Request for packaging: если никто не соберётся, я сам запакую, но честно говоря, не знаю, когда это случится. Начало пересылаемого сообщения: Дата: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 23:12:02 +0000 От: Javier Kohen Кому: Копия: Тема: gfloatbg 0.1 released What is it? =========== gfloatbg subtly changes the color of the GNOME desktop over time, so slowly that it won't be noticed. This is a good alternative to placing a wallpaper. Where to get it? ================ This release is available as a source package in tar.gz format and can be downloaded from: What's Changed? =============== Not much. This is the initial release. However, I have been personally using this application on the background for several months. The low version number indicates that I would like feedback from the community before I make the final 1.0 release. Cheers, -- Javier Kohen ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802 Jabber: -- Alexey "Ktirf" Rusakov GNOME Project ALT Linux Team