Distribution version 2.40 of WIMS (WWW Interactive Mathematics Server) Please be aware that WIMS is a sophisticated software, but not simple web pages. You have to install it if you want to run it locally on your computer. WIMS is copyrighted under GPL (Gnu General Public License). See the file COPYING for licensing conditions. This software is now reported to work on several Linux distributions, including Red Hat (5.1 and up), Debian 2.1, and LinuxPPC. Minor patches might be needed to make it work on other flavors of Linux or Unix. There is no project of porting it onto Windows environment. Installation of wims is complicated due to the many support packages it requires. If your machine is similar to mine (RedHat Linux versions 5.0 to 6.1, on i386-i686), do the following: 1. Create a user, say `wims', with home directory, say, /home/wims. 2. Login as wims, and copy the tar file wims-2.40.tgz into /home/wims. 3. Decompress and untar the .tgz file. 4. Compile the server: cd to /home/wims/src, and type `make all'. 5. Get the module archive modules-??-*.tgz (pick the language(s) you like), copy it into /home/wims/public_html/modules, and untar the content there. 6. Get and install support softwares: (depending on the modules you choose to install, you may only need to install part of them) 6.1. pari2.0.?? (ftp://megrez.math.u-bordeaux.fr/pub/pari). The most recent version is recommended. 6.2. gd library 1.2 or 1.3 (http://www.boutell.com/gd/). IMPORTANT. Please notice that recent Linux versions (like RedHat 7.0) come with a new gd version which does not supporte gif. This will not work with WIMS: you must add an older gd version and tell wims to compile with that older version. 6.3. gnuplot beta 340 or later (http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/gnuplot_info.html). (Not needed for RedHat 6.1 and up) 6.4. Compile gnuplot with gif terminal enabled. (This is NOT the default in gnuplot distribution. Read gnuplot doc to see how to do it.) (Not needed for RedHat 6.1 and up) 6.5. MuPAD 1.4.2 or up (http://www.mupad.de). Install the package according to the instruction, then modify the file `/home/wims/public_html/wims.conf', setting the MuPAD directories according to your installation. 6.6. GAP 4 or up (http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~gap). 6.7. Maxima 5.4 or up (http://www.gnu.org/software/maxima/). 6.8. PostGreSQL (which is included in RedHat Linux 5.1 and up; check the doc to see how to make it work.) 7. You may want to modify the file /home/wims/public_html/wims.conf to meet your taste. In particular, you SHOULD define the electronic address of your site manager in this file. 8. Wims uses PostgreSQL as database server. So you have to install it on the site (see step 6.8). Once this is done, login as root, then su to postgres. Declare wims as user with permission to create databases, using the command `createuser'. After that, login back as wims, and run /home/wims/bin/psql-install to install basic wims databases. 9. Your httpd must be set up to allow cgi execution on the user space of wims. If you are using apache web server, do the following. 9.1. When logged in as root, append the following lines to the file /etc/httpd/conf/access.conf: Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI AllowOverride All Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride Limit Options None AllowOverride None Order deny,allow deny from all allow from 9.2 Make sure that the line AddHandler cgi-script .cgi in the file /etc/httpd/conf/srm/conf is uncommented. 9.3 When all the files are properly modified, type (as root) killall -HUP httpd to tell your httpd server to re-read these configuration files. (If this does not work, reboot your machine!) 10. (For advanced users only) If you want to activate the automatic deposit processing of wims, add the following line into your /etc/aliases (do it as root, and run newaliases after): wims-depot: "|/home/wims/bin/deposit" But notice that the automatic deposit processing feature is undocumented in this release, and no module in the distribution makes use of it. (therefore you can skip this step.) 11. Now you may test the installation by calling the address http://your-site/~wims/wims.cgi from your favorite browser. Good luck, and enjoy! If you run into difficulties: contact me at xiao@unice.fr. Home site of wims: http://wims.unice.fr/.