On Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 06:12:27PM +0300, Michael Shigorin wrote: > Здравствуйте. > "However, neither licensing nor the availability of source code > gives free software its competitive edge. Licensing and source > are merely means toward an end: the participation of many > individuals and groups in the development, testing, quality > assurance and advocacy of software." > > Интересная статья. Да. Мне другое понравилось: It's also important to ensure that the public forums are used by the "internal" developers. Even if developers or programmers work in the same building or in cubicles next to each other, they should resist the temptation of having conversations in person because the information from these conversations will never reach the volunteer community. Intentionally organizing a distributed company is one way that this can be approached by companies working on projects with volunteers. Implementing such a structure was an intentional decision made by Canonical Ltd. in hiring developers and structuring development. Ubuntu maintains no closed lists and makes all development, design, and government decisions in open forums and, due to is distributed nature, is exceptionally transparent for a project incorporating a large body of paid labor from a single company. Долой фирмы!