From: "Girar awaiter (grenka)" <> To: Grigory Ustinov <> Cc:, Subject: [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 46) mpdecimal.git=2.5.1-alt1 python3.git=3.10.0-alt1 ... Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 08:24:09 +0000 Message-ID: <> (raw) In-Reply-To: <> subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64 #27640 python3-module-fastavro 1:49 2:40 1:00 2:03 58 #30000 python3-module-ffpyplayer 2:18 3:45 1:15 2:33 1:08 #30100 python3-module-grpcio 9:36 13:45 5:20 10:00 4:56 #30200 python3-module-gssapi 2:23 3:36 1:22 2:43 1:13 #30300 python3-module-http-parser 1:01 1:28 33 1:09 33 #30400 python3-module-httptools 40 1:00 24 48 23 #30500 python3-module-kmod 44 1:05 26 50 24 #30600 python3-module-lupa 56 1:24 33 1:06 31 #30700 python3-module-memory-allocator 39 57 23 44 22 #31000 python3-module-minipg 1:17 1:51 42 1:24 39 #31100 python3-module-mistune 1:04 1:32 34 1:10 33 #31200 python3-module-msgpack 41 1:01 25 47 24 #31300 python3-module-multidict 44 1:04 25 49 25 #31301 python3-module-numpy 13:09 18:38 9:35 16:08 8:21 #31500 python3-module-orderedset 45 1:06 26 52 26 #31600 python3-module-psycopg2cffi 48 1:10 29 55 28 #31700 python3-module-pyasn 1:02 1:35 38 1:10 35 #32000 python3-module-pyclipper 47 1:08 27 53 27 #32100 python3-module-pyjnius 1:18 1:59 47 1:29 43 #32200 python3-module-pynacl 47 1:11 28 55 26 #32300 python3-module-pynest2d 56 1:20 31 1:00 31 #32400 python3-module-pyproj 1:17 1:55 46 1:34 44 #32440 python3-module-PyQt5-sip 46 1:05 26 51 26 #32600 python3-module-rencode 43 1:03 25 49 24 #32700 python3-module-setproctitle 42 1:01 25 50 24 #32740 python3-module-sipsimple - - - - 8:10 #33100 python3-module-timelib 1:21 1:48 35 1:23 35 #33200 python3-module-wheezy.template 1:53 2:47 59 2:07 55 #33300 python3-module-wsaccel 49 1:12 29 58 28 #33400 python3-module-yaml 51 1:16 29 59 27 #33500 python3-module-yarl 43 1:01 25 48 24 #33540 scribus 8:50 12:37 5:05 8:15 4:15 #33700 setools 2:12 3:08 1:14 2:26 1:08 #34000 vapoursynth 2:09 3:05 1:30 2:28 1:25 #34100 vcmmd - - - - 25 #34120 biosig 1:45 2:32 1:03 1:57 1:00 #34220 boost 18:49 26:45 13:41 19:05 11:42 #34400 gdal 25:01 36:03 14:12 27:38 12:22 #34420 libldb 3:56 4:39 2:14 4:23 2:30 #34540 lirc 2:41 4:03 1:35 3:10 1:28 #34700 printrun 55 1:18 36 1:03 35 #35000 python3-module-fasttext 1:43 2:26 58 1:49 55 #35200 python3-module-m2crypto 1:05 1:33 37 1:14 35 #35300 python3-module-mmh3 38 56 23 43 23 #35400 python3-module-pygsl 2:58 4:30 1:40 3:20 1:32 #35500 python3-module-sane 38 55 23 45 23 #35600 python3-module-talib 3:13 4:49 1:44 3:38 1:23 #35700 summain 38 56 22 42 22 #36000 python3-module-zmq 1:26 2:08 50 1:39 47 #36100 python3-module-lxml 4:22 6:22 2:17 4:51 2:03 #36200 capstone 6:59 7:53 3:01 5:36 2:57 #36300 gdcm 5:48 8:23 3:36 6:08 3:16 #36340 glib2 11:04 15:45 5:45 13:27 5:29 #36500 hotdoc 1:56 2:55 1:07 2:20 1:01 #36540 hugin 4:28 7:04 2:33 4:13 2:26 #36700 lasso 2:11 4:52 1:22 2:38 1:15 #36720 libopenimageio 5:12 9:01 3:24 5:16 3:07 #37100 libprelude 7:15 11:22 4:28 9:03 4:05 #37140 linux-tools 4:51 5:48 3:14 5:11 3:19 #37240 mercurial 2:44 4:23 1:34 3:14 1:27 #37400 openvdb 5:32 8:16 3:25 6:37 3:03 #37500 protobuf 8:51 12:35 15:24 12:13 12:38 #37600 python3-module-dm.xmlsec.binding 58 1:22 38 1:04 36 #37700 python3-module-fabio 2:19 3:22 1:14 2:34 1:09 #40000 python3-module-gattlib 1:12 1:46 41 1:21 39 #40100 python3-module-html5-parser 1:03 1:36 33 1:12 33 #40200 python3-module-kivy 4:52 7:19 2:36 5:33 2:21 #40300 python3-module-meshpy 1:34 2:14 54 1:48 51 #40400 python3-module-pyublas 1:48 2:34 1:02 2:04 59 #40500 python3-module-tagpy 1:41 2:27 57 1:51 53 #40520 samba 49:36 1:17:27 27:40 54:31 24:06 #40700 subversion 13:05 17:16 7:22 14:55 6:34 #41000 duplicity 43 1:06 26 50 25 #41100 python3-module-cbor2 42 1:03 25 49 24 #41200 python3-module-grpcio-tools 1:02 1:30 34 1:08 34 #41300 python3-module-lazy-object-proxy 1:15 1:52 56 1:34 44 #41400 python3-module-lz4 45 1:07 26 51 26 #41500 python3-module-vispy 1:03 1:39 38 1:15 36 #41600 rdiff-backup 41 1:01 23 46 24 #41700 python3-module-semantic_version 32 48 17 36 18 #42000 python3-module-cryptography 2:14 3:24 1:17 2:37 1:08 #42100 apache2-mod_wsgi 51 1:16 31 1:00 30 #42140 kde5-cantor 3:43 5:52 2:22 4:03 2:12 #42240 kde5-kig 2:34 3:47 1:32 2:49 1:27 #42400 libaubio5 1:38 2:27 1:05 2:00 1:01 #42440 libopencv 20:27 30:53 13:02 20:41 10:55 #42600 python3-module-coincurve 40 59 24 45 24 #42700 python3-module-Naked 2:05 3:07 1:05 2:22 59 #43000 python3-module-pycryptodomex 3:35 8:13 2:54 5:04 1:54 #43200 python3-module-pycryptodome 2:24 4:45 1:50 3:16 1:22 #43240 libpreludedb 5:00 8:05 3:15 6:20 3:00 #43400 python3-module-uinput 38 55 22 43 22 #43500 python3-module-llvmlite 1:19 1:51 49 1:27 44 #43540 python3-module-zope.interface 43 1:04 27 51 27 #44000 gobject-introspection 1:45 2:44 1:05 2:10 1:01 #44040 python3-module-gevent 3:09 4:38 1:42 3:35 1:32 #44200 python3-module-mpi4py 2:28 3:33 