From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.1 (2015-04-28) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-3.3 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,RP_MATCHES_RCVD autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.1 Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2021 14:24:52 +0000 From: "Girar awaiter (majioa)" To: Pavel Skrylev Subject: [#263530] FAILED (try 84) rpm-build-ruby.git=1.0.0-alt14 gem-setup.git=5.999.4-alt9 ... Message-ID: Mail-Followup-To: Girar awaiter robot References: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline In-Reply-To: X-girar-task-id: 263530 X-girar-task-owner: majioa X-girar-task-cc: @python, @ruby, andy, arseny, cas, mike, obirvalger, shaba X-girar-task-repo: sisyphus X-girar-task-try: 84 X-girar-task-iter: 1 X-girar-task-status: FAILED X-girar-task-URL: X-girar-task-log: logs/events.84.1.log X-girar-task-summary: [#263530] FAILED (try 84) rpm-build-ruby.git=1.0.0-alt14 gem-setup.git=5.999.4-alt9 gem-rubygems-update.git=3.2.19-alt1 del=gem-bundler gem-appraisal.git=2.4.0-alt1 gem-tzinfo.git=2.0.4-alt1 del=ruby-tzinfo gem-ipaddress.git=0.8.3-alt1 gem-json.git=2.5.1-alt1 gem-fog-aws.git=3.7.0-alt1 gem-zeitwerk.git=2.4.2-alt1 del=ruby-fog-google gem-globalid.git=0.4.2-alt1 del=ruby-globalid del=ruby-marcel del=ruby-fog-aws gem-marcel.git=1.0.1-alt1 del=ruby-google-api del=ruby-fog-ovirt gem-fog-vsphere.git=3.5.0-alt1 gem-scoped-search.git=4.1.9-alt1 gem-json-schema.git=2.8.1-alt1 gem-apipie-dsl.git=2.3.0-alt1 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git=0.1.5-alt1 gem-rails.git= gem-ancestry.git=4.0.0-alt1 gem-rails-i18n.git=6.0.0-alt1 del=ruby-rails-i18n del=gem-gridster-rails gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git=4.4.1-alt1 gem-packethost.git= del=rubyzip gem-winrm-elevated.git=1.2.3-alt1 gem-draper.git=4.0.1-alt1 gem-winrm-fs.git=1.3.5-alt1 del=ruby-font-awesome-rails del=ruby-google-auth del=ruby-signet gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git=1.2.0-alt1 gem-coderay.git=1.1.3-alt1 gem-docopt.git= del=ruby-coderay gem-soap4r.git=2.0.4-alt1 gem-simplecov-html.git=0.12.3-alt1 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git=0.1.2-alt1 gem-coveralls.git= del=ruby-docile del=ruby-rdoc del=ruby-listen gem-rdoc.git=6.3.0-alt1 gem-minitest.git=5.14.4-alt1 gem-thread-order.git=1.1.1-alt1 gem-contracts.git=0.16.1-alt1 gem-ffi.git=1.15.0-alt1 gem-rspec-support.git=3.10.2-alt1 gem-rspec-expectations.git=3.10.1-alt1 gem-rspec-mocks.git=3.10.2-alt1 gem-rspec-core.git=3.10.1-alt1 gem-rspec.git=3.10.0-alt1 del=ruby-rspec del=ruby-rspec-core del=ruby-rspec-mocks del=ruby-rspec-expectations gem-docile.git=1.3.5-alt1 del=ruby-diff-lcs gem-diff-lcs.git=1.4.3-alt1 gem-builder.git=3.2.4-alt1 del=ruby-builder gem-sys-uname.git=1.2.2-alt1 gem-multi-test.git=0.1.2-alt1 del=ruby-rspec-support gem-parser.git= gem-simplecov.git=0.21.2-alt1 gem-rubocop-ast.git=1.7.0-alt1 gem-rubocop.git=1.15.0-alt1 gem-rubyzip.git=2.3.0-alt1 gem-zip-container.git=4.0.2-alt1 gem-ucf.git=2.0.2-alt1 del=ruby-fog-json gem-fog-json.git= gem-indexer.git=0.3.0-alt1 gem-mast.git=1.3.0-alt1 gem-turn.git=0.9.7-alt1 gem-fog-xml.git= del=ruby-fog-xml gem-rake-compiler-dock.git=1.1.0-alt1 protobuf.git=3.16.0-alt4.1 common-protos-ruby.git=20210531-alt1 grpc.git=1.38.0-alt1.1 gem-rbtree.git=0.4.4-alt1 gem-memoist.git=0.16.2-alt1 del=ruby-memoist gem-google-style.git=1.25.1-alt1 gem-signet.git=0.15.0-alt1 gem-googleauth.git=0.16.2-alt1 gem-gems.git=1.2.0-alt1 gem-uber.git=0.1.0-alt2 del=ruby-uber gem-declarative.git=0.0.20-alt1 del=ruby-declarative gem-trailblazer-option.git=0.1.1-alt1 gem-representable.git=3.1.1-alt1 del=ruby-representable gem-retriable.git= del=ruby-retriable google-api-ruby-client.git=20210602-alt1 gem-rly.git=0.2.3-alt1 gem-google-gax.git=1.8.1-alt1 gem-github-markup.git=4.0.0-alt1 gem-digest-crc.git=0.6.3-alt1 gem-debug-inspector.git=1.1.0-alt1 gem-binding-of-caller.git=1.0.0-alt1 gem-zonefile.git=1.07-alt1 gem-faraday-em-http.git=1.0.0-alt1 gem-faraday-em-synchrony.git=1.0.0-alt1 gem-faraday-excon.git=1.1.0-alt1 gem-faraday-net-http.git=1.0.1-alt1 gem-faraday-net-http-persistent.git=1.1.0-alt1 gem-ruby2-keywords.git=0.0.4-alt1 gem-faraday.git=1.4.2-alt1 gem-middleware.git=0.1.0-alt1 gem-protobuf.git=3.10.3-alt1 gem-google-cloud-env.git=1.5.0-alt1 gem-minitest-reporters.git=1.4.3-alt1 gem-shindo.git=0.3.10-alt1 gem-fog-google.git=1.13.0-alt1 gem-fog-ovirt.git=2.0.1-alt1 vsphere-automation-sdk-ruby.git=20210608-alt1 ruby-aws-sdk.git=20210608-alt1 del=ruby-memcache-client gem-fog-libvirt.git=0.8.0-alt1 del=ruby-fog-libvirt opennebula.git= gem-rspec-rails.git=5.0.1-alt1 gem-roadie-rails.git=2.2.0-alt1 gem-rubocop-performance.git=1.11.3-alt1 gem-standard.git=1.1.1-alt1 gem-single-cov.git=1.6.0-alt1 gem-audited.git=5.0.1-alt1 gem-ldap-fluff.git=0.5.0-alt1 gem-minitest-stub-const.git=0.6-alt1 del=ruby-fog-core gem-activerecord-session-store.git=2.0.0-alt1 gem-immigrant.git=0.3.6-alt1 gem-byebug.git=11.1.3-alt1 gem-pry-byebug.git=3.9.0-alt1 gem-benchmark-ips.git=2.9.1-alt1 del=ruby-benchmark-ips gem-pry-rails.git=0.3.9-alt1 gem-pry-stack-explorer.git=0.6.1-alt1 gem-slop.git=4.9.1-alt1 gem-pry-remote.git=0.1.8-alt1 gem-latest-ruby.git=3.0.1-alt1 gem-pry-doc.git=1.1.0-alt1 gem-xmpp4r.git=0.5.6-alt2.1 del=ruby-xmpp4r gem-slack-notifier.git=2.4.0-alt1 gem-macaddr.git=1.7.2-alt1 gem-uuid.git=2.3.9-alt1 gem-ruby-growl.git=4.1-alt1 gem-ruby-gntp.git=0.3.4-alt1 gem-uniform-notifier.git=1.14.2-alt1 gem-bullet.git=6.1.4-alt1 gem-shoulda-context.git=2.0.0-alt1 gem-shoulda-matchers.git=4.5.1-alt1 gem-as-deprecation-tracker.git=1.5.0-alt1 gem-parallel-tests.git=3.7.0-alt1 gem-spring.git=2.1.1-alt1 gem-robottelo-reporter.git=0.1.1-alt1 gem-rails-controller-testing.git=1.0.5-alt1 gem-rfauxfactory.git=0.1.5-alt1 gem-bootsnap.git=1.7.5-alt1 gem-single-test.git=0.6.0-alt1 gem-minitest-spec-rails.git=6.0.4-alt1 gem-show-me-the-cookies.git=5.0.1-alt1 gem-factory-bot.git=6.2.0-alt1 gem-factory-bot-rails.git=6.2.0-alt1 gem-codeclimate-test-reporter.git=1.0.9-alt1 gem-minitest-focus.git=1.3.1-alt1 gem-minitest-server.git=1.0.6-alt1 gem-graphiql-rails.git=1.7.0-alt1 gem-path-expander.git=1.1.0-alt1 gem-database-cleaner.git=2.0.1-alt1 gem-minitest-autotest.git=1.1.1-alt1 gem-database-cleaner-active-record.git=2.0.1-alt1 gem-minitest-rg.git=5.2.0-alt1 gem-ci-reporter.git=2.0.0-alt1 google-cloud-ruby.git=20210531-alt1 gapic-generator-ruby.git=20210605-alt1 gem-ci-reporter-test-utils.git=0.0.4-alt1 gem-ci-reporter-minitest.git=1.0.0-alt1 gem-rubocop-checkstyle-formatter.git=0.4.0-alt1 gem-rubocop-rails.git=2.11.0-alt1 gem-rubocop-minitest.git=0.13.0-alt1 gem-rubocop-rspec.git=2.4.0-alt1 gem-theforeman-rubocop.git=0.0.6-alt1 gem-puma.git=5.3.2-alt1 gem-websocket-extensions.git=0.1.5-alt1 del=websocket-extensions-ruby del=ruby-sawyer gem-sawyer.git=0.8.2-alt1 gem-rake-compiler.git=1.1.2-alt1 del=rake-compiler gem-posix-spawn.git=0.3.15-alt1 gem-rb-inotify.git=0.10.1-alt1 del=ruby-rb-inotify gem-rb-fsevent.git=0.11.0-alt1 gem-sass-listen.git=4.0.0-alt3 del=ruby-sass-listen gem-matrix.git=0.4.2-alt1 gem-red-colors.git=0.3.0-alt1 gem-cairo.git=1.17.5-alt1 gem-pg.git=1.2.3-alt1.1 gem-em-synchrony.git=1.0.6-alt2 gem-redis.git=4.3.1-alt1 gem-pry.git=0.14.1-alt1 gem-psych.git=4.0.1-alt1 gem-polyglot.git=0.3.5-alt2 gem-listen.git=3.5.1-alt1 gem-fog-core.git=2.2.4-alt1 gem-rubocop-packaging.git=0.5.1-alt1 ruby-gnome2.git=3.4.3-alt1.1 gem-gnome-app-driver.git=0.3.0-alt1 gem-rb-readline.git=0.5.5-alt1 gem-rubocop-i18n.git=3.0.0-alt1 gem-ethon.git=0.14.0-alt1 gem-typhoeus.git=1.4.0-alt1 gem-simple-oauth.git=0.3.0-alt1 gem-mongrel.git=1.2.0-alt1 gem-em-http-request.git=1.1.7-alt1 gem-patron.git=0.13.3-alt1 gem-rmem.git=1.0.0-alt1 gem-curb.git=0.9.11-alt1 gem-webmock.git=3.13.0-alt1 gem-scrub-rb.git=1.0.1-alt1.1 gem-marc.git=1.1.1-alt1 gem-alexandria-book-collection-manager.git=0.7.8-alt1 gem-tomlrb.git=2.0.1-alt1 del=ruby-tomlrb del=ruby-fuzzyurl del=ruby-mixlib-archive gem-license-acceptance.git=2.1.20-alt1 gem-fuzzyurl.git=0.9.0-alt3 gem-mixlib-archive.git=1.1.7-alt1 gem-http-2.git=0.11.0-alt1 gem-request-store.git=1.5.0-alt1 gem-faraday-middleware.git=1.0.0-alt1 gem-parse-cron.git=0.1.4-alt2 del=ruby-xml-simple gem-memcache-client.git= gem-xml-simple.git=1.1.9-alt1 del=gem-smart-proxy-compat gem-permessage-deflate.git=0.1.4-alt1 gem-websocket-driver.git=0.7.5-alt1 gem-rtags.git=0.97.1-alt1 gem-rtagstask.git=0.0.4-alt1 gem-rubytree.git=1.0.1-alt1.1 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gem-fog-dynect.git=0.5.0-alt1 gem-fog-profitbricks.git= gem-fog-ecloud.git=0.3.0-alt2 gem-fog-openstack.git=1.0.11-alt1 gem-parslet.git=2.0.0-alt1 gem-fog-internet-archive.git=0.0.2-alt1 gem-fog-dnsimple.git=2.1.0-alt2.1 gem-fog-local.git=0.6.0-alt1 gem-fog-powerdns.git=0.2.0-alt2 gem-fog-digitalocean.git=0.4.0-alt1.1 gem-fog-cloudatcost.git=0.4.0-alt2.1 gem-fog-riakcs.git=0.1.0-alt2 gem-semverse.git=3.0.0-alt1 gem-train-habitat.git=0.2.32-alt1 gem-train-aws.git=0.2.16-alt1 gem-wwtd.git=1.4.1-alt1 gem-maxitest.git=3.6.0-alt1 gem-fakefs.git=1.3.2-alt1 gem-fission.git=0.5.0-alt2 gem-shoulda.git=4.0.0-alt1 gem-rbovirt.git=0.1.7-alt1.1 gem-fog-sakuracloud.git=1.7.5-alt2 gem-fog-serverlove.git=0.1.2-alt2 gem-osrcry.git=0.3.0-alt1 gem-fog-softlayer.git=1.1.4-alt2 gem-fog-storm-on-demand.git=0.1.1-alt2 gem-fog-terremark.git=0.1.0-alt2 gem-fog-vmfusion.git=0.1.0-alt2 gem-fog-voxel.git=0.1.0-alt2 gem-rr.git=3.0.4-alt1 gem-riot.git=0.12.7-alt1 gem-coolline.git=0.5.0-alt1 gem-pry-coolline.git=0.2.5-alt1 gem-amazing-print.git=1.3.0-alt1 gem-jazz-fingers.git=6.2.0-alt1 gem-fog-xenserver.git=1.0.0-alt1 gem-fog-radosgw.git=0.0.5-alt1.1 gem-rubyntlm.git=0.6.3-alt1 gem-winrm.git=2.3.6-alt1 gem-train-winrm.git=0.2.12-alt1 gem-train.git=3.7.6-alt1 gem-hashie.git=4.1.0-alt1 del=ruby-hashie gem-inspec.git=4.38.6-alt1 gem-fauxhai-ng.git=9.0.0-alt1 gem-librarian-puppet.git=3.0.1-alt1 gem-mixlib-authentication.git=3.0.11-alt1 gem-syslog-logger.git=1.6.8-alt2 gem-proxifier.git=1.0.3-alt2 gem-chef.git=16.13.16-alt1 azure-sdk-for-ruby.git=20200316-alt1.3 gem-inflection.git=1.0.0-alt2 del=ruby-inflection gem-zendesk-api.git=1.31.0-alt1 del=ruby-redis del=ruby-sass del=ruby-get-process-mem foreman.git=2.5.0-alt0.1 del=ruby-rbovirt del=ruby-syslog-logger del=ruby-mixlib-authentication del=ruby-proxifier del=ruby-omniauth gem-sys-proctable.git=1.2.6-alt1 gem-get-process-mem.git=0.2.7-alt1 del=foreman-addons del=ruby-omniauth-openid del=ruby-omniauth-google-oauth2 del=ruby-omniauth-oauth2 del=ruby-omniauth-gitlab del=ruby-omniauth-github gem-fog-brightbox.git=1.4.1-alt1 gem-fog.git=2.2.0-alt2.1 gem-patternfly-sass.git=3.59.5-alt1.1 gem-dotenv.git=2.7.6-alt1 gem-azure-core.git=0.1.15-alt1 gem-azure-storage.git=0.15.0-alt1.2 User-Agent: Mutt/1.10.1 (2018-07-13) Cc:, "Andrew A. Vasilyev" , Andrey Cherepanov , Arseny Maslennikov , Alexey Shabalin ,, Mikhail Gordeev ,,, Michael Shigorin X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.12 Precedence: list Reply-To: List-Id: ALT Linux Girar Builder robot reports List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2021 14:25:01 -0000 Archived-At: List-Archive: subtask name aarch64 armh i586 ppc64le x86_64 #15127 protobuf ? ? ? ? failed 2021-Aug-09 14:09:35 :: shared task #263530 for sisyphus resumed by majioa: 2021-Aug-09 14:09:35 :: message: upgrade #2 removed #4 removed #5 build 1.0.0-alt14 from /people/majioa/packages/rpm-build-ruby.git fetched at 2021-Jun-24 14:33:03 #6 removed #10 removed #20 removed #40 removed #44 removed #46 removed #47 removed #50 removed #60 removed #70 removed #71 removed #72 removed #73 removed #74 removed #75 removed #76 removed #77 removed #100 removed #200 removed #220 removed #221 build 5.999.4-alt9 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-setup.git fetched at 2021-Jul-25 22:56:54 #222 removed #223 removed #224 removed #230 removed #240 build 3.2.19-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubygems-update.git fetched at 2021-Jun-15 16:12:44 #260 delete gem-bundler #270 build 2.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-appraisal.git fetched at 2021-Jun-23 17:52:48 #274 removed #300 removed #340 build 2.0.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-tzinfo.git fetched at 2021-Jun-15 17:09:07 #360 delete ruby-tzinfo #370 build 0.8.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ipaddress.git fetched at 2021-Jun-24 09:46:30 #374 build 2.5.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-json.git fetched at 2021-Jun-24 16:20:01 #400 build 3.7.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-aws.git fetched at 2020-Dec-16 13:13:03 #440 build 2.4.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-zeitwerk.git fetched at 2021-Jun-15 17:38:03 #500 delete ruby-fog-google #540 build 0.4.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-globalid.git fetched at 2021-Jun-15 18:26:08 #560 delete ruby-globalid #570 delete ruby-marcel #600 delete ruby-fog-aws #640 build 1.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-marcel.git fetched at 2021-Jun-15 19:00:06 #700 removed #1000 removed #1100 delete ruby-google-api #1200 removed #1300 removed #1400 delete ruby-fog-ovirt #1500 build 3.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-vsphere.git fetched at 2020-Dec-16 14:23:00 #1600 removed #1700 removed #2000 build 4.1.9-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-scoped-search.git fetched at 2020-Dec-16 16:30:39 #2100 build 2.8.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-json-schema.git fetched at 2020-Dec-16 16:32:45 #2200 removed #2300 build 2.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-apipie-dsl.git fetched at 2020-Dec-16 16:42:00 #2340 build 0.1.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 00:29:24 #2400 removed #2420 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rails.git fetched at 2021-Jun-18 14:55:32 #2440 removed #2450 build 4.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ancestry.git fetched at 2021-Jun-24 15:34:42 #2460 build 6.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rails-i18n.git fetched at 2021-Jun-15 21:45:10 #2470 delete ruby-rails-i18n #2500 removed #2600 removed #2700 delete gem-gridster-rails #2720 build 4.4.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git fetched at 2021-Jun-24 08:06:27 #2740 removed #3000 removed #3100 removed #3200 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-packethost.git fetched at 2020-Dec-17 08:52:29 #3300 delete rubyzip #3400 removed #3420 removed #3440 removed #3500 removed #3600 build 1.2.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-winrm-elevated.git fetched at 2020-Dec-17 10:10:48 #3700 removed #4000 build 4.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-draper.git fetched at 2020-Dec-17 10:21:32 #4100 build 1.3.