Name: yacas Version: 1.1.0 Release: alt1 Summary: Yet Another Computer Algebra System License: GPL Group: Sciences/Mathematics URL: Source: Packager: Michael Shigorin %description Yacas (Yet Another Computer Algebra System) is a small and highly flexible computer algebra language. The syntax uses a infix-operator grammar parser. The distribution contains a small library of mathematical functions, but its real strength is in the language in which you can easily write your own symbolic manipulation algorithms. It supports arbitrary precision arithmetic. %prep %setup subst 's,LDFLAGS=\(.*\)\$LDFLAGS\(.*\(LIBS\|-l\).*\),LIBS=\1$LIBS\2,' configure.* %build autoreconf -fisv CXXFLAGS="%optflags" %configure --enable-gmp %make_build %install %make_install %files %doc docs/*.html docs/*.gif %_bindir/%name %_datadir/%name/ %changelog * Mon Aug 06 2007 Michael Shigorin 1.1.0-alt1 - built for ALT Linux - the history should be *much* longer, it's just not there. :)