Security update for glibc-2.3 is out. ----- Forwarded message from Ulrich Drepper ----- Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 23:40:10 -0700 From: Ulrich Drepper To: GNU libc devel , Subject: glibc 2.3.1 I've uploaded glibc-2.3.1.tar.bz2 glibc-2.3-2.3.1.diff.bz2 glibc-2.3.1pre2-2.3.1.diff.bz2 glibc-linuxthreads-2.3.1.tar.bz2 to The files will soon also be available at and the mirrors worldwide. This releases is mainly meant to introduce some changes which work around problems some programs have which use very small stack sizes and still expect all libc functions to be usable. Beside this change only very few, mostly non-code, changes are included. Every user of glibc 2.3 should upgrade. As usual, compiling glibc is nothing for the faint hearted. It is complicated and demanding and can potentially ruin your entire installation. Better wait for your distribution maker to provide you with binaries. People who nevertheless compile glibc on their own have to read the documentation, FAQ, and the announcement for the 2.3 release: -- --------------. ,-. 444 Castro Street Ulrich Drepper \ ,-----------------' \ Mountain View, CA 94041 USA Red Hat `--' drepper at `--------------------------- ----- End forwarded message ----- -- ldv