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-winrm-fs.git fetched at 2020-Dec-17 10:23:04 #4200 delete ruby-font-awesome-rails #4300 removed #4400 removed #4500 removed #4600 removed #4640 removed #4700 removed #5000 removed #5100 delete ruby-google-auth #5200 removed #5300 delete ruby-signet #5400 removed #5500 removed #5600 removed #5700 removed #5740 build 1.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 11:17:02 #5760 removed #6000 removed #6040 build 1.1.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-coderay.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 10:49:42 #6060 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-docopt.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 11:18:18 #6100 removed #6200 delete ruby-coderay #6300 removed #6400 removed #6500 removed #6600 removed #6700 removed #7000 removed #7040 removed #7100 removed #7200 build 2.0.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-soap4r.git fetched at 2021-Apr-23 17:29:52 #7300 build 0.12.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-simplecov-html.git fetched at 2021-Apr-23 18:39:17 #7340 build 0.1.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git fetched at 2021-Jun-17 20:19:13 #7400 removed #7500 removed #7600 removed #7700 removed #7740 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-coveralls.git fetched at 2021-May-31 09:41:17 #7760 removed #10000 removed #10100 delete ruby-docile #10140 delete ruby-rdoc #10160 delete ruby-listen #10200 build 6.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rdoc.git fetched at 2021-Apr-28 17:49:12 #10240 build 5.14.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-minitest.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 21:31:21 #10300 build 1.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-thread-order.git fetched at 2021-May-12 08:05:47 #10400 removed #10440 build 0.16.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-contracts.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 20:57:15 #10500 removed #10600 build 1.15.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ffi.git fetched at 2021-May-12 14:34:50 #10640 build 3.10.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rspec-support.git fetched at 2021-Jun-17 20:39:57 #10700 build 3.10.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rspec-expectations.git fetched at 2021-May-12 14:58:02 #10740 removed #11000 removed #11100 build 3.10.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rspec-mocks.git fetched at 2021-May-12 15:30:34 #11200 build 3.10.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rspec-core.git fetched at 2021-May-12 15:46:49 #11300 build 3.10.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rspec.git fetched at 2021-May-12 15:51:08 #11400 delete ruby-rspec #11500 delete ruby-rspec-core #11600 delete ruby-rspec-mocks #11700 removed #12000 delete ruby-rspec-expectations #12100 build 1.3.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-docile.git fetched at 2021-May-13 13:14:25 #12200 delete ruby-diff-lcs #12300 build 1.4.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-diff-lcs.git fetched at 2021-May-13 13:32:49 #12400 build 3.2.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-builder.git fetched at 2021-May-13 15:47:54 #12500 delete ruby-builder #12600 build 1.2.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sys-uname.git fetched at 2021-May-13 16:23:27 #12700 build 0.1.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-multi-test.git fetched at 2021-May-13 16:41:08 #13000 removed #13100 delete ruby-rspec-support #13120 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-parser.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 00:04:28 #13140 removed #13200 removed #13300 removed #13340 build 0.21.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-simplecov.git fetched at 2021-Jun-17 14:09:32 #13400 build 1.7.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-ast.git fetched at 2021-May-31 06:02:02 #13500 build 1.15.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop.git fetched at 2021-May-31 06:56:00 #13600 build 2.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubyzip.git fetched at 2021-May-31 07:13:53 #13640 build 4.0.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-zip-container.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 23:14:15 #13700 removed #14000 build 2.0.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ucf.git fetched at 2021-May-31 11:15:16 #14100 delete ruby-fog-json #14200 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-json.git fetched at 2021-May-31 12:11:17 #14300 build 0.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-indexer.git fetched at 2021-May-31 14:59:04 #14400 build 1.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mast.git fetched at 2021-May-31 18:19:44 #14500 build 0.9.7-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-turn.git fetched at 2021-May-31 18:29:20 #14600 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-xml.git fetched at 2021-May-31 19:06:24 #14700 delete ruby-fog-xml #14740 removed #15000 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rake-compiler-dock.git fetched at 2021-May-31 23:30:13 #15040 removed #15100 removed #15104 removed #15110 removed #15120 removed #15122 removed #15123 removed #15124 removed #15126 removed #15127 build 3.16.0-alt4.1 from /people/majioa/packages/protobuf.git fetched at 2021-Aug-04 12:40:26 #15130 removed #15140 build 20210531-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/common-protos-ruby.git fetched at 2021-Jun-18 11:44:22 #15150 removed #15152 removed #15153 removed #15154 removed #15160 removed #15164 build 1.38.0-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/grpc.git fetched at 2021-Jul-24 14:09:32 #15170 removed #15200 removed #15300 build 0.4.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rbtree.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 07:42:50 #15400 build 0.16.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-memoist.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 08:27:53 #15500 delete ruby-memoist #15600 build 1.25.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-google-style.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 09:18:02 #15700 build 0.15.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-signet.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 10:08:49 #16000 build 0.16.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-googleauth.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 10:39:49 #16100 build 1.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-gems.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 16:26:42 #16200 build 0.1.0-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-uber.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 17:11:14 #16300 delete ruby-uber #16400 build 0.0.20-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-declarative.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 17:28:27 #16500 delete ruby-declarative #16600 build 0.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-trailblazer-option.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 17:39:06 #16700 build 3.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-representable.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 18:10:21 #17000 delete ruby-representable #17100 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-retriable.git fetched at 2021-Jun-02 18:54:04 #17200 delete ruby-retriable #17210 build 20210602-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/google-api-ruby-client.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 12:45:35 #17220 removed #17240 removed #17300 removed #17340 removed #17360 removed #17370 removed #17400 removed #17500 build 0.2.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rly.git fetched at 2021-Jun-03 13:57:08 #17600 build 1.8.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-google-gax.git fetched at 2021-Jun-03 13:59:10 #17700 build 4.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-github-markup.git fetched at 2021-Jun-03 16:38:26 #20000 build 0.6.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-digest-crc.git fetched at 2021-Jun-04 16:55:23 #20100 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-debug-inspector.git fetched at 2021-Jun-04 17:10:15 #20200 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-binding-of-caller.git fetched at 2021-Jun-04 17:20:55 #20300 build 1.07-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-zonefile.git fetched at 2021-Jun-05 05:48:30 #20400 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-faraday-em-http.git fetched at 2021-Jun-05 08:42:56 #20500 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-faraday-em-synchrony.git fetched at 2021-Jun-05 11:45:05 #20600 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-faraday-excon.git fetched at 2021-Jun-05 12:44:37 #20700 build 1.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-faraday-net-http.git fetched at 2021-Jun-05 13:04:14 #21000 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-faraday-net-http-persistent.git fetched at 2021-Jun-05 17:12:33 #21100 build 0.0.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby2-keywords.git fetched at 2021-Jun-05 17:20:37 #21200 build 1.4.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-faraday.git fetched at 2021-Jun-05 17:24:36 #21300 removed #21400 removed #21500 removed #21540 removed #21600 removed #21700 build 0.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-middleware.git fetched at 2021-Jun-06 22:09:21 #22000 build 3.10.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-protobuf.git fetched at 2021-Jun-06 22:16:58 #22010 removed #22020 removed #22040 removed #22100 removed #22200 removed #22220 removed #22240 removed #22300 build 1.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-google-cloud-env.git fetched at 2021-Jun-08 08:06:19 #22400 build 1.4.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-minitest-reporters.git fetched at 2021-Jun-08 11:56:56 #22500 build 0.3.10-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-shindo.git fetched at 2021-Jun-08 12:31:07 #22540 build 1.13.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-google.git fetched at 2021-Jun-24 13:47:02 #22560 build 2.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-ovirt.git fetched at 2021-Jun-24 17:28:55 #22600 removed #22700 build 20210608-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/vsphere-automation-sdk-ruby.git fetched at 2021-Jun-08 15:54:30 #22740 build 20210608-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/ruby-aws-sdk.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 20:52:29 #23000 removed #23100 delete ruby-memcache-client #23200 build 0.8.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-libvirt.git fetched at 2021-Jun-17 09:42:19 #23300 delete ruby-fog-libvirt #23400 removed #23410 build from /people/majioa/packages/opennebula.git fetched at 2021-Jul-08 13:16:12 #23420 removed #23440 removed #23500 removed #23600 removed #23700 removed #24000 removed #24100 build 5.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rspec-rails.git fetched at 2021-Jun-21 21:20:36 #24140 build 2.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-roadie-rails.git fetched at 2021-Jun-24 14:47:52 #24200 build 1.11.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-performance.git fetched at 2021-Jun-21 21:42:45 #24300 build 1.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-standard.git fetched at 2021-Jun-21 22:29:48 #24400 build 1.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-single-cov.git fetched at 2021-Jun-21 22:42:01 #24440 build 5.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-audited.git fetched at 2021-Aug-08 20:35:59 #24500 removed #24600 removed #24700 build 0.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ldap-fluff.git fetched at 2021-Jun-21 23:09:25 #25000 build 0.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-minitest-stub-const.git fetched at 2021-Jun-21 23:33:19 #25100 delete ruby-fog-core #25200 build 2.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-activerecord-session-store.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 08:54:51 #25300 removed #25400 build 0.3.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-immigrant.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 13:09:02 #25500 build 11.1.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-byebug.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 13:17:39 #25600 build 3.9.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pry-byebug.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 13:28:27 #25700 build 2.9.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-benchmark-ips.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 13:36:44 #26000 delete ruby-benchmark-ips #26100 build 0.3.9-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pry-rails.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 13:48:35 #26200 build 0.6.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pry-stack-explorer.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 14:16:40 #26300 build 4.9.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-slop.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 15:27:48 #26400 build 0.1.8-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pry-remote.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 15:48:32 #26500 build 3.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-latest-ruby.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 16:00:57 #26600 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pry-doc.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 16:29:06 #26700 build 0.5.6-alt2.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-xmpp4r.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 16:49:28 #27000 delete ruby-xmpp4r #27100 build 2.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-slack-notifier.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 16:57:46 #27200 build 1.7.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-macaddr.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 18:55:11 #27300 build 2.3.9-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-uuid.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 19:00:33 #27400 build 4.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-growl.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 19:03:53 #27500 build 0.3.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ruby-gntp.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 20:11:49 #27600 build 1.14.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-uniform-notifier.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 20:22:44 #27700 build 6.1.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-bullet.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 20:24:51 #30000 build 2.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-shoulda-context.