Хочу поделиться всякими скриптами, которые возникли при массовой обработке пакетов. Не то, чтобы в них есть большие хитрости или они уникальные, но может быть, кому-нибудь будет удобно такое поведение, которое было удобно мне. Дополнения, пожелания, замечания приветствуются. Начну с очень простого одного скрипта -- mosquito-rebuild; упаковывается в запланированный пакет mosquito-hive. http://git.altlinux.org/people/imz/public/mosquito-hive.git?p=mosquito-hive.git;a=blob;f=README.md;hb=HEAD : `mosquito-hive` -- Simple scripts to rebuild a collection of packages in hasher. The results are reported in a way similar to the beehive of ALT Sisyphus. ## Features * rebuild selected SRPMS ** parallel builds, too * get the list of SRPMS corresponding to a list of selected binary RPMS ** make the correspondence relations between src and bin pkg names, and between them and files (if src.list and bin.list are missing) * diff between our results and the results of ALT Sisyphus beehive (based on the logs) The features beyond the first bullet are WORK-IN-PROGRESS (not packaged yet). ## rebuild selected SRPMS -- `mosquito-rebuild` The packages are given by their names as arguments on the command line. `SRPMDIR` environment variable specifies the place to search for the .src.rpm files (`/ALT/Sisyphus/files/SRPMS` by default, if `SRPMDIR` is unset). `hsh` is run in `~/hasher/` with your default configuration. If you want to pass some options to `hsh`, you can put an executable named `hsh` into your current directory to override the default `hsh`. The build logs are saved into subdirs of the current directory (either `success/` or `error/`) under the "exact" pkg name (with version-release), similarly to beehive. As for the list of selected pkgs, it is common to make a file with the list once and then run further iterations of `mosquito-rebuild` like this: mosquito-rebuild $(