1:19 2:42 1:14 #44300 python3-module-twisted-core 2:26 3:31 1:44 2:49 1:39 #44400 python3-module-zope.i18nmessageid 39 57 25 44 25 #44500 compiz 17:56 24:34 9:35 19:28 8:52 #44600 eog 1:58 3:08 1:14 2:30 1:08 #44620 libguestfs 12:04 18:11 7:16 15:19 6:28 #45000 mate-text-editor 2:54 4:33 1:41 3:39 1:28 #45100 onboard 1:49 2:41 1:09 2:08 1:01 #45200 python3-module-mprpc 50 1:14 28 1:00 28 #45300 47 1:09 30 54 30 #45320 xed 1:48 2:50 1:06 2:16 1:01 #45440 xapian-bindings 2:08 3:04 1:18 2:37 1:15 #45540 python3-module-sphinx 4:14 7:23 2:22 5:32 2:07 #45700 fontforge 2:52 4:12 1:46 3:17 1:42 #46000 kitty 1:35 2:24 56 1:49 53 #46100 libcomps 1:20 1:51 51 1:32 50 #46200 openvswitch 4:54 6:05 2:57 5:20 2:37 #46300 pymunk 1:26 2:10 50 1:41 46 #46400 python3-module-brotlipy 1:14 1:50 44 1:27 42 #46440 python3-module-clickhouse-driver 1:08 1:36 38 1:17 36 #46600 python3-module-cx-freeze 48 1:11 29 56 29 #46700 python3-module-fiona 3:40 5:34 1:58 4:05 1:46 #47000 python3-module-libacl 42 1:03 25 49 26 #47100 python3-module-MaxMindDB 53 1:16 34 1:00 33 #47200 python3-module-mysqlclient 54 1:20 34 1:01 34 #47300 python3-module-persistent 1:08 1:40 40 1:18 39 #47400 python3-module-prctl 45 1:06 28 52 28 #47500 python3-module-pyaxon 1:44 2:32 58 1:57 54 #47600 python3-module-pycairo 2:05 3:06 1:21 2:32 1:18 #47700 python3-module-pycares 51 1:16 29 1:00 29 #50000 python3-module-Reportlab 1:09 1:45 41 1:21 39 #50100 python3-module-scikits.sparse 1:16 1:49 47 1:31 44 #50200 python3-module-simplejson 47 1:12 29 55 29 #50300 python3-module-traits 1:54 3:06 1:06 2:22 1:03 #50400 python3-module-wrapt 56 1:21 35 1:04 34 #50500 python3-module-xmlsec 47 1:09 27 53 26 #50600 python3-module-zope.hookable 55 1:17 36 1:01 36 #50700 python3-module-pygobject 1:19 1:55 48 1:37 46 #51000 python3-module-pygobject3 1:05 1:33 41 1:15 39 #51040 gedit 2:14 3:33 1:28 2:51 1:20 #51200 glade 2:15 3:17 1:26 2:57 1:17 #51240 gnumeric 5:02 7:43 3:01 6:05 2:43 #51400 jack_mixer 53 1:16 34 1:02 32 #51500 nautilus-python 1:07 1:38 44 1:19 42 #51600 python3-module-caja 1:05 1:35 42 1:18 40 #51700 python3-module-dbus 1:50 2:37 1:14 2:08 1:08 #52000 rhythmbox 6:27 9:03 4:23 7:46 4:04 #52200 libpeas 1:50 2:36 1:16 2:15 1:11 #52300 python3-module-guppy 53 1:17 32 1:01 31 #52400 python3-module-tornado 56 1:27 35 1:02 34 #52500 bup 54 1:18 33 1:03 34 #52600 python3-module-openzwave 1:56 2:39 1:10 2:05 1:03 #52700 python3-module-pikepdf 1:44 2:26 56 1:49 54 #53000 python3-module-Cheetah 1:04 1:40 38 1:15 36 #53100 h5py 4:14 5:49 2:04 4:48 2:00 #53200 python3-module-cftime 1:10 1:45 39 1:19 36 #53300 python3-module-cyrand 49 1:13 28 56 29 #53400 python3-module-meinheld 51 1:13 31 58 31 #53500 python3-module-numcodecs 1:35 2:22 57 1:49 52 #53520 python3-module-numexpr 56 1:21 30 1:05 30 #65320 python3-module-pywayland 48 1:12 28 56 28 #73700 cadabra2 3:33 4:52 2:05 3:34 1:55 #74000 libuser 4:34 7:38 2:50 5:55 2:42 #74100 MySQL 29:25 37:57 17:40 21:15 15:09
next prev parent reply other threads:[~2022-01-24 8:24 UTC|newest] Thread overview: 59+ messages / expand[flat|nested] mbox.gz Atom feed top 2021-12-03 16:35 [#291245] [test-only] FAILED " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-03 18:06 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 2) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-04 20:20 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 3) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-05 6:24 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 4) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-05 19:52 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 5) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-06 3:34 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 6) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-06 17:08 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 7) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-06 17:50 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 8) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-07 12:22 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 9) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-07 16:31 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 10) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-11 8:12 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 11) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-11 12:55 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 12) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-12 1:02 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 13) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-12 9:56 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 14) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-13 8:13 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 15) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-13 16:44 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 16) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-14 12:24 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 17) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-14 17:00 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 18) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-14 22:05 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 19) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-17 8:45 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 20) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-21 12:04 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 21) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-22 15:08 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 22) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-23 17:11 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 23) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-24 14:47 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 24) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-24 21:43 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 25) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-25 12:58 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 26) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2021-12-25 13:17 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 27) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-10 22:42 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 28) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-12 6:50 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 29) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-12 13:58 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 30) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-12 22:05 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 31) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-13 5:01 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 32) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-14 18:01 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 33) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-14 19:14 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 34) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-15 1:22 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 35) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-15 20:18 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 36) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-16 5:31 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 37) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-17 0:52 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 38) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-22 12:27 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 39) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-23 4:50 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 40) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-23 5:44 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 41) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-23 6:57 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 42) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-23 7:11 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 43) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-23 11:27 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 44) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-23 15:19 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 45) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-24 8:24 ` Girar awaiter (grenka) [this message] 2022-01-24 18:09 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 47) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-25 0:32 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 48) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-25 20:40 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 49) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-26 11:38 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 50) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-27 0:25 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 51) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-27 10:09 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 52) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-27 14:13 ` [#291245] [test-only] FAILED (try 53) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-28 0:17 ` [#291245] FAILED (try 54) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-28 10:37 ` [#291245] FAILED (try 55) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-29 6:27 ` [#291245] FAILED (try 56) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-29 22:20 ` [#291245] FAILED (try 57) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-01-30 19:51 ` [#291245] FAILED (try 58) " Girar awaiter (grenka) 2022-02-01 22:44 ` [#291245] DONE (try 59) " Girar pender (grenka)
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