# # rwsecure parses the /var/log/auth/all file for Invalid usernames or # Failed password. If more than 3 invalid or failed attempts by one # IP, it will add that IP to your /etc/hosts.deny file. # file=`awk '/Invalid|Failed password/' /var/log/auth/all | sed s/.*from./""/ | sed s/port.*/""/| awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | awk '{if ($1>3){print $2}else{}}'` for i in $file do x=`grep $i /etc/hosts.deny | sed 's/.#.*//'` if [ "$x" ] then y=0 else echo -en "ALL: "$i "\t# Added by rwsecure on "`date | awk '{print $2 " " $3 " " $4 " " $6}'`"\n" >> /etc/hosts.deny fi done