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 20:36:50 #30100 build 4.5.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-shoulda-matchers.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 20:42:50 #30200 build 1.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-as-deprecation-tracker.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 20:50:34 #30300 build 3.7.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-parallel-tests.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 21:02:53 #30400 build 2.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-spring.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 21:07:14 #30500 build 0.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-robottelo-reporter.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 21:14:07 #30600 build 1.0.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rails-controller-testing.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 21:16:18 #30700 build 0.1.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rfauxfactory.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 21:20:25 #31000 build 1.7.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-bootsnap.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 21:20:45 #31100 build 0.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-single-test.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 21:27:05 #31200 build 6.0.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-minitest-spec-rails.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 21:29:24 #31300 build 5.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-show-me-the-cookies.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 21:35:21 #31400 build 6.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-factory-bot.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 22:01:12 #31500 build 6.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-factory-bot-rails.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 22:03:23 #31600 build 1.0.9-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-codeclimate-test-reporter.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 22:33:24 #31700 build 1.3.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-minitest-focus.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 23:10:14 #31740 build 1.0.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-minitest-server.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 17:20:41 #32000 build 1.7.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-graphiql-rails.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 23:17:59 #32040 build 1.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-path-expander.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 17:31:26 #32100 build 2.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-database-cleaner.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 23:44:03 #32140 build 1.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-minitest-autotest.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 17:34:06 #32200 build 2.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-database-cleaner-active-record.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 23:46:21 #32240 removed #32260 build 5.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-minitest-rg.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 17:54:20 #32300 build 2.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ci-reporter.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 23:49:24 #32320 build 20210531-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/google-cloud-ruby.git fetched at 2021-Jul-17 12:47:24 #32340 build 20210605-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gapic-generator-ruby.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 18:01:12 #32400 build 0.0.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ci-reporter-test-utils.git fetched at 2021-Jun-22 23:57:50 #32440 removed #32500 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ci-reporter-minitest.git fetched at 2021-Jun-23 00:00:54 #32600 build 0.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-checkstyle-formatter.git fetched at 2021-Jun-23 00:04:41 #32700 build 2.11.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-rails.git fetched at 2021-Jun-23 00:10:21 #33000 build 0.13.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-minitest.git fetched at 2021-Jun-23 00:11:28 #33100 build 2.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-rspec.git fetched at 2021-Jun-23 00:13:40 #33200 build 0.0.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-theforeman-rubocop.git fetched at 2021-Jun-23 00:24:20 #33240 build 5.3.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-puma.git fetched at 2021-Jun-25 11:40:58 #33300 removed #33340 build 0.1.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-websocket-extensions.git fetched at 2021-Aug-08 20:53:46 #33400 removed #33500 delete websocket-extensions-ruby #33600 delete ruby-sawyer #33700 build 0.8.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sawyer.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 10:09:31 #33740 build 1.1.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rake-compiler.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 00:42:41 #34000 removed #34100 delete rake-compiler #34200 removed #34300 build 0.3.15-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-posix-spawn.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 12:59:35 #34400 build 0.10.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rb-inotify.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 16:43:55 #34500 delete ruby-rb-inotify #34540 build 0.11.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rb-fsevent.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 00:20:13 #34600 removed #34700 build 4.0.0-alt3 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sass-listen.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 17:32:29 #35000 delete ruby-sass-listen #35100 build 0.4.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-matrix.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 19:08:59 #35200 build 0.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-red-colors.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 19:11:36 #35300 build 1.17.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-cairo.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 19:20:11 #35400 build 1.2.3-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pg.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 21:50:13 #35440 build 1.0.6-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-em-synchrony.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 15:51:00 #35500 removed #35600 build 4.3.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-redis.git fetched at 2021-Jun-28 22:15:34 #35640 build 0.14.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pry.git fetched at 2021-Jun-30 07:04:57 #35700 removed #36000 build 4.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-psych.git fetched at 2021-Jun-29 12:52:48 #36040 build 0.3.5-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-polyglot.git fetched at 2021-Jun-30 13:30:35 #36100 removed #36200 build 3.5.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-listen.git fetched at 2021-Jun-29 15:23:06 #36240 build 2.2.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-core.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 18:50:33 #36300 removed #36400 build 0.5.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-packaging.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 07:45:39 #36500 build 3.4.3-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/ruby-gnome2.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 08:40:19 #36600 build 0.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-gnome-app-driver.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 08:42:25 #36700 build 0.5.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rb-readline.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 09:09:01 #37000 build 3.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubocop-i18n.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 09:12:00 #37100 build 0.14.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ethon.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 09:38:25 #37200 build 1.4.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-typhoeus.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 09:48:00 #37300 build 0.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-simple-oauth.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 09:59:05 #37400 build 1.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mongrel.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 13:41:31 #37420 build 1.1.7-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-em-http-request.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 21:39:10 #37440 removed #37500 removed #37600 build 0.13.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-patron.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 14:46:00 #37700 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rmem.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 14:59:46 #40000 build 0.9.11-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-curb.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 15:13:51 #40100 build 3.13.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-webmock.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 15:29:51 #40120 build 1.0.1-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-scrub-rb.git fetched at 2021-Jul-03 15:44:31 #40140 build 1.1.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-marc.git fetched at 2021-Jul-03 09:45:45 #40150 build 0.7.8-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-alexandria-book-collection-manager.git fetched at 2021-Jul-23 09:34:18 #40160 removed #40200 removed #40300 build 2.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-tomlrb.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 17:56:39 #40400 delete ruby-tomlrb #40500 delete ruby-fuzzyurl #40600 delete ruby-mixlib-archive #40700 build 2.1.20-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-license-acceptance.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 18:58:43 #41000 build 0.9.0-alt3 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fuzzyurl.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 19:00:48 #41100 build 1.1.7-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mixlib-archive.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 19:13:55 #41200 removed #41300 build 0.11.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-http-2.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 19:22:39 #41400 build 1.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-request-store.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 21:20:24 #41500 removed #41600 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-faraday-middleware.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 21:25:28 #41700 build 0.1.4-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-parse-cron.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 22:50:56 #42000 delete ruby-xml-simple #42100 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-memcache-client.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 22:52:09 #42200 build 1.1.9-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-xml-simple.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 22:59:43 #42300 delete gem-smart-proxy-compat #42400 build 0.1.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-permessage-deflate.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 23:26:46 #42500 build 0.7.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-websocket-driver.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 23:29:13 #42600 build 0.97.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rtags.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 23:50:11 #42700 build 0.0.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rtagstask.git fetched at 2021-Jul-01 23:53:42 #43000 removed #43100 build 1.0.1-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubytree.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 00:06:42 #43200 build 2.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-smart-proxy.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 00:41:04 #43300 build 1.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rspec-fire.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 07:23:00 #43400 build 3.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-cane.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 07:25:57 #43500 build 1.0.1-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-gettext-setup.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 07:37:30 #43600 build 3.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-puppet-forge.git fetched at 2021-Jul-02 07:41:55 #43700 removed #43740 removed #44000 removed #44100 removed #44200 delete ruby-audited #44300 delete ruby-azure #44400 delete ruby-azure-core #44500 delete ruby-azure-storage #44600 delete ruby-fog-brightbox #44700 delete ruby-fog-cloudatcost #45000 delete ruby-fog-digitalocean #45100 delete ruby-fog-dnsimple #45200 delete ruby-fog-dynect #45300 delete ruby-fog-ecloud #45400 delete ruby-fog-internet-archive #45500 delete ruby-fog-joyent #45600 delete ruby-fog-local #45700 delete ruby-fog-openstack #46000 delete ruby-fog-powerdns #46100 delete ruby-fog-profitbricks #46200 delete ruby-fog-rackspace #46300 delete ruby-fog-radosgw #46400 delete ruby-fog-riakcs #46500 delete ruby-fog-sakuracloud #46600 delete ruby-fog-serverlove #46700 delete ruby-fog-softlayer #47000 delete ruby-fog-storm_on_demand #47100 delete ruby-fog-terremark #47200 delete ruby-fog-vmfusion #47300 delete ruby-fog-voxel #47400 delete ruby-fog-xenserver #47500 delete ruby-zendesk_api #47520 removed #47540 removed #47600 removed #47700 removed #50000 removed #50100 removed #50110 removed #50120 removed #50140 removed #50160 removed #50200 removed #50300 removed #50400 removed #50500 removed #50600 removed #50700 removed #51000 removed #51100 removed #51200 removed #51300 removed #51400 removed #51500 removed #51600 removed #51700 removed #52000 removed #52100 removed #52200 removed #52300 removed #52400 removed #52500 removed #52600 removed #52640 removed #52660 removed #52670 removed #52674 removed #52700 removed #53000 delete ruby-scrub_rb #53100 delete ruby-marc #53120 removed #53140 removed #53160 removed #53170 removed #53174 removed #53176 removed #53177 removed #53200 removed #53300 build 3.2.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mixlib-shellout.git fetched at 2021-Jul-12 21:48:01 #53340 build 3.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-plist.git fetched at 2021-Jul-17 19:17:48 #53400 build 16.13.