Oleg Pan пишет: >> ну а что поцфикс.. queue какой-то у него тоже есть. >> > а как сделать так чтоб письмо полежало в этом queue > пока идет backup, и только потом доставилось? > Может вот это подойдет из man postsuper -h queue_id Put mail "on hold" so that no attempt is made to deliver it. Move one message with the named queue ID from the named mail queue(s) (default: incoming, active and deferred) to the hold queue. If a queue_id of - is specified, the program reads queue IDs from standard input. Specify -h ALL to hold all messages; for example, specify -h ALL deferred to hold mail in the deferred queue. As a safety mea- sure, the word ALL must be specified in upper case. Note: while mail is "on hold" it will not expire when its time in the queue exceeds the maximal_queue_lifetime or bounce_queue_lifetime setting. It becomes subject to expiration after it is released from "hold". -H queue_id Release mail that was put "on hold". Move one message with the named queue ID from the named mail queue(s) (default: hold) to the deferred queue. If a queue_id of - is specified, the program reads queue IDs from standard input. Note: use "postsuper -r" to release mail that was kept on hold for a significant fraction of $maximal_queue_lifetime or $bounce_queue_lifetime, or longer. Specify -H ALL to release all mail that is "on hold". As a safety measure, the word ALL must be specified in upper case. Не понятно только, приходящие письма после команды на холд тоже становятся на холд или к вновь прибывшим это не относится? -- С уважением, Дубровский Вячеслав.