Каждый выбирает для себя... ----- Forwarded message from Nico Schottelius ----- Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 19:54:33 +0200 From: Nico Schottelius To: gpm @at@ lists .dot. linux .dot. it Subject: [gpm] new source distribution Dear list, after days of testing version control systems (like cvs, svn, gnu arch and monotone...) I decided to move gpm's source tree to monotone. Why? Monotone is still quiet simple and powerfull. gnu arch aka tla is much to complicated to use, although it also has some advantages. With monotone we can have distributed, signed development. With this features I think we can have faster patch integration and faster development. Have a look at http://www.venge.net/monotone/docs/index.html howto use it, it's really simple. (I'll add hints to gpm's doc, too). Expect the latest changes I got to be available at latest at the weekend. Nico -- Keep it simple & stupid, use what's available. pgp: 8D0E E27A | Nico Schottelius http://nerd-hosting.net | http://linux.schottelius.org _______________________________________________ gpm mailing list gpm @at@ lists .dot. linux .dot. it http://lists.linux.it/listinfo/gpm ----- End forwarded message ----- -- ldv