On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 05:20:48PM +0000, Andrew Borodin wrote: > Обновился с ALD4.0 до School-5.0.0 (Master+Junior). Из пакетов > обоих DVD сделан один репо на диске. Из бранча взят hasher со > всеми зависимыми пакетами, которых нет на дисках. 1) Invoke genbasedir with --bloat option. This will preserve full information about packaged files. OR 2) Don't use genbasedir at all. Instead, use "rpm-dir" access method in your sources.list file (instead of "rpm"; arguments are the same). APT will scan for packages as needed. This only works with local (mounted) filesystems. This works especially well with small repos, but might not work very well with big ones, though. > [borodin@borodin galeon]$ hsh galeon-2.0.7-alt0.M41.1.i586.rpm > Чтение списков пакетов... > Построение дерева зависимостей... > Selected version rpm-build#4.0.4-alt98.23 for So what are you trying to do? Why in the world you think you need to rebuild a package from branch 4.1 in 5.1 environment? > Следующие пакеты имеют неудовлетворенные зависимости: > libtool_2.2: Требует: /usr/share/license/LGPL-2.1 но пакет не может быть установлен > E: Извините, `битые' пакеты > hsh-install: failed to calculate package file list. > hsh-install: Failed to generate package file list. > Ошибка при создании репо практически исключена, для меня это дело > хорошо знакомое и далеко не новое. In short, file-level dependencies (starting with a dash "/") can be resolved into both either explicit Provides or into a packaged file (implicitly). That is, it is actually possible to require any packaged file. However, it is then required to preserve at least SOME information about packaged files in the repo.