Hi, I’m french (sorry if I do some mistakes), and I’m using the Bépo keyboard layout. It’s a popular Dvorak-like French-optimized keyboard layout. Some reasons to include it: – Bépo layout is popular, see the number of people registered on our forum: http://forum.bepo.fr/userlist.php (if we don’t count people with 0 messages posted, 33 + 50 × 8 = 433), or on Linuxfr.org: https://linuxfr.org/sondages/la-disposition-b%C3%A9po%E2%80%A6 (203 people claims that they use Bépo, 114 wants to use it and 443 says “maybe one day”). Some of this people created Ergodis, an association to promote Bépo (but not only). – physical Bépo keyboards. How to install a distro if we can’t use our keyboard? (http://typematrix.com/bepo.php and http://www.ceciaa.com/clavier-ergoneos-fort-contraste-disposition-bepo-c2391-7.php for example). – Bépo isn’t available on some distributions, so it’s not easy to install it, especially for “noobs”. Bépo directly in kbd means no maintenance problems for distributions and unified and simple solution to the problem. – Bépo layout won’t evolve anymore (instead, we want to do a new (perfect?) keyboard layout for the (far?) future). It means no maintenance burden for you. Also, it’s less than 85 KiB (licences included) So, what do you think about this idea? Best,