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-ohai.git fetched at 2021-Jul-12 21:51:56 #53500 build 1.0.33-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-chef-telemetry.git fetched at 2021-Jul-12 22:41:48 #53600 build 1.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rspec-its.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 08:32:53 #53700 build 1.3.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sslshake.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 08:51:50 #54000 build 0.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-dynect.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 12:24:13 #54100 build from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-profitbricks.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 12:29:21 #54200 build 0.3.0-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-ecloud.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 12:42:51 #54300 removed #54400 build 1.0.11-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-openstack.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 13:13:44 #54500 build 2.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-parslet.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 14:48:20 #54600 build 0.0.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-internet-archive.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 14:49:03 #54700 build 2.1.0-alt2.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-dnsimple.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 14:49:55 #55000 build 0.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-local.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 15:02:14 #55100 build 0.2.0-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-powerdns.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 15:15:04 #55200 build 0.4.0-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-digitalocean.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 15:15:59 #55300 build 0.4.0-alt2.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-cloudatcost.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 15:30:29 #55400 build 0.1.0-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-riakcs.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 15:40:29 #55500 build 3.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-semverse.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 16:54:09 #55600 build 0.2.32-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-train-habitat.git fetched at 2021-Jul-13 17:22:19 #55700 build 0.2.16-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-train-aws.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 06:59:20 #56000 build 1.4.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-wwtd.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 11:02:32 #56100 build 3.6.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-maxitest.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 11:05:41 #56200 build 1.3.2-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fakefs.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 11:09:17 #56300 build 0.5.0-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fission.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 11:26:29 #56320 build 4.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-shoulda.git fetched at 2021-Jul-18 20:35:44 #56340 build 0.1.7-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rbovirt.git fetched at 2021-Jul-18 14:07:59 #56400 build 1.7.5-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-sakuracloud.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 11:54:18 #56500 build 0.1.2-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-serverlove.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 12:32:30 #56600 build 0.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-osrcry.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 13:03:53 #56700 build 1.1.4-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-softlayer.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 15:13:55 #57000 build 0.1.1-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-storm-on-demand.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 15:46:05 #57100 build 0.1.0-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-terremark.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 16:00:00 #57200 build 0.1.0-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-vmfusion.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 16:16:36 #57300 build 0.1.0-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-voxel.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 16:21:30 #57400 build 3.0.4-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rr.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 16:50:47 #57500 build 0.12.7-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-riot.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 16:56:20 #57600 build 0.5.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-coolline.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 17:02:42 #57700 build 0.2.5-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-pry-coolline.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 17:10:10 #57740 build 1.3.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-amazing-print.git fetched at 2021-Jul-19 13:43:21 #60000 build 6.2.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-jazz-fingers.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 17:15:03 #60100 build 1.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-xenserver.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 17:19:30 #60200 build 0.0.5-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-radosgw.git fetched at 2021-Jul-14 18:45:48 #60300 removed #60400 build 0.6.3-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-rubyntlm.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 15:01:19 #60500 build 2.3.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-winrm.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 15:48:55 #60600 build 0.2.12-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-train-winrm.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 16:29:46 #60700 removed #61000 build 3.7.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-train.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 17:16:47 #61020 build 4.1.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-hashie.git fetched at 2021-Jul-23 14:39:07 #61040 removed #61060 delete ruby-hashie #61070 build 4.38.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-inspec.git fetched at 2021-Jul-20 20:55:41 #61100 removed #61140 build 9.0.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fauxhai-ng.git fetched at 2021-Jul-21 10:31:56 #61200 removed #61300 removed #61400 build 3.0.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-librarian-puppet.git fetched at 2021-Jul-15 21:23:43 #61440 build 3.0.11-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-mixlib-authentication.git fetched at 2021-Jul-21 15:47:49 #61460 build 1.6.8-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-syslog-logger.git fetched at 2021-Jul-21 19:55:35 #61470 build 1.0.3-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-proxifier.git fetched at 2021-Jul-21 19:58:01 #61474 build 16.13.16-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-chef.git fetched at 2021-Jul-22 10:41:47 #61500 removed #61540 build 20200316-alt1.3 from /people/majioa/packages/azure-sdk-for-ruby.git fetched at 2021-Jul-23 22:09:37 #61600 removed #61640 build 1.0.0-alt2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-inflection.git fetched at 2021-Jul-22 17:41:25 #61660 delete ruby-inflection #61700 build 1.31.0-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-zendesk-api.git fetched at 2021-Jul-16 09:51:18 #62000 delete ruby-redis #62100 delete ruby-sass #62200 delete ruby-get-process-mem #62300 build 2.5.0-alt0.1 from /people/majioa/packages/foreman.git fetched at 2021-Jul-16 20:18:31 #62400 delete ruby-rbovirt #62500 delete ruby-syslog-logger #62600 delete ruby-mixlib-authentication #62700 delete ruby-proxifier #63000 delete ruby-omniauth #63020 build 1.2.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-sys-proctable.git fetched at 2021-Jul-27 14:28:08 #63040 build 0.2.7-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-get-process-mem.git fetched at 2021-Jul-26 14:54:59 #63100 removed #63200 delete foreman-addons #63300 delete ruby-omniauth-openid #63400 delete ruby-omniauth-google-oauth2 #63500 delete ruby-omniauth-oauth2 #63600 delete ruby-omniauth-gitlab #63700 delete ruby-omniauth-github #64000 build 1.4.1-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog-brightbox.git fetched at 2021-Jul-23 12:09:40 #64040 removed #64060 build 2.2.0-alt2.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-fog.git fetched at 2021-Jul-29 09:13:00 #64100 removed #64200 build 3.59.5-alt1.1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-patternfly-sass.git fetched at 2021-Jul-23 15:14:09 #64300 build 2.7.6-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-dotenv.git fetched at 2021-Aug-01 21:44:58 #64400 removed #64500 removed #64600 removed #64700 build 0.1.15-alt1 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-azure-core.git fetched at 2021-Aug-06 22:12:54 #65000 build 0.15.0-alt1.2 from /people/majioa/packages/gem-azure-storage.git fetched at 2021-Aug-06 22:14:53 2021-Aug-09 14:09:37 :: created build repo 2021-Aug-09 14:09:39 :: [i586] #5 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt14: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:09:39 :: [aarch64] #5 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt14: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:09:39 :: [ppc64le] #5 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt14: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:09:39 :: [armh] #5 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt14: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:09:39 :: [x86_64] #5 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt14: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:09:58 :: [i586] #5 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt14: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:09:58 :: [i586] #221 gem-setup.git 5.999.4-alt9: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:09:59 :: [x86_64] #5 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt14: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:09:59 :: [x86_64] #221 gem-setup.git 5.999.4-alt9: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:02 :: [aarch64] #5 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt14: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:02 :: [aarch64] #221 gem-setup.git 5.999.4-alt9: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:09 :: [ppc64le] #5 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt14: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:09 :: [ppc64le] #221 gem-setup.git 5.999.4-alt9: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:12 :: [i586] #221 gem-setup.git 5.999.4-alt9: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:12 :: [i586] #240 gem-rubygems-update.git 3.2.19-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:12 :: [armh] #5 rpm-build-ruby.git 1.0.0-alt14: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:12 :: [armh] #221 gem-setup.git 5.999.4-alt9: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:13 :: [x86_64] #221 gem-setup.git 5.999.4-alt9: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:13 :: [x86_64] #240 gem-rubygems-update.git 3.2.19-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:18 :: [aarch64] #221 gem-setup.git 5.999.4-alt9: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:18 :: [aarch64] #240 gem-rubygems-update.git 3.2.19-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:26 :: [i586] #240 gem-rubygems-update.git 3.2.19-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:26 :: [i586] #270 gem-appraisal.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:26 :: [ppc64le] #221 gem-setup.git 5.999.4-alt9: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:26 :: [ppc64le] #240 gem-rubygems-update.git 3.2.19-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:27 :: [x86_64] #240 gem-rubygems-update.git 3.2.19-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:27 :: [x86_64] #270 gem-appraisal.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:35 :: [aarch64] #240 gem-rubygems-update.git 3.2.19-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:35 :: [aarch64] #270 gem-appraisal.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:35 :: [armh] #221 gem-setup.git 5.999.4-alt9: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:35 :: [armh] #240 gem-rubygems-update.git 3.2.19-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:39 :: [i586] #270 gem-appraisal.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:39 :: [i586] #340 gem-tzinfo.git 2.0.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:41 :: [x86_64] #270 gem-appraisal.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:41 :: [x86_64] #340 gem-tzinfo.git 2.0.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:45 :: [ppc64le] #240 gem-rubygems-update.git 3.2.19-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:45 :: [ppc64le] #270 gem-appraisal.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:52 :: [aarch64] #270 gem-appraisal.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:52 :: [aarch64] #340 gem-tzinfo.git 2.0.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:53 :: [i586] #340 gem-tzinfo.git 2.0.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:53 :: [i586] #370 gem-ipaddress.git 0.8.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:10:55 :: [x86_64] #340 gem-tzinfo.git 2.0.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:10:55 :: [x86_64] #370 gem-ipaddress.git 0.8.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:00 :: [armh] #240 gem-rubygems-update.git 3.2.19-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:00 :: [armh] #270 gem-appraisal.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:04 :: [ppc64le] #270 gem-appraisal.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:04 :: [ppc64le] #340 gem-tzinfo.git 2.0.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:07 :: [i586] #370 gem-ipaddress.git 0.8.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:07 :: [i586] #374 gem-json.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:08 :: [aarch64] #340 gem-tzinfo.git 2.0.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:08 :: [aarch64] #370 gem-ipaddress.git 0.8.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:08 :: [x86_64] #370 gem-ipaddress.git 0.8.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:08 :: [x86_64] #374 gem-json.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:20 :: [i586] #374 gem-json.