Steam for Linux с версии распространяется в тарболле с модифицированной лицензией. Там появился интересный пункт (B) по перепаковке под другие дистрибутивы (т.е. не только Ubuntu): B. Limited Redistribution License. Valve hereby grants, and you accept, a limited, terminable, non-exclusive license to reproduce and distribute an unlimited number of copies of the Program; provided that the following conditions are met: (i) you must distribute the Program in its entirety; (ii) you may not modify the Program, except that, in the case of the Linux version of the Program, you may modify scripts and other documentary and graphical files, but not any files containing the term “bootstrap” in the file name, provided that you do not modify any icons, change any copyright or other notices, or alter this or any other license agreement that is included with the Program, and provided further that any modifications you make are identified by you as modifications from the original Program provided by Valve; (iii) you may repackage the Program and distribute it with another software program, provided that you do not integrate the Program in any way with that other software program, or combine the Program with that other software program in a manner that would require you to distribute the Program under any open source or other license terms different from these terms. (iv) you may not charge any separate fee or receive any compensation attributable to the Program; (v) you must include this License Agreement provided with the Program and ensure that it will display and be required to be accepted by the end user in the same manner as is required by the Program in the form received by you; and (vi) you must preserve in all copies of the Program all copyright and legal notices that are attached to the copy of the Program received by you. Получается, что согласно подпункту (iii): you may repackage the Program and distribute it with another software program, provided that you do not integrate the Program in any way with that other software program, or combine the Program with that other software program in a manner that would require you to distribute the Program under any open source or other license terms different from these terms. можно не только упаковать в пакет под Альт Линукс, но и поместить его в репозиторий Sisyphus? Или я не правильно понимаю?