From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.0 (2005-09-13) on X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.2 required=5.0 tests=AWL,BAYES_00 autolearn=ham version=3.1.0 X-Spam-Level: Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 20:08:50 +0300 (EEST) From: Igor Vlasenko To: In-Reply-To: <> Message-ID: References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="279707905-70551662-1143652130=:9447" Cc: ALT Devel discussion list Subject: Re: [devel] E: incoming reject: emacs-ilisp-5.12-alt3.20060325.src.rpm X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.7 Precedence: list Reply-To: ALT Devel discussion list List-Id: ALT Devel discussion list List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , X-List-Received-Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2006 17:35:59 -0000 Archived-At: List-Archive: List-Post: This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. --279707905-70551662-1143652130=:9447 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=windows-1251; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT > Dear Igor Vlasenko (ALT Linux Sisyphus) ! > The emacs-ilisp-5.12-alt3.20060325.src.rpm package has been rejected from incoming. > > Possible reason follows: > You have no permission to publish emacs-ilisp-5.12-alt3.20060325.src.rpm > Please consult ott if you have any questions. просьба пакеты ott@ повесить на nobody@, а ott@emacs-* можно сразу на emacs@. -- Igor Vlasenko --279707905-70551662-1143652130=:9447--