From: "Girar pender (majioa)" <> To: Pavel Skrylev <> Cc:, Andrey Cherepanov <>, Dmitriy Voropaev <>, Alexey Shabalin <>,, Mikhail Gordeev <>,, Subject: [#296637] DONE (try 56) rpm-build-ruby.git=1.0.0-alt19 gem-setup.git=5.999.6-alt1 ... Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2022 04:45:41 +0000 Message-ID: <> (raw) In-Reply-To: <> subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64 #1 rpm-build-ruby 42 58 31 51 24 #174 gem-setup 46 1:08 31 56 26 #176 gem-rvm 40 1:01 25 49 25 #220 ruby 30:36 47:46 23:34 34:11 13:11 #272 gem-power-assert 1:03 1:46 36 1:17 39 #276 gem-net-protocol 1:01 1:44 35 1:13 38 #277 gem-time 1:01 1:43 35 1:13 43 #340 gem-net-ftp 1:02 1:45 36 1:15 36 #360 gem-net-imap 1:03 1:48 37 1:21 41 #370 gem-net-pop 1:02 1:46 35 1:14 37 #374 gem-net-smtp 59 1:43 34 1:12 35 #600 gem-apipie-bindings 1:03 1:48 37 1:18 42 #1000 gem-em-mongo 1:02 1:47 36 1:17 41 #1100 gem-hiera 1:01 1:42 35 1:13 34 #1140 gem-graphql 1:44 3:03 1:00 2:22 1:03 #1300 gem-flexmock 1:05 1:51 37 1:18 41 #1500 gem-webauthn 1:06 1:53 38 1:22 37 #1540 gem-twitter-text 1:06 1:53 38 1:21 36 #1700 gem-simple-oauth 1:03 1:46 36 1:15 33 #1740 gem-sidekiq 1:10 1:58 41 1:27 38 #2100 gem-sass-rails 1:03 1:47 36 1:16 34 #2200 gem-ruby-openid 1:09 1:56 40 1:26 35 #2300 gem-rsec 58 1:42 32 1:13 30 #2400 gem-rabl 1:04 1:51 37 1:20 35 #2500 gem-puppet-resource-api 1:03 1:48 36 1:18 33 #2600 gem-notify 1:03 1:46 38 1:16 35 #2700 gem-chefstyle 1:05 1:48 37 1:17 36 #3000 gem-reverse-markdown 1:06 1:51 39 1:20 36 #3200 gem-gem-release 59 1:44 33 1:15 33 #3300 gem-licensee 1:09 2:00 40 1:25 36 #3400 gem-active-record-inline-schema 1:02 1:45 35 1:15 33 #3500 gem-cohort-analysis 1:02 1:47 37 1:16 34 #3600 gem-weighted-average 1:02 1:46 36 1:16 34 #3700 gem-protocol 1:04 1:48 36 1:17 33 #4000 gem-mize 1:02 1:46 36 1:15 33 #4100 gem-amatch 1:12 1:59 44 1:26 41 #4200 gem-fuzzy-match 1:06 1:52 40 1:21 36 #4240 gem-license-scout 1:45 3:00 1:00 2:24 52 #4400 gem-codecov 1:04 1:48 38 1:19 35 #4500 gem-google-gax 1:06 1:53 38 1:22 35 #4600 gem-exception-notification 1:15 2:09 42 1:33 40 #4700 gem-xml-simple 1:00 1:41 32 1:11 31 #5000 gem-gitlab-sidekiq-fetcher 1:01 1:45 36 1:14 33 #5100 gem-bump 1:05 1:48 38 1:18 36 #5200 gem-train-rest 1:02 1:46 35 1:15 33 #5300 gem-ohai 1:14 2:03 40 1:32 38 #5400 gem-corefoundation 1:00 1:44 34 1:14 31 #5500 gem-vault 1:09 1:55 39 1:23 36 #5600 gem-chef 4:42 7:29 2:45 6:36 2:21 #5700 gem-toxiproxy 58 1:41 31 1:11 31 #6000 gem-appbundler 1:11 2:04 41 1:27 40 #6700 google-api-ruby-client 20:13 40:51 10:38 31:37 8:55 #7000 gapic-generator-ruby 2:24 3:38 1:40 2:54 1:35 #7100 common-protos-ruby 1:11 1:56 43 1:25 42 #7140 ruby-gnome2 9:29 14:57 6:51 13:57 6:21 #7240 gem-puppet 2:33 4:18 1:32 3:24 1:17 #7640 gem-sexp-processor 1:01 1:47 33 1:17 31 #7660 gem-oedipus-lex 1:00 1:43 34 1:13 33 #7700 gem-ruby-parser 1:34 2:37 53 2:10 49 #10000 foreman 4:00 6:36 2:27 6:24 2:03 #10100 passenger 7:49 4:25 4:25 8:12 3:54 #10400 gem-coderay 1:05 1:52 36 1:23 35 #10700 gem-ptools 1:01 1:45 35 1:14 33 #11000 gem-mkmf-lite 1:01 1:45 34 1:14 33 #11100 gem-sys-filesystem 1:02 1:45 34 1:15 33 #11240 gem-rake 1:02 1:47 36 1:18 34 #11500 gem-deacon 1:04 1:49 36 1:17 34 #11600 azure-sdk-for-ruby 3:05:31 7:01:14 1:53:48 4:30:52 1:22:03 #11700 gem-facter 2:13 3:43 1:19 2:54 1:08 #12000 gem-aliyun-sdk 1:14 2:07 42 1:33 41 #12100 gem-digest-crc 1:37 2:42 53 2:00 49 #12140 gem-bcrypt 1:09 1:55 40 1:23 39 #12240 gem-bcrypt-pbkdf 1:08 1:56 40 1:22 38 #12400 gem-fuubar 1:03 1:47 35 1:16 34 #12500 gem-rfc 1:03 1:47 36 1:16 34 #12600 gem-byebug 1:18 2:09 45 1:36 43 #12700 gem-kramdown-parser-gfm 1:01 1:45 33 1:14 32 #13000 gem-mdl 1:15 2:11 41 1:34 39 #13100 gem-claide 1:01 1:45 33 1:15 32 #13200 gem-colored2 1:05 1:49 36 1:18 35 #13300 gem-cork 1:05 1:49 35 1:19 34 #13400 gem-peck 1:03 1:46 34 1:18 34 #13500 gem-nap 1:04 1:49 36 1:20 34 #13600 gem-claide-plugins 1:06 1:53 36 1:21 35 #13700 gem-faraday-http-cache 1:04 1:48 36 1:17 34 #14000 gem-danger 1:17 2:13 44 1:37 40 #14100 gem-chandler 1:11 2:01 40 1:28 38 #14200 gem-md-ruby-eval 1:06 1:51 38 1:18 36 #14220 gem-concurrent-ruby 2:10 3:30 1:17 2:47 1:10 #14400 gem-ed25519 1:10 2:03 44 1:26 39 #14500 gem-ffi 1:25 2:22 48 1:47 44 #14600 gem-hiredis 1:15 2:04 43 1:34 41 #14700 gem-rake-compiler 1:07 1:53 39 1:21 37 #14740 gem-parser 1:17 2:08 40 1:33 38 #15000 gem-rubocop 2:14 3:42 1:16 3:11 1:06 #15100 gem-rubocop-ast 