5 NEW error logs perl-Gtk3-WebKit-0.06-alt1 + xvfb-run -a make test _XSERVTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.X11-unix will not be created. The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: -- Result: FAIL Failed 1/1 test programs. 0/1 subtests failed. make: *** [Makefile:776: test_dynamic] Error 255 python-module-clize-4.0.3-alt1 in_args = attr.ib(convert=tuple) TypeError: attrib() got an unexpected keyword argument 'convert' python-module-gantt-0.6.0-alt2 import svgwrite ImportError: No module named svgwrite make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/python-module-gantt-0.6.0' -- import svgwrite ImportError: No module named svgwrite make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/RPM/BUILD/python3' -- in_args = attr.ib(convert=tuple) TypeError: attrib() got an unexpected keyword argument 'convert' make: *** [Makefile:38: test] Error 1 python-module-packaging-19.0-alt2 TOTAL 735 0 303 3 99% ERROR: InvocationError for command /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/python-module-packaging-19.0/.tox/py37/bin/python -m coverage report -m --fail-under 100 (exited with code 2) ERROR: invocation failed (exit code 1) ✖ FAIL py37 in 1 minute, 54.848 seconds -- py27: commands succeeded ERROR: py37: parallel child exit code 1 python-module-pytest-4.6.5-alt1 > assert lines[1].startswith("Omitting 1 identical item") E AssertionError: assert False E + where False = ('Omitting 1 identical item') -- > assert lines[1].startswith("Matching attributes:") E AssertionError: assert False E + where False = ('Matching attributes:') -- is this important to support?? FAILED testing/test_assertion.py::TestAssert_reprcompare_attrsclass::test_attrs FAILED testing/test_assertion.py::TestAssert_reprcompare_attrsclass::test_attrs_verbose FAILED testing/test_assertion.py::TestAssert_reprcompare_attrsclass::test_attrs_with_attribute_comparison_off = 3 failed, 2144 passed, 49 skipped, 11 xfailed, 1 warnings in 475.63 seconds == ERROR: InvocationError for command /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/python-module-pytest-4.6.5/.tox/py27/bin/pytest --ignore testing/test_pdb.py --ignore testing/test_terminal.py --ignore testing/test_unittest.py (exited with code 1) ERROR: invocation failed (exit code 1) \u2716 FAIL py27 in 8 minutes, 4.285 seconds\n[124220] /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/python-module-pytest-4.6.5$ /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/__main__.py --sitepackages -p auto -o -v --installpkg .tox/.tmp/package/1/pytest-4.6.5.tar.gz -- \u2714 OK py27-pexpect in 58.062 seconds\n___________________________________ summary ____________________________________ ERROR: py27: parallel child exit code 1 py27-pexpect: commands succeeded 17 error logs REMOVED from the list calligraplan-0:3.1.0-alt7 freeipa-4.7.3-alt1 jed-2:0.99.19-alt2.qa2.1 kde4libs-4.14.38-alt5 perl-HTTP-Proxy-0.304-alt2 perl-IO-Event-0.813-alt2 perl-Mojo-IOLoop-ReadWriteProcess-0.24-alt1 pommed-1.39-alt8 python-module-manhole-1.6.0-alt3 python-module-parallax-1.0.1-alt1 python-module-pebble-4.3.7-alt1.git20180228 qt4-4.8.7-alt19 qtscriptgenerator-0.2.0-alt3.qa1 racket-7.3-alt1 shiboken-1.2.2-alt4.git20140422 shiboken-py3-1.2.2-alt4.git20140422 telepathy-logger-qt4-0.8.0-alt4 Total 347 error logs.