Name: xmms-in-vtx Version: 0.7 Release: alt1 Summary: Plays VTX files containing music from the ZX Spectrum License: GPL Group: Sound URL: Source0: xmms-vtx-%version.tar.bz2 #BuildRequires: xmms-devel #Requires: xmms %description libvtx is an XMMS input plugin. XMMS is a cross-platform multimedia player. VTX - Vortex format for AY/YM music by Roman Scherbakov. In archive music_sample.tar.gz you can find 10 tunes in this format, total time 31:15. More tunes could be found on %prep %setup -q -n xmms-vtx-%version tar xzf music_sample.tar.gz %build %configure %make_build %install %make_install DESTDIR=%buildroot install %files %doc README ChangeLog NEWS TODO AUTHORS %doc music_sample/ %xmms_inputdir/*.so %changelog * Mon May 22 2006 Igor Zubkov 0.7-alt1 - Initial build for Sisyphus - based on spec file from Mandrake * Wed Sep 10 2003 Götz Waschk 0.7-2mdk - fix URL, I hope everybody understands Russian :-) * Wed Sep 10 2003 Götz Waschk 0.7-1mdk - initial package