[16:57:37] # starting installimage on [ ] [16:57:37] ------------------------------------- [16:57:38] : Hardware data: [16:57:38] : CPU1: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz (Cores 8) [16:57:38] : Memory: 11989 MB [16:57:38] : Disk /dev/sda: 1500 GB (=> 1397 GiB) doesn't contain a valid partition table [16:57:38] : Disk /dev/sdb: 1500 GB (=> 1397 GiB) doesn't contain a valid partition table [16:57:38] : Total capacity 2794 GiB with 2 Disks [16:57:38] ------------------------------------- [16:57:38] # make clean config [16:57:38] # executing setupfile [16:57:38] # checking if the script is disabled [16:57:38] # starting menu... [16:57:45] # chosen image: [ custom ] [16:57:45] # copy & create config... [16:57:45] # Systype: MS-7522 [16:57:45] # Manufacturer: MSI [17:25:12] # starting mcedit... [17:25:14] # validating vars... [17:25:14] : swap : 6144 [17:25:14] : /boot : 512 [17:25:14] : / : all [17:25:14] => FAILED [17:25:14] # starting mcedit... [17:33:05] # validating vars... [17:33:05] : swap : 6144 [17:33:05] : /boot : 512 [17:33:05] : / : all [17:33:13] => FAILED [17:33:13] # starting mcedit... [17:33:51] # validating vars... [17:33:51] : swap : 6144 [17:33:51] : /boot : 512 [17:33:52] : / : all [17:33:53] => FAILED [17:33:53] # starting mcedit... [17:35:00] # validating vars... [17:35:00] : swap : 6144 [17:35:00] : / : all [17:35:08] => FAILED [17:35:08] # starting mcedit... [17:35:54] # validating vars... [17:35:54] : swap : 6144 [17:35:54] : / : all [17:35:55] : Size of the first hdd is: 1500301910016 [17:35:55] : check_dos_partitions [17:35:55] # asking for confirmation... [17:36:00] # Confirmation for drive /dev/sda accepted [17:36:00] # executing installfile... [17:36:00] : swap : 6144 [17:36:00] : / : all [17:36:00] : check_dos_partitions [17:36:00] # load debian specific functions... [17:36:00] # Deleting partitions [17:36:00] # Deleting partitions on /dev/sda [17:36:01] # Test partition size [17:36:01] : check_dos_partitions [17:36:01] # Creating partitions and /etc/fstab [17:36:01] # Creating partitions on /dev/sda [17:36:01] : deactivate all dm-devices with dmraid and dmsetup [17:36:01] : no block devices found [17:36:02] : create partition: parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary linux-swap 2048s 12584959s [17:36:02] : create partition: parted -s /dev/sda mkpart primary ext3 12584960s 2930275119s [17:36:02] : reread partition table after 5 seconds [17:36:07] : deactivate all dm-devices with dmraid and dmsetup [17:36:07] : no block devices found [17:36:11] # formatting /dev/sda1 with swap [17:36:12] : Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 6291452 KiB [17:36:12] : no label, UUID=475e670a-4c0e-4baa-8866-1ebade30da6a [17:36:16] # formatting /dev/sda2 with ext4 [17:36:23] # Mounting partitions [17:36:23] # Sync time via ntp [17:36:23] : Using standard Hetzner Online GmbH pubkey: /root/.oldroot/nfs/install/gpg/public-key.asc [17:36:23] : gpg: directory `/root/.gnupg' created [17:36:23] : gpg: new configuration file `/root/.gnupg/gpg.conf' created [17:36:23] : gpg: WARNING: options in `/root/.gnupg/gpg.conf' are not yet active during this run [17:36:23] : gpg: keyring `/root/.gnupg/secring.gpg' created [17:36:23] : gpg: keyring `/root/.gnupg/pubring.gpg' created [17:36:23] : gpg: /root/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created [17:36:23] : gpg: key B8F0F463: public key "Hetzner Online AG, RZ-Softwareentwicklung (Signing Key 2013) " imported [17:36:23] : gpg: Total number processed: 1 [17:36:23] : gpg: imported: 1 (RSA: 1) [17:36:23] # Validating image before starting extraction [17:36:23] # Extracting image (local) [17:37:08] # Setting up network for eth0 [17:37:08] setting up ipv6 networking 2a01:4f8:140:6191::2/64 via fe80::1 [17:37:08] mtab is already a symlink [17:37:08] # Setting hostname [17:37:08] # executing chroot command: hostname cygnus [17:37:08] # set new hostname 'cygnus' in /installimage.tsH4F/hdd/etc/sysconfig/network [17:37:08] # Generating new SSH keys [17:37:08] skipping rsa1 key gen [17:37:08] skipping dsa key gen [17:37:08] skipping rsa key gen [17:37:08] skipping ecdsa key gen [17:37:08] skipping ed25519 key gen [17:37:08] # Generating ramdisk [17:37:08] # Kernel Version found: [17:37:08] # executing chroot command: update-initramfs -u -k [17:37:08] : bash: update-initramfs: command not found [17:37:08] => FAILED [17:37:08] : report install.conf to rz-admin: 436613 [17:37:08] : report debug.txt to rz-admin: ok [17:37:08] cleaning up