Name: lightsquid-admin Version: %define branch_switch sisyphus # for filetriggers use %if "%{?branch_switch}" == "" || "%{?branch_switch}" == "M50" %def_with MASTER %define rpm_min_ver 4.0.4-alt96.11 %define menu_min_ver 2.1.41-alt4 %else %if "%{?branch_switch}" == "M41" %def_with MASTER %define rpm_min_ver 4.0.4-alt95.M41.7 %define menu_min_ver 2.1.41-alt3.M41.1 %endif %endif Summary: Lite, small size and fast log analizer for squid proxy Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Легкий, маленький и быстрый анализатор лога для прокси сервера squid License: GPL Group: Networking/WWW Packager: Dmitry Kharitonov Url: Source: BuildRequires(pre): rpm-macros-branch BuildRequires: perl-CGI perl-GD2 apache apache2 coreutils webserver-common rpm-macros-webserver-common Requires: coreutils perl-CGI webserver-common perl-GD2 Release: %branch_release alt2.1 # for filetriggers use %ifdef rpm_min_ver Requires: rpm >= %rpm_min_ver %endif %ifdef menu_min_ver Requires: menu >= %menu_min_ver %endif BuildArch: noarch %define applname lightsquid %define webserver_datadir %_var/www %define webserver_htdocsdir %webserver_datadir/html %define apache_home %webserver_htdocsdir %if_with MASTER %define apache2_home %webserver_datadir/apache2/html %else %define apache2_home %apache_home %endif %define apache_confdir %_sysconfdir/httpd/conf %define apache2_confdir %_sysconfdir/httpd2/conf %define apache_addonconfdir %apache_confdir/addon-modules.d %define apache2_siteanav %apache2_confdir/sites-available %define apache2_sitestart %apache2_confdir/sites-start.d %define apache2_modsstart %apache2_confdir/mods-start.d %define apache2_portsstart %apache2_confdir/ports-start.d %define lightsquid_confdir %_sysconfdir/%applname %define lightdir %apache_home/%applname %define lightdir2 %apache2_home/%applname %define blockerurl %_localstatedir/%applname/blockerurl %define blockerip %_localstatedir/%applname/blockerip %description %applname -- light squid report parser and visualyzer, generate sort of report light fast no database required no additional perl modules small disk usage template html - you can create you own look; %description -l ru_RU.UTF-8 %applname -- легкий, быстрый анализатор лога прокси сервера squid. Не требует базы данных Не требует дополнительных модулей perl Использует шаблоны html %package apache Summary: Config %applname for apache Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Конфигурационный файл %applname для вебсервера apache License: GPL Group: System/Servers Requires: %name = %version-%release Requires: apache coreutils mod_auth_pam grep apache-mod_perl %description apache Config %applname for apache %package apache2 Summary: Config %applname for apache Summary(ru_RU.UTF-8): Конфигурационный файл %applname для вебсервера apache2 License: GPL Group: System/Servers Requires: %name = %version-%release Requires: apache2 coreutils grep apache2-mod_perl apache2-common %description apache2 Config %applname for apache2 %prep %setup -n %name-%version #$langpath="/var/www/html/lightsquid/lang"; subst "s|\$langpath[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$langpath=\"%_datadir/%applname/lang\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #$tplpath="/var/www/html/lightsquid/tpl"; subst "s|\$tplpath[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$tplpath=\"%_datadir/%applname/tpl\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #$ip2namepath="/var/www/html/lightsquid/ip2name"; subst "s|\$ip2namepath[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$ip2namepath=\"%_datadir/%applname/ip2name\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #$badurl="$reportpath/badurl"; subst "s|\$badurl[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$badurl=\"%_localstatedir/%applname/badurl\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #$badip="$reportpath/badip"; subst "s|\$badip[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$badip=\"%_localstatedir/%applname/badip\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #$cmdurl="$reportpath/blockerurl"; subst "s|\$cmdurl[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$cmdurl=\"%blockerurl\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #$cmdip="$reportpath/blockerip"; subst "s|\$cmdip[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$cmdip=\"%blockerip\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #$reportpath="/var/www/html/lightsquid/report"; subst "s|\$reportpath[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$reportpath=\"%_localstatedir/%applname\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #$cfgpath="/var/www/html/lightsquid"; subst "s|\$cfgpath[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$cfgpath=\"%lightsquid_confdir\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #$lockpath=$reportpath; subst "s|\$lockpath[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$lockpath=\"%_lockdir/%applname\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #$logpath="/var/log/squid"; subst "s|\$logpath[[:space:]]*=.*;|\$logpath=\"/var/log/squid\";|g" lightsquid.cfg #require "ip2name"; subst "s|require[[:space:]]*\"ip2name\";|require \"\$ip2namepath/ip2name.\$ip2name\";|g" subst "s|require[[:space:]]*\"lightsquid.cfg\";|require \"%lightsquid_confdir/lightsquid.cfg\";|g" {,admin/}*.cgi *.pl subst "s|require[[:space:]]*\"\";|require \"%_datadir/%applname/\";|g" {,admin/}*.cgi *.pl subst "s|/etc/squid/users.txt|/etc/lightsquid/users.txt|g" ip2name/ip2name.* iconv -f WINDOWS-1251 -t UTF8 lang/ru.lng > lang/ru-utf8.lng %__subst "s|windows-1251|utf8|g" lang/ru-utf8.lng %install %__mkdir_p %buildroot%_sbindir %__mkdir_p %buildroot%lightsquid_confdir %__mkdir_p %buildroot%_sysconfdir/cron.d %__mkdir_p %buildroot%_datadir/%applname/{lang,ip2name,tpl} %__mkdir_p %buildroot%apache_addonconfdir %__mkdir_p %buildroot%apache2_home %if_with MASTER ln -snf $(relative %buildroot%lightdir %buildroot%lightdir2) %buildroot%lightdir2 %endif %__mkdir_p %buildroot%_localstatedir/%applname %__mkdir_p %buildroot%lightdir/admin %__mkdir_p %buildroot%_lockdir/%applname mkdir -p %buildroot%apache2_siteanav mkdir -p %buildroot%apache2_sitestart mkdir -p %buildroot%apache2_modsstart mkdir -p %buildroot%apache2_portsstart # install bin %__install -p -m 755 %buildroot%_sbindir/ # install configs %__install -p -m 644 lightsquid.cfg %buildroot%lightsquid_confdir/lightsquid.cfg %__install -p -m 644 group.cfg.src %buildroot%lightsquid_confdir/group.cfg %__install -p -m 644 realname.cfg %buildroot%lightsquid_confdir/realname.cfg # install cron %__cat > %buildroot%_sysconfdir/cron.d/lightsquid << EOF 55 * * * * lightsquid %buildroot%_sbindir/ today EOF %__cat > %buildroot%_sysconfdir/cron.d/lightsquidip << EOF #*/5 * * * * root flag="%blockerip"; if [ -f "\$flag" ]; then rm -f "\$flag"; firewall 2>&1 1>/dev/null; fi EOF %__cat > %buildroot%_sysconfdir/cron.d/lightsquidurl << EOF #*/5 * * * * root flag="%blockerurl"; if [ -f "\$flag" ]; then rm -f "\$flag"; /usr/sbin/squid -k reconfigure 2>&1 1>/dev/null; fi EOF cat > admin/.htaccess << EOF AuthType Basic AuthName "%applname administrator mode" AuthUserFile %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd Require user admin EOF #Default password admin /bin/touch admin/.htpasswd # install lib %__install -p -m 644 %buildroot%_datadir/%applname/ %__install -p -m 755 %buildroot%_datadir/%applname/ %__install -p -m 644 lang/[^A-Z]*.lng %buildroot%_datadir/%applname/lang/ %__install -p -m 644 ip2name/[^A-Z]* %buildroot%_datadir/%applname/ip2name/ %__cp -aRf tpl/[^A-Z]* %buildroot%_datadir/%applname/tpl/ ##%__install -p -m 644 tpl/[^A-Z]* %buildroot%_datadir/%applname/tpl/ # install web #%__install -p -m 644 .htaccess %buildroot%apache_home/%applname/ %__install -p -m 755 [^A-Z]*.cgi %buildroot%apache_home/%applname/ %__cp -aRf admin/[^A-Z]*.cgi %buildroot%lightdir/admin %__cp -aRf