Current stage of gnome's Russian translation is poor - it's listed on among partially supported languages. There were no commits for key gnome components, like Nautilus, since summer. Current Russian team coordinator Dmitry G. Mastryukov does not respond on email, and it looks like nobody is working on Russian Gnome translations now. This it why we are going to establish new translation team. Our team will be sponsored by ASPLinux company, the leading Russian Linux vendor, which is highly interested in complete high-quality translation of Gnome desktop. Our team already have an experience of translating all redhat-config-* utilities, large part of core KDE components and some Gnome components - Evolution, gnomemeeting, totem. Currently we have some new translations ready, but we are unable to contribute them, because current coordinator is unavailable. The coordinator of new team wil be Leonid Kanter , information about this project will be published on