Приветствую. Никак не могу прикрутить LaserJet1000 на виндовой шаре к своему cups. Делаю через веб-морду CUPS, прописываю URI как smb://login:pass@/DOMAIN/HOST/hp LaserJet 1000 (да - шара назвается именно с пробелами) При попытка распечатать тестовую страницу пишет /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed В логах при debug что-то такое: E [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] /ioerror in --.outputpage-- D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Operand stack: D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] 1 true D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Execution stack: D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] %interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3 %%oparray_pop 1 3 %oparray_pop .runexec2 --nostringval-- %--nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- %0 3 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- --nostringval-- D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Dictionary stack: D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] --dict:1124/1686(ro)(G)-- --dict:1/20(G)-- --dict:132/200(L)-- D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Current allocation mode is local D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Last OS error: 32 D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] ESP Ghostscript 815.04: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1 D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event... D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] renderer return value: 127 D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] renderer received signal: 127 D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Process dying with "The renderer command line returned an unrecognized error code 127.", exit stat: 1 D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] error: ������������ �������� �������� (29) D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] The renderer command line returned an unrecognized error code 127. D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] tail process done writing data to STDOUT D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] KID4 finished D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] KID3 exited with status 1 D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Renderer exit stat: 1 D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Renderer process finished D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Killing process 4305 (KID3) D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Process dying with "Error closing renderer", exit stat: 1 D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] error: ������������ �������� �������� (29) D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] [Job 89] Error closing renderer D [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] PID 4254 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors. E [05/Oct/2007:10:51:09 +0400] PID 4256 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with status 1! PS: пробовал через config-printer morsov@alexey /var/log/cups $ sudo config-printers socket path /tmp/alterator/browser-sock ... /usr/share/guile/1.6/alterator/exit-handler.scm:19:7: In procedure apply in expression (apply throw args): /usr/share/guile/1.6/alterator/exit-handler.scm:19:7: Unbound variable: string-starts-with? При попытке что-то в нем сделать (т.е. почти сразу падает). -- С уважением, Алексей Морсов программист ЗАО "ИК "Риком-Траст" Jabber: samurai@www.fondmarket.ru www.ricom.ru www.fondmarket.ru NP: Music is over :(