On Sat, Jan 31, 2004 at 07:40:24PM +0300, Anton Farygin wrote: > From: David Dawes > To: devel@xfree86.org > On looking through the fbdev drivers in the Linux kernel source, I see > very few cases where license notices from XFree86 driver source are > included. This means that either the license for these drivers has no > impact on the work you are talking about (making what you have written > above moot), or some authors of portions of the current Linux fbdev code > have violated the terms of the existing licenses by not including a > verbatim copy of the copyright, license notice, and disclaimer text in > relevant source code. Hi, мне интересно, чем кончится эта дискуссия (и насколько несовместимы BSD и GPL лицензии в целом). > I would also like to echo Egbert's comments about the one-way nature of > your concerns.