Hello: I'm working in a customized Linux distro for Raspberry Pi 3 B+, in 64-bit architecture, with a Raspbrerry kernel, version 5.6.4-v8+. I'm using to control the terminal kbd-2.2.0, cross-compiled from source, and Graft as package manager. I'm having a problem with Spanish acute accents in vowels. If you try to write an acute accented vowel, for example á, this is what yo see in the screen: $> +a It is to say, the dead key is not working, and moreover, instead of the acute accent, the plus symbol is displayed. There are other symptoms of the misconfiguration: key ´¨{ displays +*~ key `^[ displays '(circumflex s)º key +* displays [{ key }ç displays ]} Fortunately ñ and Ñ work fine ;-), and the rest of the keys are ok. Here are some details about the console and the keyboard. - Console. It is an interactive login shell invoked after boot with agetty, I mean it is not a GUI console. The framebuffer supports graphics. Regarding the environmental and console variables: LANG=es_ES.ISO-8859-15@euro TERM=Linux FONT=lat0-16 - Keyboard According to 'kbd_mode' the keyboard is set in Unicode mode (UTF-8), the map is es ('loadkeys es'). Well, I think I've missed something to make the accents or the deadkeys work. Any help will be welcomed. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. ------------------------- Daniel Gutiérrez