Привет! > ------ > Vulnerability found on port ftp (21/tcp) > > You are running a version of wu-ftpd which is older or > as old as version 2.6.0. > These versions do not sanitize the user input properly > and allow an intruder to execute arbitrary code through > the command SITE EXEC. > > *** Note that Nessus could not log into this server > *** so it could not determine whether the option SITE > *** EXEC was activated or not, so this message may be > *** a false positive > > Solution : upgrade to wu-ftpd 2.6.1 > Risk factor : High > CVE : CVE-2000-0573 > ------ Блин, достали! NIDD -- /----------------------------------------------------------------------\ The Debian Project. Debian booth@Linux Expo Road Show coordinator. Visit http://people.debian.org/~nidd/LERS-TODO.html if you're intrested. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Real men don't take backups. They put their source on a public FTP-server and let the world mirror it. -- Linus Torvalds