On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 10:30:01AM +0400, Oleg K. Artemjev wrote: > network = libnet_open_link_interface(device, err_buf); Кажись в этом месте libnet протекает. ==7053== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0) ==7053== malloc/free: in use at exit: 1040400 bytes in 65025 blocks. ==7053== malloc/free: 130050 allocs, 65025 frees, 3771450 bytes allocated. ==7053== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v ==7053== searching for pointers to 65025 not-freed blocks. ==7053== checked 4332012 bytes. ==7053== ==7053== 1760 bytes in 110 blocks are possibly lost in loss record 2 of 3 ==7053== at 0x26C38F: malloc (vg_clientfuncs.c:103) ==7053== by 0x3202F1: libnet_open_link_interface (libnet_link_sockpacket.c:88) ==7053== by 0x8048A13: main (arpoison.c:150) ==7053== by 0x33C661: __libc_start_main (in /lib/libc-2.2.6.so) ==7053== ==7053== 1038304 bytes in 64894 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 3 of 3 ==7053== at 0x26C38F: malloc (vg_clientfuncs.c:103) ==7053== by 0x3202F1: libnet_open_link_interface (libnet_link_sockpacket.c:88) ==7053== by 0x8048A13: main (arpoison.c:150) ==7053== by 0x33C661: __libc_start_main (in /lib/libc-2.2.6.so) ==7053== ==7053== LEAK SUMMARY: ==7053== definitely lost: 1038304 bytes in 64894 blocks. ==7053== possibly lost: 1760 bytes in 110 blocks. ==7053== still reachable: 336 bytes in 21 blocks. ==7053== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks. ==7053== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown. ==7053== To see them, rerun with: --show-reachable=yes ==7053==