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:20 :: [i586] #400 gem-fog-aws.git 3.7.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:22 :: [x86_64] #374 gem-json.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:22 :: [x86_64] #400 gem-fog-aws.git 3.7.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:24 :: [ppc64le] #340 gem-tzinfo.git 2.0.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:24 :: [ppc64le] #370 gem-ipaddress.git 0.8.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:24 :: [aarch64] #370 gem-ipaddress.git 0.8.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:24 :: [aarch64] #374 gem-json.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:24 :: [armh] #270 gem-appraisal.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:24 :: [armh] #340 gem-tzinfo.git 2.0.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:34 :: [i586] #400 gem-fog-aws.git 3.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:34 :: [i586] #440 gem-zeitwerk.git 2.4.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:36 :: [x86_64] #400 gem-fog-aws.git 3.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:36 :: [x86_64] #440 gem-zeitwerk.git 2.4.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:40 :: [aarch64] #374 gem-json.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:40 :: [aarch64] #400 gem-fog-aws.git 3.7.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:42 :: [ppc64le] #370 gem-ipaddress.git 0.8.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:42 :: [ppc64le] #374 gem-json.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:47 :: [i586] #440 gem-zeitwerk.git 2.4.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:47 :: [i586] #540 gem-globalid.git 0.4.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:48 :: [armh] #340 gem-tzinfo.git 2.0.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:48 :: [armh] #370 gem-ipaddress.git 0.8.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:50 :: [x86_64] #440 gem-zeitwerk.git 2.4.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:50 :: [x86_64] #540 gem-globalid.git 0.4.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:11:56 :: [aarch64] #400 gem-fog-aws.git 3.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:11:56 :: [aarch64] #440 gem-zeitwerk.git 2.4.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:00 :: [ppc64le] #374 gem-json.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:00 :: [ppc64le] #400 gem-fog-aws.git 3.7.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:01 :: [i586] #540 gem-globalid.git 0.4.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:01 :: [i586] #640 gem-marcel.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:03 :: [x86_64] #540 gem-globalid.git 0.4.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:04 :: [x86_64] #640 gem-marcel.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:12 :: [armh] #370 gem-ipaddress.git 0.8.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:12 :: [armh] #374 gem-json.git 2.5.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:12 :: [aarch64] #440 gem-zeitwerk.git 2.4.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:12 :: [aarch64] #540 gem-globalid.git 0.4.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:15 :: [i586] #640 gem-marcel.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:15 :: [i586] #1500 gem-fog-vsphere.git 3.5.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:18 :: [x86_64] #640 gem-marcel.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:18 :: [x86_64] #1500 gem-fog-vsphere.git 3.5.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:18 :: [ppc64le] #400 gem-fog-aws.git 3.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:18 :: [ppc64le] #440 gem-zeitwerk.git 2.4.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:29 :: [i586] #1500 gem-fog-vsphere.git 3.5.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:29 :: [i586] #2000 gem-scoped-search.git 4.1.9-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:30 :: [aarch64] #540 gem-globalid.git 0.4.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:30 :: [aarch64] #640 gem-marcel.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:31 :: [x86_64] #1500 gem-fog-vsphere.git 3.5.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:31 :: [x86_64] #2000 gem-scoped-search.git 4.1.9-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:35 :: [armh] #374 gem-json.git 2.5.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:35 :: [armh] #400 gem-fog-aws.git 3.7.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:36 :: [ppc64le] #440 gem-zeitwerk.git 2.4.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:36 :: [ppc64le] #540 gem-globalid.git 0.4.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:42 :: [i586] #2000 gem-scoped-search.git 4.1.9-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:42 :: [i586] #2100 gem-json-schema.git 2.8.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:46 :: [x86_64] #2000 gem-scoped-search.git 4.1.9-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:46 :: [x86_64] #2100 gem-json-schema.git 2.8.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:49 :: [aarch64] #640 gem-marcel.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:49 :: [aarch64] #1500 gem-fog-vsphere.git 3.5.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:54 :: [ppc64le] #540 gem-globalid.git 0.4.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:54 :: [ppc64le] #640 gem-marcel.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:56 :: [i586] #2100 gem-json-schema.git 2.8.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:56 :: [i586] #2300 gem-apipie-dsl.git 2.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:12:59 :: [armh] #400 gem-fog-aws.git 3.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:12:59 :: [armh] #440 gem-zeitwerk.git 2.4.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:00 :: [x86_64] #2100 gem-json-schema.git 2.8.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:00 :: [x86_64] #2300 gem-apipie-dsl.git 2.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:07 :: [aarch64] #1500 gem-fog-vsphere.git 3.5.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:07 :: [aarch64] #2000 gem-scoped-search.git 4.1.9-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:11 :: [i586] #2300 gem-apipie-dsl.git 2.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:11 :: [i586] #2340 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git 0.1.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:13 :: [ppc64le] #640 gem-marcel.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:13 :: [ppc64le] #1500 gem-fog-vsphere.git 3.5.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:16 :: [x86_64] #2300 gem-apipie-dsl.git 2.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:16 :: [x86_64] #2340 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git 0.1.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:22 :: [armh] #440 gem-zeitwerk.git 2.4.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:22 :: [armh] #540 gem-globalid.git 0.4.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:24 :: [aarch64] #2000 gem-scoped-search.git 4.1.9-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:24 :: [aarch64] #2100 gem-json-schema.git 2.8.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:24 :: [i586] #2340 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git 0.1.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:24 :: [i586] #2420 gem-rails.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:31 :: [x86_64] #2340 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git 0.1.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:31 :: [x86_64] #2420 gem-rails.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:32 :: [ppc64le] #1500 gem-fog-vsphere.git 3.5.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:32 :: [ppc64le] #2000 gem-scoped-search.git 4.1.9-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:39 :: [i586] #2420 gem-rails.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:39 :: [i586] #2450 gem-ancestry.git 4.0.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:40 :: [aarch64] #2100 gem-json-schema.git 2.8.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:40 :: [aarch64] #2300 gem-apipie-dsl.git 2.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:45 :: [x86_64] #2420 gem-rails.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:46 :: [x86_64] #2450 gem-ancestry.git 4.0.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:50 :: [ppc64le] #2000 gem-scoped-search.git 4.1.9-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:50 :: [ppc64le] #2100 gem-json-schema.git 2.8.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:52 :: [armh] #540 gem-globalid.git 0.4.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:52 :: [armh] #640 gem-marcel.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:53 :: [i586] #2450 gem-ancestry.git 4.0.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:53 :: [i586] #2460 gem-rails-i18n.git 6.0.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:13:58 :: [aarch64] #2300 gem-apipie-dsl.git 2.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:13:58 :: [aarch64] #2340 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git 0.1.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:00 :: [x86_64] #2450 gem-ancestry.git 4.0.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:00 :: [x86_64] #2460 gem-rails-i18n.git 6.0.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:08 :: [ppc64le] #2100 gem-json-schema.git 2.8.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:08 :: [ppc64le] #2300 gem-apipie-dsl.git 2.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:10 :: [i586] #2460 gem-rails-i18n.git 6.0.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:10 :: [i586] #2720 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git 4.4.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:14 :: [x86_64] #2460 gem-rails-i18n.git 6.0.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:14 :: [x86_64] #2720 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git 4.4.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:15 :: [aarch64] #2340 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git 0.1.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:15 :: [aarch64] #2420 gem-rails.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:16 :: [armh] #640 gem-marcel.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:16 :: [armh] #1500 gem-fog-vsphere.git 3.5.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:28 :: [ppc64le] #2300 gem-apipie-dsl.git 2.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:28 :: [ppc64le] #2340 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git 0.1.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:28 :: [x86_64] #2720 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git 4.4.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:28 :: [x86_64] #3200 gem-packethost.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:28 :: [i586] #2720 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git 4.4.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:28 :: [i586] #3200 gem-packethost.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:33 :: [aarch64] #2420 gem-rails.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:33 :: [aarch64] #2450 gem-ancestry.git 4.0.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:39 :: [armh] #1500 gem-fog-vsphere.git 3.5.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:39 :: [armh] #2000 gem-scoped-search.git 4.1.9-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:42 :: [x86_64] #3200 gem-packethost.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:42 :: [x86_64] #3600 gem-winrm-elevated.git 1.2.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:46 :: [i586] #3200 gem-packethost.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:46 :: [i586] #3600 gem-winrm-elevated.git 1.2.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:46 :: [ppc64le] #2340 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git 0.1.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:46 :: [ppc64le] #2420 gem-rails.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:50 :: [aarch64] #2450 gem-ancestry.git 4.0.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:50 :: [aarch64] #2460 gem-rails-i18n.git 6.0.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:14:56 :: [x86_64] #3600 gem-winrm-elevated.git 1.2.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:14:56 :: [x86_64] #4000 gem-draper.git 4.0.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:02 :: [i586] #3600 gem-winrm-elevated.git 1.2.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:02 :: [i586] #4000 gem-draper.git 4.0.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:03 :: [armh] #2000 gem-scoped-search.git 4.1.9-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:03 :: [armh] #2100 gem-json-schema.git 2.8.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:05 :: [ppc64le] #2420 gem-rails.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:05 :: [ppc64le] #2450 gem-ancestry.git 4.0.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:07 :: [aarch64] #2460 gem-rails-i18n.git 6.0.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:07 :: [aarch64] #2720 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git 4.4.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:10 :: [x86_64] #4000 gem-draper.git 4.0.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:10 :: [x86_64] #4100 gem-winrm-fs.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:23 :: [ppc64le] #2450 gem-ancestry.git 4.0.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:23 :: [ppc64le] #2460 gem-rails-i18n.git 6.0.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:24 :: [x86_64] #4100 gem-winrm-fs.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:24 :: [x86_64] #5740 gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:24 :: [i586] #4000 gem-draper.git 4.0.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:24 :: [i586] #4100 gem-winrm-fs.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:24 :: [aarch64] #2720 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git 4.4.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:24 :: [aarch64] #3200 gem-packethost.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:27 :: [armh] #2100 gem-json-schema.git 2.8.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:28 :: [armh] #2300 gem-apipie-dsl.git 2.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:38 :: [x86_64] #5740 gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git 1.2.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:38 :: [x86_64] #6040 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:41 :: [aarch64] #3200 gem-packethost.