On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 03:03:56PM +0300, Anton Farygin wrote: > Есть большая засада с тем, что не всё хранится именно в конфигурационных > файлах. > Да, и таким образом, например, не откатить создание пользователя. Тут > нужно подумать как следует. Ruby on Rails database migrations: $ cat db/migrate/002_issue_move.rb class IssueMove < ActiveRecord::Migration # model removed class Permission < ActiveRecord::Base; end def self.up Permission.create :controller => "projects", :action => "move_issues", :description => "button_move", :sort => 1061, :mail_option => 0, :mail_enabled => 0 end def self.down Permission.find(:first, :conditions => ["controller=? and action=?", 'projects', 'move_issues']).destroy end end $ rake --describe db:migrate: rake db:migrate:down Runs the "down" for a given migration VERSION. rake db:migrate:redo Rollbacks the database one migration and re migrate up. If you want to rollback more than one step, define STEP=x. Target specific version with VERSION=x. rake db:migrate:reset Resets your database using your migrations for the current environment rake db:migrate:up Runs the "up" for a given migration VERSION. -- Regards, Sir Raorn.