Begin3 Title: SAML, the Simple Algebraic Math Library Version: 970418 Entered-date: 18APR97 Description: SAML is a C library for symbolic calculations, accompanied by some application programs (samuel, factorint, induce), and Python bindings. The library provides an object-oriented framework for defining and handling mathematical types, and implements the most common data types of computer algebra: integers, reals, fractions, complex numbers, polynomials, tensors, matrices, etc. The application programs consist of an interactive symbolic calculator (samuel), a programming language (induce) and a program to factorize integers (factorint). Keywords: Computer algebra, C, Python, library, symbolic calculus, multiple-precision arithmetic, quadratic sieve Author: (Thierry Bousch) Maintained-by: (Thierry Bousch) Primary-site: /pub/bousch 243kB saml-970418.tgz Platforms: Requires a decent Un*x system, gcc 2.5.0 or later, gdbm, perl, gmake, and TeXinfo for the documentation. It is strongly recommended to have Python and the readline library installed. Copying-policy: GPL End