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:41 :: [aarch64] #3600 gem-winrm-elevated.git 1.2.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:42 :: [ppc64le] #2460 gem-rails-i18n.git 6.0.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:42 :: [ppc64le] #2720 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git 4.4.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:43 :: [i586] #4100 gem-winrm-fs.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:44 :: [i586] #5740 gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:52 :: [x86_64] #6040 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:52 :: [x86_64] #6060 gem-docopt.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:53 :: [armh] #2300 gem-apipie-dsl.git 2.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:53 :: [armh] #2340 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git 0.1.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:15:57 :: [aarch64] #3600 gem-winrm-elevated.git 1.2.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:15:57 :: [aarch64] #4000 gem-draper.git 4.0.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:00 :: [i586] #5740 gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git 1.2.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:00 :: [i586] #6040 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:01 :: [ppc64le] #2720 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git 4.4.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:01 :: [ppc64le] #3200 gem-packethost.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:08 :: [x86_64] #6060 gem-docopt.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:08 :: [x86_64] #7200 gem-soap4r.git 2.0.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:14 :: [aarch64] #4000 gem-draper.git 4.0.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:14 :: [aarch64] #4100 gem-winrm-fs.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:16 :: [i586] #6040 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:16 :: [i586] #6060 gem-docopt.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:17 :: [armh] #2340 gem-puma-plugin-systemd.git 0.1.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:17 :: [armh] #2420 gem-rails.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:19 :: [ppc64le] #3200 gem-packethost.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:19 :: [ppc64le] #3600 gem-winrm-elevated.git 1.2.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:22 :: [x86_64] #7200 gem-soap4r.git 2.0.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:22 :: [x86_64] #7300 gem-simplecov-html.git 0.12.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:30 :: [aarch64] #4100 gem-winrm-fs.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:30 :: [aarch64] #5740 gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:34 :: [i586] #6060 gem-docopt.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:34 :: [i586] #7200 gem-soap4r.git 2.0.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:36 :: [x86_64] #7300 gem-simplecov-html.git 0.12.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:36 :: [x86_64] #7340 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:37 :: [ppc64le] #3600 gem-winrm-elevated.git 1.2.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:37 :: [ppc64le] #4000 gem-draper.git 4.0.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:41 :: [armh] #2420 gem-rails.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:41 :: [armh] #2450 gem-ancestry.git 4.0.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:47 :: [aarch64] #5740 gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git 1.2.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:47 :: [aarch64] #6040 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:50 :: [i586] #7200 gem-soap4r.git 2.0.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:50 :: [i586] #7300 gem-simplecov-html.git 0.12.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:50 :: [x86_64] #7340 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:50 :: [x86_64] #7740 gem-coveralls.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:16:55 :: [ppc64le] #4000 gem-draper.git 4.0.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:16:55 :: [ppc64le] #4100 gem-winrm-fs.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:03 :: [aarch64] #6040 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:04 :: [aarch64] #6060 gem-docopt.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:04 :: [x86_64] #7740 gem-coveralls.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:04 :: [x86_64] #10200 gem-rdoc.git 6.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:06 :: [armh] #2450 gem-ancestry.git 4.0.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:06 :: [armh] #2460 gem-rails-i18n.git 6.0.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:06 :: [i586] #7300 gem-simplecov-html.git 0.12.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:06 :: [i586] #7340 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:13 :: [ppc64le] #4100 gem-winrm-fs.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:13 :: [ppc64le] #5740 gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:20 :: [aarch64] #6060 gem-docopt.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:20 :: [aarch64] #7200 gem-soap4r.git 2.0.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:21 :: [x86_64] #10200 gem-rdoc.git 6.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:21 :: [x86_64] #10240 gem-minitest.git 5.14.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:22 :: [i586] #7340 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:22 :: [i586] #7740 gem-coveralls.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:30 :: [armh] #2460 gem-rails-i18n.git 6.0.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:30 :: [armh] #2720 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git 4.4.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:33 :: [ppc64le] #5740 gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git 1.2.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:33 :: [ppc64le] #6040 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:35 :: [x86_64] #10240 gem-minitest.git 5.14.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:35 :: [x86_64] #10300 gem-thread-order.git 1.1.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:37 :: [aarch64] #7200 gem-soap4r.git 2.0.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:37 :: [aarch64] #7300 gem-simplecov-html.git 0.12.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:39 :: [i586] #7740 gem-coveralls.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:39 :: [i586] #10200 gem-rdoc.git 6.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:51 :: [x86_64] #10300 gem-thread-order.git 1.1.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:51 :: [x86_64] #10440 gem-contracts.git 0.16.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:51 :: [ppc64le] #6040 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:51 :: [ppc64le] #6060 gem-docopt.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:53 :: [aarch64] #7300 gem-simplecov-html.git 0.12.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:53 :: [aarch64] #7340 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:54 :: [armh] #2720 gem-ovirt-engine-sdk.git 4.4.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:54 :: [armh] #3200 gem-packethost.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:17:58 :: [i586] #10200 gem-rdoc.git 6.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:17:58 :: [i586] #10240 gem-minitest.git 5.14.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:06 :: [x86_64] #10440 gem-contracts.git 0.16.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:06 :: [x86_64] #10600 gem-ffi.git 1.15.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:10 :: [ppc64le] #6060 gem-docopt.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:10 :: [ppc64le] #7200 gem-soap4r.git 2.0.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:10 :: [aarch64] #7340 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:10 :: [aarch64] #7740 gem-coveralls.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:14 :: [i586] #10240 gem-minitest.git 5.14.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:14 :: [i586] #10300 gem-thread-order.git 1.1.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:17 :: [armh] #3200 gem-packethost.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:18 :: [armh] #3600 gem-winrm-elevated.git 1.2.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:21 :: [x86_64] #10600 gem-ffi.git 1.15.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:21 :: [x86_64] #10640 gem-rspec-support.git 3.10.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:27 :: [aarch64] #7740 gem-coveralls.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:27 :: [aarch64] #10200 gem-rdoc.git 6.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:28 :: [ppc64le] #7200 gem-soap4r.git 2.0.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:28 :: [ppc64le] #7300 gem-simplecov-html.git 0.12.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:30 :: [i586] #10300 gem-thread-order.git 1.1.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:30 :: [i586] #10440 gem-contracts.git 0.16.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:36 :: [x86_64] #10640 gem-rspec-support.git 3.10.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:36 :: [x86_64] #10700 gem-rspec-expectations.git 3.10.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:41 :: [armh] #3600 gem-winrm-elevated.git 1.2.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:41 :: [armh] #4000 gem-draper.git 4.0.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:44 :: [aarch64] #10200 gem-rdoc.git 6.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:44 :: [aarch64] #10240 gem-minitest.git 5.14.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:46 :: [i586] #10440 gem-contracts.git 0.16.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:46 :: [i586] #10600 gem-ffi.git 1.15.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:46 :: [ppc64le] #7300 gem-simplecov-html.git 0.12.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:46 :: [ppc64le] #7340 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:18:52 :: [x86_64] #10700 gem-rspec-expectations.git 3.10.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:18:52 :: [x86_64] #11100 gem-rspec-mocks.git 3.10.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:00 :: [aarch64] #10240 gem-minitest.git 5.14.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:00 :: [aarch64] #10300 gem-thread-order.git 1.1.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:01 :: [i586] #10600 gem-ffi.git 1.15.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:01 :: [i586] #10640 gem-rspec-support.git 3.10.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:04 :: [ppc64le] #7340 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:04 :: [ppc64le] #7740 gem-coveralls.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:05 :: [armh] #4000 gem-draper.git 4.0.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:05 :: [armh] #4100 gem-winrm-fs.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:06 :: [x86_64] #11100 gem-rspec-mocks.git 3.10.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:06 :: [x86_64] #11200 gem-rspec-core.git 3.10.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:17 :: [i586] #10640 gem-rspec-support.git 3.10.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:17 :: [i586] #10700 gem-rspec-expectations.git 3.10.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:17 :: [aarch64] #10300 gem-thread-order.git 1.1.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:17 :: [aarch64] #10440 gem-contracts.git 0.16.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:21 :: [x86_64] #11200 gem-rspec-core.git 3.10.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:21 :: [x86_64] #11300 gem-rspec.git 3.10.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:22 :: [ppc64le] #7740 gem-coveralls.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:22 :: [ppc64le] #10200 gem-rdoc.git 6.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:29 :: [armh] #4100 gem-winrm-fs.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:29 :: [armh] #5740 gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git 1.2.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:33 :: [aarch64] #10440 gem-contracts.git 0.16.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:33 :: [aarch64] #10600 gem-ffi.git 1.15.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:35 :: [x86_64] #11300 gem-rspec.git 3.10.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:35 :: [x86_64] #12100 gem-docile.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:36 :: [i586] #10700 gem-rspec-expectations.git 3.10.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:36 :: [i586] #11100 gem-rspec-mocks.git 3.10.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:41 :: [ppc64le] #10200 gem-rdoc.git 6.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:41 :: [ppc64le] #10240 gem-minitest.git 5.14.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:49 :: [x86_64] #12100 gem-docile.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:49 :: [x86_64] #12300 gem-diff-lcs.git 1.4.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:50 :: [aarch64] #10600 gem-ffi.git 1.15.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:50 :: [aarch64] #10640 gem-rspec-support.git 3.10.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:52 :: [i586] #11100 gem-rspec-mocks.git 3.10.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:52 :: [i586] #11200 gem-rspec-core.git 3.10.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:53 :: [armh] #5740 gem-rspec-collection-matchers.git 1.2.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:53 :: [armh] #6040 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:19:59 :: [ppc64le] #10240 gem-minitest.git 5.14.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:19:59 :: [ppc64le] #10300 gem-thread-order.git 1.1.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:04 :: [x86_64] #12300 gem-diff-lcs.git 1.4.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:04 :: [x86_64] #12400 gem-builder.git 3.2.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:06 :: [aarch64] #10640 gem-rspec-support.git 3.10.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:06 :: [aarch64] #10700 gem-rspec-expectations.git 3.10.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:08 :: [i586] #11200 gem-rspec-core.git 3.10.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:08 :: [i586] #11300 gem-rspec.git 3.10.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:17 :: [armh] #6040 gem-coderay.git 1.1.