On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 12:11:57AM +0400, Alexey Rusakov wrote: > Да, забрось, интересно. 00:42 -!- arekm (i=arekm@pld-linux/arekm) has joined #altlinux 00:42 hello, I have few question about your cvs->git conversion. Anyone with the knowledge alive? 00:59 arekm: best way to convert cvs to git is to use parsecvs 00:59 arekm: but you need access to raw cvsroot 01:00 this is possible with sf.net or savannah, they allow anon rsync access 01:01 raorn: I'm not interested in strict conversion process, more about altlinux layout, commit scripts, automatization and such 01:01 arekm: there's special package called gear 01:02 where? http://git.altlinux.org/archive/g/gear don't see it here 01:02 arekm: there was no cvs->git conversion except for kernel 01:02 Lost: didn't altlinux use cvs for specs/sources? 01:02 arekm: people/ldv/packages/gear.git 01:02 no 01:02 only for kernel 01:02 no cvs, only git 01:03 uh, so what was used? 01:03 nothing ;-) 01:03 ups 8) 01:03 each maintainer had own version 01:03 one repo - one package 01:04 svn/cvs/darcs etc :) 01:04 well, not exactly one 01:04 всем спокойной ночи! 01:04 there were no official VCS for specs before 01:06 all mintainers now have his own repo for each package. we pull changes from other maintainers 01:11 gear just prepares all tarballs, patches and spec and then it just passes it to rpmbuild or hasher 01:21 arekm: so, you want to migrate to git? ;-) 01:21 * raorn .oO( щас ldv начнут багрепорты из плд слать ;-))) ) 01:21 raorn: considering it but spliting flat cvs into git tree looks like nightmare 01:23 arekm: i don't think it's possible. but you can take one xxx.spec,v and convert it to git, then take next, then next, and finally you will kill yourself ;-) 01:23 arekm: git-cvsimport? 01:23 wart: ONLY parsecvs 01:24 Or you don't have a strict CVSROOT<->git repo correspondence? 01:24 raorn: Or parsecvs. They're both crappy, in fact. 01:24 cvsimport sucks cock 01:24 wart: the problem is not with the cvs->git conversion. The problem is with making flat->tree conversion 01:24 arekm: take one file from repo and feed it to parsecvs 01:25 arekm: Could you elaborate? 01:25 arekm: or you can use gear-srpmimport 01:25 On flat->tree. I didn't quite get it. 01:25 if you can export all versions of a package 01:25 wart: see http://cvs.pld-linux.org/SPECS/ and http://cvs.pld-linux.org/SOURCES/ - flat for all packages 01:26 arekm: in gear terms, package is not just spec, but sources and packages in one git tree 01:26 so you don't really (easily) know which file belongs to which package 01:26 so the problem is in separating the sources of different packages into different trees? 01:26 *patches 01:26 wRAR: yes (on all branches/tags) 01:26 arekm: Well, you could create a whole bunch of srpms and import them with gear. 01:26 Of course, you'll loose history then. 01:27 this is what i told before 01:27 wart: and i want/need history 01:27 what "history"? 01:27 of specs/sources 01:27 raorn: CVS history. For specs. 01:27 history of package changes or history of spec editions? 01:27 CVS history. 01:27 why? 01:27 If it's not the same as package log, it's trashed. 01:28 who need this? 01:28 needs what? 01:28 Why do you need git/cvs, then? 01:28 editing history? 01:28 cvs history 01:28 editing history? 01:28 or any history? 01:28 not "who". why? 01:28 Because that's what version control is all about. 01:29 what is "version"? 01:29 bb all 01:29 raorn: cvs commit. 01:29 cvs commit is just transport 01:29 raorn: We're talking about version control now. 01:30 what "version" you want to control and why? 01:30 raorn: Кончай тупить. 01:30 ты тупишь 01:30 Это ты тупишь. 01:30 У человека cvs history. 01:30 спеков 01:30 И он не хочет её потерять. 01:30 raorn: где ты предлагаешь историю спека взять ещё? 01:31 или предлагаешь забить? 01:31 arekm: I think that it won't be hard to modify gear to support your scheme. 01:32 arekm: As an import source. 01:32 btw. /me wonders if there are realtime translations for irssi (using google translate for example) 01:32 wart: will check 01:32 s/translations/translators/ 01:32 does it matter, were there 10 changes in spec or just 1 change between two subsequent versions of a package? 01:32 Hell yes it does. 01:32 it does 01:33 oh 01:33 блин 01:33 why? 01:33 raorn: а где ты ещё возьмёшь "change between two subsequent versions of a package"? 01:33 so you know who broke things in middle for example 01:33 wRAR: по тегу, если они есть 01:33 Тэгу где? 01:33 а 01:33 тегу в цвсе 01:33 в cvs, блин 01:33 а разница? 01:34 релиз пакета тежится 01:34 Ты же предлагаешь выкинуть cvs. 01:34 Вместе с тэгами. 01:34 Да и индивидуальные изменения знать надо. 01:34 именно. это называется "миграция с частичным сохранением истории" 01:35 Он и спрашивает -- как её сохранить. А наделав srpm'ов не будет ничего. 01:35 arekm: what do you wand to do? completly migrate from cvs to git? or something else? 01:37 raorn: completly migrate. I was thinking that altlinux used cvs before but well, I was wrong 01:37 ALTLinux doesn't use git even know. 01:38 now 01:38 we don't build packages directly from git on build server 01:38 ehm, so what's the purpose of git.altlinux.org? 01:39 git hosting 01:39 arekm: well, in this case you can sacrifice detailed history. those packages already released. simpliest way is to import all srpms with gear-srpmimport 01:39 and what about /archives/ on it? 01:39 old package history 01:40 all packages imported in git from srpms 01:40 so it's just for hosting history of released packages, am I correct? 01:40 arekm: There will be The Day, when packages will be built from git. But nobody knows when. 01:40 Unreleased also. 01:40 ldv is working on that 01:40 Something like alioth for Debian, if you know. 01:41 git hosting so that people could collaborate 01:42 arekm: for me, it's easier to track upstream VCS in separate branch and keep all changes as commits, not patch files 01:42 in this case i don't use package/spec history 01:48 arekm: in alt linux you don't have to use git if you want to build packages. and /archive/ is just holding history for those who want to keep it when they start using git По последним данным они так ещё и не определились с переездом, но от своей плоской структуры уже собираются уходить. -- Regards, Sir Raorn.