On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 01:48:19AM +0400, Dmitry V. Levin wrote: [...] > убирание ненужных символов даёт стабилизацию использования и рост скорости > запуска. На том же libdb4.3 выигрыш умопомрачительный. Немного цифр: $ ls -log {old,new}/libdb-4.3.so -rw-r--r-- 1 854016 Окт 8 00:17 new/libdb-4.3.so -rw-r--r-- 1 936160 Июн 15 22:31 old/libdb-4.3.so $ nm -D old/libdb-4.3.so |grep -c '^[0-9a-f]' 1431 $ nm -D new/libdb-4.3.so |grep -c '^[0-9a-f]' 51 $ rm -f my_db.db && env -i LD_DEBUG=statistics LD_LIBRARY_PATH=old ./db_create 12345: number of relocations: 632 12345: number of relocations from cache: 6 12345: number of relative relocations: 1593 12345: 12345: runtime linker statistics: 12345: final number of relocations: 748 12345: final number of relocations from cache: 6 $ rm -f my_db.db && env -i LD_DEBUG=statistics LD_LIBRARY_PATH=new ./db_create 12345: number of relocations: 106 12345: number of relocations from cache: 5 12345: number of relative relocations: 2120 12345: 12345: runtime linker statistics: 12345: final number of relocations: 139 12345: final number of relocations from cache: 5 $ env -i LD_LIBRARY_PATH=old time sh -c 'rm -f my_db.db; for i in `seq 10000`; do ./db_create; done' 5.53user 4.15system 0:09.68elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (1920466major+361627minor)pagefaults 0swaps $ env -i LD_LIBRARY_PATH=new time sh -c 'rm -f my_db.db; for i in `seq 10000`; do ./db_create; done' 2.82user 3.91system 0:06.72elapsed 100%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k 0inputs+0outputs (1750466major+351627minor)pagefaults 0swaps -- ldv