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:17 :: [armh] #6060 gem-docopt.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:17 :: [ppc64le] #10300 gem-thread-order.git 1.1.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:17 :: [ppc64le] #10440 gem-contracts.git 0.16.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:20 :: [x86_64] #12400 gem-builder.git 3.2.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:20 :: [x86_64] #12600 gem-sys-uname.git 1.2.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:22 :: [aarch64] #10700 gem-rspec-expectations.git 3.10.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:22 :: [aarch64] #11100 gem-rspec-mocks.git 3.10.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:34 :: [i586] #11300 gem-rspec.git 3.10.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:34 :: [i586] #12100 gem-docile.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:35 :: [x86_64] #12600 gem-sys-uname.git 1.2.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:35 :: [x86_64] #12700 gem-multi-test.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:36 :: [ppc64le] #10440 gem-contracts.git 0.16.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:36 :: [ppc64le] #10600 gem-ffi.git 1.15.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:40 :: [aarch64] #11100 gem-rspec-mocks.git 3.10.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:40 :: [aarch64] #11200 gem-rspec-core.git 3.10.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:41 :: [armh] #6060 gem-docopt.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:41 :: [armh] #7200 gem-soap4r.git 2.0.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:48 :: [i586] #12100 gem-docile.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:48 :: [i586] #12300 gem-diff-lcs.git 1.4.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:50 :: [x86_64] #12700 gem-multi-test.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:50 :: [x86_64] #13120 gem-parser.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:54 :: [ppc64le] #10600 gem-ffi.git 1.15.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:54 :: [ppc64le] #10640 gem-rspec-support.git 3.10.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:20:59 :: [aarch64] #11200 gem-rspec-core.git 3.10.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:20:59 :: [aarch64] #11300 gem-rspec.git 3.10.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:02 :: [i586] #12300 gem-diff-lcs.git 1.4.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:02 :: [i586] #12400 gem-builder.git 3.2.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:04 :: [armh] #7200 gem-soap4r.git 2.0.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:05 :: [armh] #7300 gem-simplecov-html.git 0.12.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:06 :: [x86_64] #13120 gem-parser.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:06 :: [x86_64] #13340 gem-simplecov.git 0.21.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:14 :: [ppc64le] #10640 gem-rspec-support.git 3.10.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:14 :: [ppc64le] #10700 gem-rspec-expectations.git 3.10.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:16 :: [i586] #12400 gem-builder.git 3.2.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:16 :: [i586] #12600 gem-sys-uname.git 1.2.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:20 :: [x86_64] #13340 gem-simplecov.git 0.21.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:20 :: [x86_64] #13400 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:20 :: [aarch64] #11300 gem-rspec.git 3.10.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:20 :: [aarch64] #12100 gem-docile.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:28 :: [armh] #7300 gem-simplecov-html.git 0.12.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:28 :: [armh] #7340 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:30 :: [i586] #12600 gem-sys-uname.git 1.2.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:30 :: [i586] #12700 gem-multi-test.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:32 :: [ppc64le] #10700 gem-rspec-expectations.git 3.10.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:32 :: [ppc64le] #11100 gem-rspec-mocks.git 3.10.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:35 :: [x86_64] #13400 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:35 :: [x86_64] #13500 gem-rubocop.git 1.15.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:38 :: [aarch64] #12100 gem-docile.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:38 :: [aarch64] #12300 gem-diff-lcs.git 1.4.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:43 :: [i586] #12700 gem-multi-test.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:43 :: [i586] #13120 gem-parser.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:50 :: [ppc64le] #11100 gem-rspec-mocks.git 3.10.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:50 :: [ppc64le] #11200 gem-rspec-core.git 3.10.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:51 :: [x86_64] #13500 gem-rubocop.git 1.15.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:51 :: [x86_64] #13600 gem-rubyzip.git 2.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:52 :: [armh] #7340 gem-simplecov-json-formatter.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:52 :: [armh] #7740 gem-coveralls.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:54 :: [aarch64] #12300 gem-diff-lcs.git 1.4.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:54 :: [aarch64] #12400 gem-builder.git 3.2.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:21:58 :: [i586] #13120 gem-parser.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:21:58 :: [i586] #13340 gem-simplecov.git 0.21.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:06 :: [x86_64] #13600 gem-rubyzip.git 2.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:06 :: [x86_64] #13640 gem-zip-container.git 4.0.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:09 :: [ppc64le] #11200 gem-rspec-core.git 3.10.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:09 :: [ppc64le] #11300 gem-rspec.git 3.10.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:10 :: [aarch64] #12400 gem-builder.git 3.2.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:10 :: [aarch64] #12600 gem-sys-uname.git 1.2.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:13 :: [i586] #13340 gem-simplecov.git 0.21.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:13 :: [i586] #13400 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:16 :: [armh] #7740 gem-coveralls.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:16 :: [armh] #10200 gem-rdoc.git 6.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:21 :: [x86_64] #13640 gem-zip-container.git 4.0.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:21 :: [x86_64] #14000 gem-ucf.git 2.0.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:28 :: [ppc64le] #11300 gem-rspec.git 3.10.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:28 :: [ppc64le] #12100 gem-docile.git 1.3.5-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:28 :: [aarch64] #12600 gem-sys-uname.git 1.2.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:28 :: [aarch64] #12700 gem-multi-test.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:33 :: [i586] #13400 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:33 :: [i586] #13500 gem-rubocop.git 1.15.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:35 :: [x86_64] #14000 gem-ucf.git 2.0.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:35 :: [x86_64] #14200 gem-fog-json.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:40 :: [armh] #10200 gem-rdoc.git 6.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:40 :: [armh] #10240 gem-minitest.git 5.14.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:44 :: [aarch64] #12700 gem-multi-test.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:44 :: [aarch64] #13120 gem-parser.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:46 :: [ppc64le] #12100 gem-docile.git 1.3.5-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:46 :: [ppc64le] #12300 gem-diff-lcs.git 1.4.3-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:47 :: [i586] #13500 gem-rubocop.git 1.15.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:47 :: [i586] #13600 gem-rubyzip.git 2.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:22:50 :: [x86_64] #14200 gem-fog-json.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:22:50 :: [x86_64] #14300 gem-indexer.git 0.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:01 :: [aarch64] #13120 gem-parser.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:01 :: [aarch64] #13340 gem-simplecov.git 0.21.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:02 :: [i586] #13600 gem-rubyzip.git 2.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:02 :: [i586] #13640 gem-zip-container.git 4.0.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:04 :: [x86_64] #14300 gem-indexer.git 0.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:04 :: [x86_64] #14400 gem-mast.git 1.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:04 :: [ppc64le] #12300 gem-diff-lcs.git 1.4.3-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:04 :: [ppc64le] #12400 gem-builder.git 3.2.4-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:04 :: [armh] #10240 gem-minitest.git 5.14.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:04 :: [armh] #10300 gem-thread-order.git 1.1.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:18 :: [x86_64] #14400 gem-mast.git 1.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:18 :: [x86_64] #14500 gem-turn.git 0.9.7-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:18 :: [aarch64] #13340 gem-simplecov.git 0.21.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:18 :: [aarch64] #13400 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.7.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:19 :: [i586] #13640 gem-zip-container.git 4.0.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:19 :: [i586] #14000 gem-ucf.git 2.0.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:22 :: [ppc64le] #12400 gem-builder.git 3.2.4-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:22 :: [ppc64le] #12600 gem-sys-uname.git 1.2.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:28 :: [armh] #10300 gem-thread-order.git 1.1.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:28 :: [armh] #10440 gem-contracts.git 0.16.1-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:32 :: [x86_64] #14500 gem-turn.git 0.9.7-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:32 :: [x86_64] #14600 gem-fog-xml.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:34 :: [i586] #14000 gem-ucf.git 2.0.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:34 :: [i586] #14200 gem-fog-json.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:34 :: [aarch64] #13400 gem-rubocop-ast.git 1.7.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:34 :: [aarch64] #13500 gem-rubocop.git 1.15.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:41 :: [ppc64le] #12600 gem-sys-uname.git 1.2.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:41 :: [ppc64le] #12700 gem-multi-test.git 0.1.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:47 :: [x86_64] #14600 gem-fog-xml.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:47 :: [x86_64] #15000 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.1.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:51 :: [armh] #10440 gem-contracts.git 0.16.1-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:51 :: [armh] #10600 gem-ffi.git 1.15.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:51 :: [aarch64] #13500 gem-rubocop.git 1.15.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:51 :: [aarch64] #13600 gem-rubyzip.git 2.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:54 :: [i586] #14200 gem-fog-json.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:54 :: [i586] #14300 gem-indexer.git 0.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:23:59 :: [ppc64le] #12700 gem-multi-test.git 0.1.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:23:59 :: [ppc64le] #13120 gem-parser.git build start 2021-Aug-09 14:24:01 :: [x86_64] #15000 gem-rake-compiler-dock.git 1.1.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:01 :: [x86_64] #15127 protobuf.git 3.16.0-alt4.1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:24:08 :: [aarch64] #13600 gem-rubyzip.git 2.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:08 :: [aarch64] #13640 gem-zip-container.git 4.0.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:24:10 :: [i586] #14300 gem-indexer.git 0.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:10 :: [i586] #14400 gem-mast.git 1.3.0-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:24:15 :: [armh] #10600 gem-ffi.git 1.15.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:15 :: [armh] #10640 gem-rspec-support.git 3.10.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:24:17 :: [ppc64le] #13120 gem-parser.git build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:17 :: [ppc64le] #13340 gem-simplecov.git 0.21.2-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:24:23 :: [i586] #14400 gem-mast.git 1.3.0-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:23 :: [i586] #14500 gem-turn.git 0.9.7-alt1: build start 2021-Aug-09 14:24:26 :: [aarch64] #13640 gem-zip-container.git 4.0.