# NOTE : This file is used for storing the Host key (both Public # and Private parts) for the SSH Daemon running on IAD. # The keys should be in DSA format and should be of length # less than 512 bits. # Only one key can be specified. # # The format for specifying keys is as follows # <"ssh-dss"><\b><\n> # # Such a key can be generated by using tools # - puttygen : specify key type as SSH2-DSA & length 512 bits. # Generate the key and save it in a file. # Open the file and reformat it to above format. # The part is formed by concatenating # the public and private parts. # - ssh-keygen : run "ssh-keygen -b 512 -t dsa" and save the file. # Reformat the file to the above format. # # A sample configuration is provided below #ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAABAb/rT93LkIOYpdfC3JQ0FJ/LsX3wgEafYijFSrtj1FeIDEAMpThJ5dd/OdCQiuGE+v9rwpdTVeIMWr5low7/n4QAAABUAq8vI/HmJ3maAOFLZc+iEZpdoIaMAAABAQqnQOvx5mVCRgTVGb4vQz9lx/mc/+0lXcbxMPpaG5t5hlEcjbkctUA4+hWSb6pAwvS/AMYPUcsJWg06or9FB5wAAAEANlwf9EMRf0vohWXX2CSOiet5Ikv143+W88jgifhCL3fQPunstKaOicZWsVfiIO357+sa3UeI2jbkGzyF/qh4+AAAAFDtVBNAY9CP21KCJnyquRk2U11i1