# # Copyright (c) 1994 by The XFree86 Project, Inc. # # ********************************************************************** # Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of # this file. # ********************************************************************** # ********************************************************************** # Files section. This allows default font and rgb paths to be set # ********************************************************************** Section "Files" RgbPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb" FontPath "unix/:-1" EndSection # ********************************************************************** # Server flags section. # ********************************************************************** Section "ServerFlags" EndSection # ********************************************************************** # Input devices # ********************************************************************** # ********************************************************************** # Keyboard section # ********************************************************************** Section "Keyboard" Protocol "Standard" AutoRepeat 500 5 LeftAlt Meta RightAlt Meta ScrollLock Compose RightCtl Control XkbKeycodes "xfree86" XkbTypes "default" XkbCompat "default" XkbSymbols "us(pc104)" XkbGeometry "pc" XkbRules "xfree86" XkbOptions "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle" XkbModel "pc104" # XkbLayout "rums" XkbLayout "ru" XkbVariant "winkeys" # grp:switch CapsLock changes group, R-Alt switches group while pressed # grp:toggle Right Alt key changes group # grp:shift_toggle Both Shift keys together change group # grp:ctrl_shift_toggle Control+Shift changes group # grp:ctrl_alt_toggle Alt+Control changes group EndSection # ********************************************************************** # Pointer section # ********************************************************************** Section "Pointer" Protocol "MouseManPlusPS/2" # Protocol "IMPS/2" # Protocol "PS/2" # Protocol "MouseSystem" Device "/dev/mouse" # Device "/dev/gpmdata" BaudRate 1200 Resolution 400 ZAxisMapping 4 5 Buttons 3 # Emulate3Buttons # Emulate3Timeout 200 EndSection # ********************************************************************** # Monitor section # ********************************************************************** # Any number of monitor sections may be present Section "Monitor" Identifier "Primary Monitor" VendorName "Iiyama" ModelName "Vision Master Pro 17" BandWidth 160 HorizSync 27.0-92.0 VertRefresh 50-160 Mode "1024x768" DotClock 110.00 HTimings 1024 1041 1174 1368 VTimings 768 770 784 810 Flags "-hsync" "-vsync" EndMode EndSection # ********************************************************************** # Graphics device section # ********************************************************************** # Any number of graphics device sections may be present Section "Device" Identifier "Primary Card" VendorName "ATI" BoardName "ATI Mach64 3D RAGE PRO, Internal RAMDAC" EndSection # ********************************************************************** # Screen sections # ********************************************************************** Section "Screen" Driver "Accel" Device "Primary Card" Monitor "Primary Monitor" BlankTime 0 SuspendTime 0 OffTime 0 SubSection "Display" Depth 32 Modes "1024x768" EndSubSection EndSection Section "Screen" Driver "VGA2" Device "Primary Card" Monitor "Primary Monitor" BlankTime 0 SuspendTime 0 OffTime 0 SubSection "Display" Depth 1 Modes "1024x768" EndSubSection EndSection Section "Screen" Driver "VGA16" Device "Primary Card" Monitor "Primary Monitor" BlankTime 0 SuspendTime 0 OffTime 0 SubSection "Display" Depth 4 Modes "1024x768" EndSubSection EndSection Section "Screen" Driver "SVGA" Device "Primary Card" Monitor "Primary Monitor" BlankTime 0 SuspendTime 0 OffTime 0 SubSection "Display" Depth 16 Modes "1024x768" EndSubSection EndSection