1:10 2:00 38 1:25 36 #15200 gem-rubocop-minitest 1:07 1:55 37 1:21 35 #15300 gem-rubocop-performance 1:07 1:57 37 1:25 36 #15400 gem-rake-compiler-dock 1:07 1:52 39 1:20 37 #15500 gem-nokogiri 1:46 2:54 59 2:08 56 #15600 gem-oj 1:31 2:33 52 1:48 47 #16000 gem-thin 1:12 2:00 42 1:29 40 #16100 gem-redcloth 1:09 1:56 39 1:24 37 #16140 gem-rb-fsevent 1:05 1:52 36 1:18 35 #16240 gem-puma 1:19 2:13 46 1:40 43 #16500 gem-zentest 1:07 1:51 38 1:20 37 #16600 gem-rubyinline 1:04 1:49 35 1:18 34 #16700 gem-fuzzy-string-match 1:03 1:52 35 1:18 34 #17000 gem-ffi-compiler 1:05 1:55 36 1:20 35 #17100 gem-hotwater 1:09 1:58 40 1:23 39 #17200 gem-jaro-winkler 1:11 2:01 41 1:25 39 #17400 gem-remix-stash 1:11 1:59 39 1:26 38 #17500 gem-hoe-mercurial 1:04 1:49 36 1:16 34 #17600 gem-hoe-highline 1:04 1:48 35 1:16 35 #17700 gem-hoe-deveiate 1:05 1:50 36 1:19 34 #20000 gem-pg 2:40 2:48 1:10 3:17 1:32 #20200 gem-rdoc 1:21 2:16 46 1:46 43 #20400 gem-dbi-dbrc 1:05 1:51 37 1:20 35 #20500 gem-fast-xs 1:04 1:50 35 1:19 34 #20600 gem-url-escape 1:04 1:49 36 1:19 34 #20700 gem-glu 1:09 1:57 38 1:21 36 #21000 gem-glut 1:03 1:49 35 1:16 34 #21100 gem-opengl 1:43 2:52 1:00 2:01 53 #21200 gem-ruby-debug-ide 1:04 1:54 36 1:22 35 #21300 gem-minitar-cli 1:08 1:53 38 1:21 38 #21400 gem-debase-ruby-core-source 1:44 2:58 59 2:27 52 #21500 gem-debase 1:12 2:02 41 1:29 39 #21600 gem-strong-json 1:01 1:45 33 1:14 32 #21700 gem-goodcheck 1:10 1:59 40 1:26 38 #22000 gem-rubocop-rubycw 1:05 1:50 36 1:18 35 #22100 gem-stackprof 1:13 2:00 42 1:28 41 #22200 gem-tempfile 1:00 1:45 33 1:15 31 #22300 gem-rbs 1:29 2:27 52 1:53 48 #22400 gem-tidy-ext 1:13 2:03 40 1:28 38 #22500 gem-bluecloth 1:17 2:09 45 1:32 44 #22600 gem-redcarpet 1:17 2:07 45 1:33 43 #22700 gem-rspec-junit-formatter 1:07 1:53 37 1:21 35 #23000 gem-rmagick 1:46 2:46 59 2:03 54 #23100 gem-nio4r 1:13 2:01 42 1:29 40 #23140 gem-hoe-bundler 1:04 1:50 35 1:17 34 #23200 gem-hoe-gemspec 1:04 1:49 35 1:18 35 #23300 gem-sqlite3 1:17 2:10 44 1:36 42 #23400 gem-data-objects 1:56 2:58 1:16 2:17 1:13 #23500 gem-i18n 1:09 1:54 37 1:23 35 #23600 gem-timecop 1:00 1:44 32 1:16 32 #24000 gem-yard 1:18 2:13 44 1:42 41 #24100 gem-faker 1:30 2:32 52 2:01 47 #24200 gem-mysql2 1:17 2:08 43 1:34 41 #24400 gem-andand 1:00 1:43 33 1:12 31 #24500 gem-hrx 1:03 1:47 35 1:16 34 #25000 protobuf 9:01 14:19 16:08 12:57 12:39
prev parent reply other threads:[~2022-06-10 4:45 UTC|newest] Thread overview: 52+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top 2022-03-14 19:16 [#296637] [test-only] FAILED gem-setup.git=5.999.5-alt13 gem-inifile.git=3.0.0-alt1.1 Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-03-14 19:30 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 2) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-03-14 20:59 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 3) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-03-15 10:09 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 4) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-03-15 11:49 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 5) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-03-16 9:08 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 6) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-03-30 13:29 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 7) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-03-30 19:18 ` [#296637] TESTED (try 8) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-18 18:35 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 9) rpm-build-ruby.git=1.0.0-alt19 gem-setup.git=5.999.5-alt13 Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-19 4:16 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 11) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-19 23:27 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 12) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-20 12:01 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 13) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-20 21:28 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 14) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-21 22:49 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 15) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-21 23:49 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 16) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-22 6:46 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 17) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-22 7:42 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 18) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-23 18:14 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 19) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-24 14:23 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 21) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-24 19:05 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 22) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-25 19:54 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 23) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-27 0:25 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 24) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-27 18:54 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 25) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-28 2:42 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 26) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-28 16:58 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 27) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-29 4:06 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 28) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-29 14:25 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 29) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-29 22:00 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 30) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-04-30 20:50 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 31) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-01 14:03 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 32) rpm-build-ruby.git=1.0.0-alt19 gem-setup.git=5.999.6-alt1 Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-02 19:19 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 33) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-03 14:06 ` [#296637] TESTED (try 34) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-03 20:24 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 35) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-05 16:12 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 36) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-06 2:12 ` [#296637] SWEPT (try 37) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-21 5:26 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 38) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-21 15:44 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 39) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-24 1:44 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 40) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-24 18:08 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 41) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-30 18:48 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 44) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-31 10:38 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 45) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-31 15:44 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 46) rpm-build-ruby.git=1.0.0-alt19 gem-rvm.git= Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-05-31 20:00 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 47) rpm-build-ruby.git=1.0.0-alt19 gem-setup.git=5.999.6-alt1 Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-06-01 11:26 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 48) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-06-01 22:32 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 49) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-06-02 9:41 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 50) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-06-03 4:27 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 51) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-06-03 8:44 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 52) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-06-03 12:05 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 53) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-06-04 19:08 ` [#296637] [test-only] FAILED (try 54) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-06-06 4:00 ` [#296637] TESTED (try 55) " Girar awaiter (majioa) 2022-06-10 4:45 ` Girar pender (majioa) [this message]
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