admin/.h* %buildroot%lightdir/admin #/bin/cp -aRf admin/. admin/.. admin/.htaccess admin/.htpasswd /usr/src/tmp/lightsquid-admin-buildroot/var/www/apache2/html/lightsquid/admin #apache %__cat << EOF > %buildroot%apache_addonconfdir/lightsquid.conf Options FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .cgi AllowOverride AuthConfig DirectoryIndex index.cgi EOF #apache2 cat << EOF > %buildroot%apache2_modsstart/110-lightsquid.conf perl=yes cgi=yes dir=yes auth_basic=yes authn_file=yes authz_user=yes EOF cat << EOF > %buildroot%apache2_siteanav/lightsquid.conf ScriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" "%lightdir2/" Options FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI AddHandler cgi-script .cgi AllowOverride AuthConfig DirectoryIndex index.cgi EOF cat << EOF > %buildroot%apache2_sitestart/110-lightsquid.conf lightsquid=yes EOF cat << EOF > %buildroot%apache2_portsstart/110-lightsquid.conf http=yes EOF %pre /usr/sbin/groupadd -r -f %applname &> /dev/null ||: /usr/sbin/useradd -r -g %applname -G squid,_webserver -d %_localstatedir/%applname -c 'Log parser lightsquid' -s /bin/false -n %applname &> /dev/null ||: %pre apache gpasswd -a %applname apache gpasswd -a %applname _webserver gpasswd -a apache _webserver %pre apache2 gpasswd -a %applname apache2 gpasswd -a %applname _webserver gpasswd -a apache2 _webserver %post if [[ -d %lightdir/report ]]; then mv %lightdir/report/* %_localstatedir/%applname ## rm -f %lightdir/report echo "Reports move from %lightdir/report to %_localstatedir/%applname" fi #find %_localstatedir/%applname -print0 | xargs -r0 chown %applname:_webserver #find %_localstatedir/%applname -print0 | xargs -r0 chmod a-xw+Xr,ug+w chown -R %applname:_webserver %_localstatedir/%applname chmod -R a-xw+Xr,ug+w %_localstatedir/%applname echo "Please, edit the %_sysconfdir/cron.d/lightsquidip for your own IP blocker procedure." echo "Please, edit the %_sysconfdir/cron.d/lightsquidurl for your own URL blocker procedure." %post apache cat > %lightdir/admin/.htaccess << EOF AuthType Basic AuthName "%applname administrator mode" AuthUserFile %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd Require user admin EOF touch %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd chown %applname:_webserver %lightdir/admin/.ht* chmod 640 %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd if ! grep -q "admin" %lightdir/admin/.ht*; then /usr/bin/htpasswd -bm %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd admin admin echo "Default administrator login:admin password:admin to change it use" else echo "For change your password use" fi echo "# htpasswd -m %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd admin" %post_service httpd %post apache2 cat > %lightdir2/admin/.htaccess << EOF AuthType Basic AuthName "%applname administrator mode" AuthBasicProvider file AuthUserFile %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd Require user admin EOF touch %lightdir2/admin/.htpasswd chown %applname:_webserver %lightdir2/admin/.h* chmod 640 %lightdir2/admin/.h* if ! grep -q "admin" %lightdir2/admin/.htpasswd; then /usr/bin/htpasswd2 -bm %lightdir2/admin/.htpasswd admin admin echo "Default administrator login:admin password:admin to change it use" else echo "For change your password use" fi echo "# htpasswd2 -m %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd admin" a2chkconfig %post_service httpd2 %files %doc doc/* %_sbindir/* %_datadir/%applname %dir %attr(1755,root,root) %lightsquid_confdir %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,root,root) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %lightsquid_confdir/lightsquid.cfg %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,root,root) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %lightsquid_confdir/group.cfg %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,root,root) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %lightsquid_confdir/realname.cfg %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,root,root) %_sysconfdir/cron.d/lightsquid %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,root,root) %_sysconfdir/cron.d/lightsquidurl %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,root,root) %_sysconfdir/cron.d/lightsquidip %dir %attr(1775,%applname,_webserver) %_localstatedir/%applname %dir %attr(1755,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir %dir %attr(1755,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/admin %dir %attr(1775,%applname,_webserver) %_lockdir/%applname %attr(0755,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/*.cgi %attr(0755,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/admin/*.cgi %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/admin/.htaccess %files apache %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %attr(0644,root,root) %apache_addonconfdir/lightsquid.conf #%dir %attr(1775,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir #%dir %attr(1775,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/admin %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/admin/.htaccess %files apache2 #%dir %attr(1755,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir #%dir %attr(1755,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/admin #%dir %attr(1755,root,_webserver) %apache2_home %lightdir2 %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %attr(0644,root,root) %apache2_siteanav/lightsquid.conf %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %attr(0644,root,root) %apache2_modsstart/110-lightsquid.conf %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %attr(0644,root,root) %apache2_sitestart/110-lightsquid.conf %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %attr(0644,root,root) %apache2_portsstart/110-lightsquid.conf %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/admin/.htpasswd %config(noreplace) %attr(0644,%applname,_webserver) %lightdir/admin/.htaccess %changelog * Tue Aug 18 2009 Kharitonov A. Dmitry - Fix units - Fix site filter - Add doc for admin mode - Fix graph scale - Fix apache config * Sun Jul 26 2009 Kharitonov A. Dmitry 1.8-alt2 - Add administrators mode * Tue Jul 07 2009 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.8-alt1 - Update to 1.8 - Convert spec to UTF-8 * Sun Jan 13 2008 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.7.1-alt2 - Fix #13302 * Thu Apr 12 2007 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.7.1-alt1 - Change Requires: apache-common to apache (#11307) * Wed Jan 10 2007 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.7.1-alt0 - Update to 1.7.1 - Remove %%set_strip_method none * Fri Nov 24 2006 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.7-alt0 - Update to 1.7 - Remove postun, preun scripts - Add "today" in %_sysconfdir/cron.d/lightsquid - Add %_lockdir\%applname * Wed Apr 26 2006 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.6-alt2.beta - Fix (#9471): Replaced Requires for apache-mod_perl by webserver and config for apache separated in package %applname-apache - Fix (#9472): Change rights and owner for %_localstatedir/%applname, %lightdir - Fix (#9474) * Wed Dec 07 2005 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.6-alt1.beta - Fix (#8592) + Add pseudouser & group lightsquid + Change rights for *.cgi + Move /var/www/html/lightsquid/report to /var/lib/lightsquid + Move %_sysconfdir/cron.daily/lightsquid to %_sysconfdir/cron.d/lightsquid * Fri Nov 25 2005 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.6-alt0.beta - Update to 1.6-beta - Add BuildRequires & Requires for perl-GD2 * Thu Oct 27 2005 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.5-alt2 - Removed requires for squid (#8352) * Wed Sep 14 2005 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.5-alt1 - Fix path to users.txt in ip2name/ip2name.* * Fri Aug 05 2005 Slava Dubrovskiy 1.5-alt0 - built for ALT Linux