On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 09:52:07AM +0300, Eugene Ostapets wrote: > std26-up (пока не появится обновление микрокода, решающее проблему с > багом процессоров P4 HT), затем можно перейти на std26-smp Баг настолько серьезен? "As to the HT 'vulnerability', it really seems to be not a whole lot different than what people saw with early SMP and (small) direct-mapped caches. Thank God those days are gone. "I'd be really surprised if somebody is actually able to get a real-world attack on a real-world pgp key usage or similar out of it (and as to the covert channel, nobody cares). It's a fairly interesting approach, but it's certainly neither new nor HT-specific, [nor does it] necessarily seem all that worrying in real life." (Linus, http://kerneltrap.org/node/5120) -- WBR, wRAR (ALT Linux Team) Powered by the ALT Linux fortune(8): doc-work: а ты реально "work" или прикидываешься? =) drF_ckoff, реально. Блин, сегодня проконсультировал уже четырех больных программарей - епидемий какой-то. doc-work: позывы на рвоту при виде тыренных исходников аутлука ?