#compdef gear local curcontext="$curcontext" ret=1 _arguments -S \ '(-v --verbose -q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}'[try to be more quiet]' \ '(-v --verbose -q --quiet)'{-v,--verbose}'[print a message for each action]' \ '(- :)'{-V,--version}'[print program version and exit]' \ '(- :)'{-h,--help}'[show usage and exit]' \ '(-r --rules)'{-r,--rules=}'[name of file with rules]:rules file:_files' \ '(-t --tree-ish)'{-t,--tree-ish=}'[tree, commit or tag object name]:tree-ish' \ - 'export' \ '(--export-dir --no-compress --bzip2 --gzip)--no-compress[do not compress output archive]' \ '(--export-dir --no-compress --bzip2 --gzip)--bzip2[compress output archive using bzip2]' \ '(--export-dir --no-compress --bzip2 --gzip)--gzip[compress output archive using gzip]' \ '(--no-compress --bzip2 --gzip :)--export-dir=[write source files to specified directory]:directory:_directories' \ ':output tarball:_files' \ - 'hasher' \ '--hasher[execute hsh-like command afterwards]' \ '(-):command: _command_names -e' \ '*::args: _normal' \ - 'rpmbuld' \ '--rpmbuild[execute rpmbuild-like command afterwards]' \ '(-):command: _command_names -e' \ '*::args: _normal' \ && ret=0