# ## MAILDROPRC # # test for vacation file, if it exists, send autoresponse # `test -f vacation.txt` if ($RETURNCODE==0) { š š# test for vacation message subject, use it if found š š# š š`test -f vacation_subject.txt` š šif ($RETURNCODE==0) š š{ š š š SUBJECT=`cat vacation_subject.txt` š š š cc "| mailbot -t vacation.txt -A 'From: $LOGNAME' -A 'Subject: $SUBJECT' /usr/sbin/sendmail -f ''" š š# otherwise, regular "Re:" syntax for subject is automatic š š# š š} š šelse š š{ š š š cc "| mailbot -t vacation.txt -A 'From: $LOGNAME' /usr/sbin/sendmail -f ''" š š} š š# test for any cc addresses, forward to those addresses if present š š# š š`test -f vacation_cc_addresses.txt` š šif ($RETURNCODE==0) š š{ š š š # grab cc addresses š š š # š š š CCADDRESSES=`cat vacation_cc_addresses.txt` š š š # do we need to keep a copy of messages in this account or not? š š š # š š š `test -f vacation_keep_messages.txt` š š š if ($RETURNCODE==0) š š š { š š š š šcc "! -f \"$FROM\" $CCADDRESSES" š š š } š š š else š š š { š š š š što "! -f \"$FROM\" $CCADDRESSES" š š š } š š} } š exception { š šxfilter "/usr/bin/spamoracle -f /var/spool/spamoracle/spamoracle.db mark " š š š š}