-annotation (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-fiber-annotation [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(fiber-local) >= 1.1 [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(io-event) >= 1.6.5 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-io-event 1.6.5-alt1:sisyphus+353063.4200.9.1@1722536029 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-io-event 1.6.5-alt1:sisyphus+353063.4200.9.1@1722536029 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-io-event (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-io-event [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(async-io) >= 1.28 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-async-io 1.34.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.22200.43.1@1666815923 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-async-io 1.34.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.22200.43.1@1666815923 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-async-io (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-async-io [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(async-pool) >= 0.2 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-async-pool 0.3.8-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3400.5.1@1630916090 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-async-pool 0.3.8-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3400.5.1@1630916090 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-async-pool (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-async-pool [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(protocol-http) >= 0.23.1 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-protocol-http 0.23.12-alt1:sisyphus+296741.26500.43.1@1666818124 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-protocol-http 0.23.12-alt1:sisyphus+296741.26500.43.1@1666818124 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-protocol-http (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-protocol-http [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(protocol-http1) >= 0.14.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-protocol-http1 0.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3600.5.1@1630916164 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-protocol-http1 0.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3600.5.1@1630916164 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-protocol-http1 (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-protocol-http1 [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(protocol-http2) >= 0.14.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-protocol-http2 0.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.4000.5.1@1630916240 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-protocol-http2 0.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.4000.5.1@1630916240 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-protocol-http2 (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-protocol-http2 [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(protocol-hpack) >= 1.4 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-protocol-hpack 1.4.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3700.5.1@1630916203 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-protocol-hpack 1.4.2-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3700.5.1@1630916203 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-protocol-hpack (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-protocol-hpack [i586] MI2a: satisfying Depends: gem(traces) >= 0.4.0 [i586] MI2a: maybe install (a providing target): gem-traces 0.7.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.27400.43.1@1666818302 [i586] MI2a: target SELECTED: gem-traces 0.7.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.27400.43.1@1666818302 [i586] MI2a: requesting to install gem-traces (unspec'd ver; inspect with Debug::pkgMark-shallow) [i586] MI2a: marked for install (shallow): gem-traces [i586] Starting [i586] Starting 2 [i586] Investigating gem-console 1.27.0-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5100.9.1@1722536255 [i586] Package gem-console has a broken Depends: gem(fiber-local) >= 1.1 [i586] Investigating gem-async 2.14.2-alt1:sisyphus+353063.5220.9.1@1722536323 [i586] Package gem-async has a broken Depends: gem(console) >= 1.25.2 [i586] Considering gem-console -1 as a solution to gem-async -1 [i586] Holding Back gem-async rather than change one of its deps: perhaps gem(console) or another one [i586] Investigating gem-async-http 0.59.2-alt1:sisyphus+296741.25300.43.1@1666817867 [i586] Package gem-async-http has a broken Depends: gem(async) >= 1.25 [i586] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [i586] Reinst(gem-async) Need to fix this dep (or an alternative): Depends: gem(console) >= 1.25.2 [i586] Reinst(gem-console) Need to fix this dep (or an alternative): Depends: gem(fiber-local) >= 1.1 [i586] Reinst One of the alternatives failed early: Depends: gem(fiber-local) >= 1.1 [i586] Reinst(gem-console) All alternatives failed. So the whole current Reinst fails [i586] Reinst One of the alternatives failed because of gem-console [i586] Reinst(gem-async) All alternatives failed. So the whole current Reinst fails [i586] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [i586] Reinst not done for non-upgradable gem-async [i586] Investigating gem-async-io 1.34.0-alt1:sisyphus+296741.22200.43.1@1666815923 [i586] Package gem-async-io has a broken Depends: gem(async) >= 0 [i586] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-io -1 [i586] Holding Back gem-async-io rather than change one of its deps: perhaps gem(async) or another one [i586] Investigating gem-async-pool 0.3.8-alt1:sisyphus+247085.3400.5.1@1630916090 [i586] Package gem-async-pool has a broken Depends: gem(async) >= 1.25 [i586] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-pool -1 [i586] Holding Back gem-async-pool rather than change one of its deps: perhaps gem(async) or another one [i586] Investigating gem-async-http 0.59.2-alt1:sisyphus+296741.25300.43.1@1666817867 [i586] Package gem-async-http has a broken Depends: gem(async) >= 1.25 [i586] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [i586] Reinst not done for non-upgradable gem-async [i586] Considering gem-async -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [i586] Reinst not done for non-upgradable gem-async [i586] Package gem-async-http has a broken Depends: gem(async-io) >= 1.28 [i586] Considering gem-async-io -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [i586] Reinst(gem-async-io) Need to fix this dep (or an alternative): Depends: gem(async) >= 0 [i586] Reinst not done for non-upgradable gem-async [i586] Reinst One of the alternatives failed because of gem-async [i586] Reinst(gem-async-io) All alternatives failed. So the whole current Reinst fails [i586] Package gem-async-http has a broken Depends: gem(async-pool) >= 0.2 [i586] Considering gem-async-pool -1 as a solution to gem-async-http 9999 [i586] Reinst(gem-async-pool) Need to fix this dep (or an alternative): Depends: gem(async) >= 1.25 [i586] Reinst not done for non-upgradable gem-async [i586] Reinst One of the alternatives failed because of gem-async [i586] Reinst(gem-async-pool) All alternatives failed. So the whole current Reinst fails [i586] Done [i586] rpm-build-ruby is already the newest version. [i586] Selected version gem-async-http#0.59.2-alt1:sisyphus+296741.25300.43.1@1666817867 for gem(async-http)>=0.42 [i586] Version gem-protocol-http#0.23.12-alt1:sisyphus+296741.26500.43.1@1666818124 for gem(protocol-http)>=0.7 is already selected for install [i586] Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have [i586] requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable [i586] distribution that some required packages have not yet been created [i586] or been moved out of Incoming. [i586] The following information may help to resolve the situation: [i586] [i586] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [i586] gem-async-http: Depends: gem(async) (>= 1.25) [i586] Depends: gem(async-io) (>= 1.28) [i586] Depends: gem(async-pool) (>= 0.2) [i586] E: Broken packages [i586] hsh-install: Failed to calculate package file list. [i586] hsh-install: Failed to generate package file list. 2024-Aug-07 22:24:21 :: [i586] gem-async-rest.git 0.13.0-alt1: remote: cannot build src.rpm 2024-Aug-07 22:24:21 :: [i586] #5230 gem-async-rest.git 0.13.0-alt1: build FAILED 2024-Aug-07 22:25:24 :: [aarch64] #3100 gem-concurrent-ruby.git 1.2.3-alt1: build OK 2024-Aug-07 22:25:24 :: [aarch64] task processing CANCELLED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:15 :: [x86_64] build FAILED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:21 :: [ppc64le] build FAILED 2024-Aug-07 22:24:21 :: [i586] build FAILED 2024-Aug-07 22:25:24 :: [aarch64] build FAILED 2024-Aug-07 22:25:25 :: task #353063 for sisyphus FAILED