29.01.2008 16:10:41 [DEBUG]: NoteManager created with note path "/home/alex/.tomboy". 29.01.2008 16:10:42 [INFO]: Initializing Mono.Addins 29.01.2008 16:10:42 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:42 [DEBUG]: Name: Tomboy.Tomboy,0.9 29.01.2008 16:10:42 [DEBUG]: Description: 29.01.2008 16:10:42 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:42 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:42 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/Tomboy.exe 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.ExportToHtmlAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Name: Export to HTML 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Description: Exports individual notes to HTML. 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/ExportToHtml.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.EvolutionAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Name: Evolution Mail Integration 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Description: Allows you to drag an email from Evolution into a tomboy note. The message subject is added as a link in the note. 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/Evolution.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.BacklinksAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Name: Backlinks 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Description: See which notes link to the one you're currently viewing. 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/Backlinks.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.FixedWidthAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Name: Fixed Width 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Description: Adds fixed-width font style. 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/FixedWidth.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.PrintNotesAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Name: Printing Support 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Description: Allows you to print a note. 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/PrintNotes.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.InsertTimestampAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Name: Insert Timestamp 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Description: Inserts current date and time at the cursor position. 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/InsertTimestamp.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.StickyNoteImportAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Name: Sticky Notes Importer 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Description: Import your notes from the Sticky Notes applet. 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/StickyNoteImport.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.GalagoPresenceAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Name: Galago Presence 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Description: See online presence of buddies mentioned in a note. 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/GalagoPresence.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Loading up the person trie, Part 1... 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Loading up the person trie, Part 2... 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Done. 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Adding link:person tag... 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.BugzillaAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Name: Bugzilla Links 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Description: Allows you to drag a Bugzilla URL from your browser directly into a tomboy note. The bug number is inserted as a link with a little bug icon next to it. 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:44 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/Bugzilla.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.WebDavSyncServiceAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Name: WebDav Sync Service Add-in 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Description: Synchronize Tomboy Notes to a WebDav URL 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/WebDavSyncService.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.SshSyncServiceAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Name: SSH Sync Service Add-in 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Description: Synchronize Tomboy Notes to a SSH share 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/SshSyncServiceAddin.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.FileSystemSyncServiceAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Name: Local Directory Sync Service Add-in 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Description: Synchronize Tomboy Notes to a local file system path 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/FileSystemSyncService.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'gnomesu' in your PATH 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'gksu' in your PATH 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'gksudo' in your PATH 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Using '/usr/bin/kdesu' as GUI 'su' tool 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Successfully found all system tools 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'wdfs' in your PATH 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'fusermount' in your PATH 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'sshfs' in your PATH 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Unable to locate 'fusermount' in your PATH 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Tomboy remote control active. 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: AddinManager.OnAddinLoaded: Tomboy.NoteOfTheDayAddin 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Name: Note of the Day 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Description: Automatically creates a "Today" note for easily jotting down daily thoughts. 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Namespace: Tomboy 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Enabled: True 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: File: /usr/lib/tomboy/addins/NoteOfTheDay.dll 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Applet Created... 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: EnableDisable Called: enabling... True 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Binding key 'F12' for '/apps/tomboy/global_keybindings/show_note_menu' 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: Binding key 'F11' for '/apps/tomboy/global_keybindings/open_start_here' 29.01.2008 16:10:45 [DEBUG]: GConf key '/apps/tomboy/global_keybindings/open_search' does not exist, using default.