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:26 :: [aarch64] #14000 gem-ucf.git 2.0.2-alt1: build start [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:17 rpmi: libruby-2.7.3-alt1.3 sisyphus+270592.200.2.1 1619227151 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:17 rpmi: libgdbm-1.8.3-alt10 sisyphus+278100.1600.1.1 1626058413 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:17 rpmi: libexpat-2.2.10-alt1 sisyphus+276608.100.1.2 1625153355 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:17 rpmi: libidn2-2.3.2-alt1 sisyphus+281238.100.1.2 1627476321 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:17 rpmi: libyaml2-0.2.5-alt1 sisyphus+278391.100.1.1 1626094928 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:17 rpmi: libyaml-devel-0.2.5-alt1 sisyphus+278391.100.1.1 1626094928 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:17 rpmi: libgdbm-devel-1.8.3-alt10 sisyphus+278100.1600.1.1 1626058413 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:17 rpmi: rpm-macros-ruby-1:1.0.0-alt14 sisyphus+263530.5.82.1 1628288204 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:17 rpmi: rpm-macros-java-1:5.3.0-alt1_15jpp11 sisyphus+278038.500.1.3 1625987751 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:17 rpmi: libxslt-1.1.34-alt3 sisyphus+275636.100.1.1 1624616833 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:20 rpmi: valgrind-3.17.0-alt2 sisyphus+279814.100.1.1 1626737975 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:20 rpmi: valgrind-devel-3.17.0-alt2 sisyphus+279814.100.1.1 1626737975 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:20 rpmi: zlib-devel-1.2.11-alt1 sisyphus+278099.4700.1.1 1626031564 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:20 rpmi: libreadline-devel-7.0.3-alt3 sisyphus+278099.3700.1.1 1626030606 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:20 rpmi: groff-base-1.22.3-alt2 sisyphus+275306.100.2.1 1624538375 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:20 rpmi: libncurses-6.2.20210123-alt1 sisyphus+279621.1300.1.1 1626630601 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:20 rpmi: libtinfo-devel-6.2.20210123-alt1 sisyphus+279621.1300.1.1 1626630601 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libncurses-devel-6.2.20210123-alt1 sisyphus+279621.1300.1.1 1626630601 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libncursesw-devel-6.2.20210123-alt1 sisyphus+279621.1300.1.1 1626630601 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libffi-devel-1:3.3-alt1 sisyphus+278158.300.1.1 1626050055 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libdb4.7-devel-4.7.25-alt11 sisyphus+279812.100.2.1 1626734823 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: javapackages-filesystem-1:5.3.0-alt1_15jpp11 sisyphus+278038.500.1.3 1625987751 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: javapackages-tools-1:5.3.0-alt1_15jpp11 sisyphus+278038.500.1.3 1625987751 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: publicsuffix-list-dafsa-20210726-alt1 sisyphus+281138.100.1.1 1627389523 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libpsl-0.21.1-alt2 sisyphus+279461.100.1.1 1626547547 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libnghttp2-1.41.0-alt1 sisyphus+275115.100.1.1 1624405462 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: openldap-common-2.4.57-alt1 sisyphus+279665.100.1.1 1626645830 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libbrotlicommon-1.0.9-alt2 sisyphus+278430.100.1.2 1626213212 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libbrotlidec-1.0.9-alt2 sisyphus+278430.100.1.2 1626213212 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: rsync-3.1.3-alt2 sisyphus+278100.6000.1.1 1626060142 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libverto-0.3.2-alt1_1 sisyphus+279289.100.1.3 1626493868 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: liblmdb-0.9.23-alt1 sisyphus+275369.100.1.2 1624493869 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libkeyutils-1.6.3-alt1 sisyphus+266061.100.1.1 1612919566 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libcom_err- sisyphus+278100.1000.1.1 1626056805 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libedit3-3.1.20191231-alt1 sisyphus+278505.100.1.1 1626106374 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: less-530-alt1 sisyphus+278268.100.1.1 1626082709 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: doxygen-1:1.8.17-alt2.1 sisyphus+279546.100.1.3 1626595404 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: diffstat-1.64-alt1 sisyphus+278100.700.1.1 1626056683 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: chrpath-0.16-alt1 sisyphus+278100.500.1.1 1626056633 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libp11-kit-0.23.15-alt2 sisyphus+278382.100.1.2 1626190666 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libtasn1-4.17.0-alt1 sisyphus+276722.100.1.1 1625211284 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: rpm-macros-alternatives-0.5.1-alt1 sisyphus+278157.100.2.1 1626055790 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: alternatives-0.5.1-alt1 sisyphus+278157.100.2.1 1626055790 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: ca-certificates-2021.06.03-alt1 sisyphus+273509.400.1.1 1622736045 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: ca-trust-0.1.2-alt1 sisyphus+233348.100.1.1 1561653823 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: p11-kit-trust-0.23.15-alt2 sisyphus+278382.100.1.2 1626190666 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libcrypto1.1-1.1.1k-alt1 sisyphus+279286.100.1.1 1626469546 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: libssl1.1-1.1.1k-alt1 sisyphus+279286.100.1.1 1626469546 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:21 rpmi: python3-3.9.6-alt1 sisyphus+276295.100.1.1 1624964289 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: python3-base-3.9.6-alt1 sisyphus+276295.100.1.1 1624964289 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: libpython3-3.9.6-alt1 sisyphus+276295.100.1.1 1624964289 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: gem-minitest-5.14.4-alt1 sisyphus+263530.10240.82.1 1628289780 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: ruby-net-telnet-0.2.0-alt1 sisyphus+219345.2700.8.1 1547631566 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: gem-rake-13.0.1-alt1 sisyphus+248971.320.47.1 1586259947 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: ruby-xmlrpc-0.3.0-alt1 sisyphus+219345.3300.8.1 1547631818 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: gem-2:3.1.2-alt1.3 sisyphus+270592.200.2.1 1619227151 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: ri-6.3.0-alt1 sisyphus+263530.10200.82.1 1628289737 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: gem-rdoc-6.3.0-alt1 sisyphus+263530.10200.82.1 1628289737 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: rdoc-6.3.0-alt1 sisyphus+263530.10200.82.1 1628289737 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: rake-13.0.1-alt1 sisyphus+248971.320.47.1 1586259947 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: erb-0:2.7.3-alt1.3 sisyphus+270592.200.2.1 1619227151 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: irb-2.7.3-alt1.3 sisyphus+270592.200.2.1 1619227151 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: gem-test-unit-3.3.5-alt1 sisyphus+248971.620.47.1 1586260035 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: gem-power-assert-1.1.7-alt1 sisyphus+248971.220.47.1 1586259894 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:22 rpmi: bundle-2.2.19-alt1 sisyphus+263530.240.82.1 1628288342 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:23 rpmi: gem-bundler-2.2.19-alt1 sisyphus+263530.240.82.1 1628288342 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:23 rpmi: ruby-2.7.3-alt1.3 sisyphus+270592.200.2.1 1619227151 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: ruby-stdlibs-2.7.3-alt1.3 sisyphus+270592.200.2.1 1619227151 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: python3-module-six-1.15.0-alt2 sisyphus+270533.5100.6.1 1619685463 installed [x86_64] <86>Aug 9 14:24:24 groupadd[2334442]: group added to /etc/group: name=_keytab, GID=499 [x86_64] <86>Aug 9 14:24:24 groupadd[2334442]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=_keytab [x86_64] <86>Aug 9 14:24:24 groupadd[2334442]: new group: name=_keytab, GID=499 [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: libkrb5-1.19.2-alt2 sisyphus+281652.100.1.1 1627900207 installed [x86_64] <86>Aug 9 14:24:24 groupadd[2334565]: group added to /etc/group: name=sasl, GID=498 [x86_64] <86>Aug 9 14:24:24 groupadd[2334565]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=sasl [x86_64] <86>Aug 9 14:24:24 groupadd[2334565]: new group: name=sasl, GID=498 [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: libsasl2-3-2.1.27-alt2.1 sisyphus+278407.100.1.3 1626205817 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: libldap-2.4.57-alt1 sisyphus+279665.100.1.1 1626645830 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: libcurl-7.78.0-alt1 sisyphus+281161.100.1.1 1627408652 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: python3-module-genshi-0.7.4-alt2 sisyphus+275930.100.2.1 1624873830 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: setup-rb-5.999.4-alt9 sisyphus+263530.221.82.1 1628288244 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: gem-setup-5.999.4-alt9 sisyphus+263530.221.82.1 1628288244 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: python3-module-webencodings-0.5.1-alt2 sisyphus+276020.100.1.1 1624812421 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: python3-module-html5lib-1:1.1-alt1 sisyphus+278096.120.5.1 1626086978 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: python3-module-lxml- sisyphus+279721.1500.1.1 1626648574 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: python3-module-cssselect-0.9.1-alt3 sisyphus+270533.2600.6.1 1619684675 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: python3-module-javapackages-1:5.3.0-alt1_15jpp11 sisyphus+278038.500.1.3 1625987751 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: tests-for-installed-python3-pkgs-0.1.17-alt1 sisyphus+271082.100.1.1 1619820927 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: libssl-devel-1.1.1k-alt1 sisyphus+279286.100.1.1 1626469546 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: libruby-devel-2.7.3-alt1.3 sisyphus+270592.200.2.1 1619227151 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: openssh-common-8.6p1-alt1 sisyphus+273966.200.4.2 1627903728 installed [x86_64] <86>Aug 9 14:24:24 groupadd[2335050]: group added to /etc/group: name=sshagent, GID=497 [x86_64] <86>Aug 9 14:24:24 groupadd[2335050]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=sshagent [x86_64] <86>Aug 9 14:24:24 groupadd[2335050]: new group: name=sshagent, GID=497 [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: openssh-clients-8.6p1-alt1 sisyphus+273966.200.4.2 1627903728 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: git-core-2.32.0-alt1 sisyphus+280822.100.1.1 1627311405 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: ruby-tool-setup-3.4.1-alt15 sisyphus+224756.300.2.1 1552290808 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: rpm-build-ruby-1:1.0.0-alt14 sisyphus+263530.5.82.1 1628288204 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: rpm-build-python3-0.1.17-alt1 sisyphus+271082.100.1.1 1619820927 installed [x86_64] <13>Aug 9 14:24:24 rpmi: rpm-build-java-1:5.3.0-alt1_15jpp11 sisyphus+278038.500.1.3 1625987751 installed [x86_64] warning: Macro %pkgname not found [x86_64] Reading Package Lists... [x86_64] Building Dependency Tree... [x86_64] MI2a: mark gcc-c++ [x86_64] MI2a: target gcc10-c++ [x86_64] MI2a: mark gcc10-c++ [x86_64] MI2a: target libstdc++10-devel [x86_64] MI2a: mark libstdc++10-devel [x86_64] MI2a: target gcc-c++-common [x86_64] MI2a: mark gcc-c++-common [x86_64] MI2a: mark libnumpy-devel [x86_64] MI2a: target python-devel [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-dev [x86_64] MI2a: target rpm-build-python [x86_64] MI2a: mark rpm-build-python [x86_64] MI2a: target python2-base [x86_64] MI2a: mark python2-base [x86_64] MI2a: target libpython [x86_64] MI2a: mark libpython [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-distutils [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-distutils [x86_64] MI2a: target python [x86_64] MI2a: mark python [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-encodings [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-encodings [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-compiler [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-compiler [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-email [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-email [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-unittest [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-unittest [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-curses [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-curses [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-xml [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-xml [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-hotshot [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-hotshot [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-bsddb [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-bsddb [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-logging [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-logging [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-multiprocessing [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-multiprocessing [x86_64] MI2a: target python-modules-ctypes [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-modules-ctypes [x86_64] MI2a: target python-module-numpy [x86_64] MI2a: mark python-module-numpy [x86_64] MI2a: target python AMB [x86_64] MI2a: target [x86_64] MI2a: mark liblapack [x86_64] MI2a: target [x86_64] MI2a: mark libgfortran5 [x86_64] MI2a: target libquadmath0 [x86_64] MI2a: mark libquadmath0 [x86_64] MI2a: target [x86_64] MI2a: mark libopenblas [x86_64] MI2a: target [x86_64] MI2a: mark libxblas [x86_64] MI2a: target libnumpy [x86_64] MI2a: mark libnumpy [x86_64] MI2b: mark python-module-numpy [x86_64] MI2b: target python AMB [x86_64] MI2c: mark python-module-numpy [x86_64] MI2c: target python [x86_64] MI2c: mark python-strict [x86_64] MI2a: mark libnumpy-py3-devel [x86_64] MI2a: target python3-module-numpy [x86_64] MI2a: mark python3-module-numpy [x86_64] MI2a: mark python3-module-setuptools [x86_64] MI2a: target python3-module-pkg_resources [x86_64] MI2a: mark python3-module-pkg_resources [x86_64] zlib-devel is already the newest version. [x86_64] rpm-build-python3 is already the newest version. [x86_64] Selecting python3-dev for 'python3-devel' [x86_64] E: Couldn't find package python3-module-mox [x86_64] hsh-install: Failed to calculate package file list. [x86_64] hsh-install: Failed to generate package file list. 2021-Aug-09 14:24:27 :: [x86_64] protobuf.git 3.16.0-alt4.1: remote: cannot build src.rpm 2021-Aug-09 14:24:27 :: [x86_64] #15127 protobuf.git 3.16.0-alt4.1: build FAILED 2021-Aug-09 14:24:27 :: [x86_64] requesting cancellation of task processing 2021-Aug-09 14:24:36 :: [ppc64le] #13340 gem-simplecov.git 0.21.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:36 :: [ppc64le] task processing CANCELLED 2021-Aug-09 14:24:37 :: [i586] #14500 gem-turn.git 0.9.7-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:37 :: [i586] task processing CANCELLED 2021-Aug-09 14:24:38 :: [armh] #10640 gem-rspec-support.git 3.10.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:38 :: [armh] task processing CANCELLED 2021-Aug-09 14:24:44 :: [aarch64] #14000 gem-ucf.git 2.0.2-alt1: build OK (cached) 2021-Aug-09 14:24:44 :: [aarch64] task processing CANCELLED 2021-Aug-09 14:24:27 :: [x86_64] build FAILED 2021-Aug-09 14:24:36 :: [ppc64le] build FAILED 2021-Aug-09 14:24:37 :: [i586] build FAILED 2021-Aug-09 14:24:38 :: [armh] build FAILED 2021-Aug-09 14:24:44 :: [aarch64] build FAILED 2021-Aug-09 14:24:44 :: task #263530 for sisyphus FAILED