* Alisher [070915 04:02]: > стандарт gsm/cdma? Какой телефон? Можно ли через bluetoth настроить? Или > где можно почитать? Настройки для МТС и Nokia 6310i через bluetooth: Первым делом спарить комп с тель-а-фоном. /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf: rfcomm0 { bind no; device АД:РЕ:СТ:ЕЛ:ЕФ:ОН:А.; } /etc/net/ifaces/ppp0/*: (из примеров к etcnet) ==> ifdown-post <== #!/bin/sh rfcomm release /dev/rfcomm0 ==> ifup-pre <== #!/bin/sh rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0 ==> options <== TYPE=ppp ONBOOT=no PPPTYPE=dialup RESTORE_DEFAULTROUTE=yes ==> pppconnect <== TIMEOUT 5 #ECHO ON ABORT '\nBUSY\r' ABORT '\nERROR\r' ABORT '\nNO ANSWER\r' ABORT '\nNO CARRIER\r' ABORT '\nNO DIALTONE\r' ABORT '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r' '' \rAT TIMEOUT 12 SAY "Press CTRL-C to close the connection at any stage!" SAY "\nSetting up...\n" OK ATE1 SAY "\ndefining PDP context...\n" OK 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet.mts.ru"' OK ATD*99***1# TIMEOUT 22 SAY "\nwaiting for connect...\n" CONNECT "" SAY "\nConnected." SAY "\nIf the following ppp negotiations fail,\n" SAY "try restarting the phone.\n" ==> pppoptions <== lcp-echo-failure 0 lcp-echo-interval 0 /dev/rfcomm0 debug noipdefault ipcp-accept-local defaultroute usepeerdns novj nobsdcomp novjccomp nopcomp noaccomp nodeflate noauth user "mts" password "mts" receive-all nolog -- Regards, Alexey I. Froloff AIF5-RIPN, AIF5-RIPE ------------------------------------------- Inform-Mobil, Ltd. System Administrator http://www.inform-mobil.ru/