%define kernel 2.4.22-std-up-alt15 %define headers kernel-headers-std-up %define kernel_include linux-2.4.22-std-up Summary: enables all programs to look inside archived or compressed files, or access remote files Name: avfs Version: 0.9.3 Release: alt License: GPL Group: User Interface/Desktop Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Patch: %{name}.initscript.patch BuildRequires: libxml2-devel %{headers} w3c-libwww-devel Requires: libxml2 w3c-libwww URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/avf AutoReq: yes, noshell %description AVFS is a system, which enables all programs to look inside archived or compressed files, or access remote files without recompiling the programs or changing the kernel. At the moment it supports floppies, tar and gzip files, zip, bzip2, ar and rar files, ftp sessions, http, webdav, rsh/rcp, ssh/scp. Quite a few other handlers are implemented with the Midnight Commander's external FS. %prep %setup -q %patch %build unset CC CXX export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I%_includedir/w3c-libwww " ./configure --enable-libxml2 --with-kernel=%{prefix}/include/%{kernel_include} --disable-debug --with-expat=%_includedir/w3c-libwww make %install perl -pi -e "s|/sbin/depmod|echo /sbin/depmod|g" avfscoda/redir/Makefile perl -pi -e "s|mknod|echo mknod|g" scripts/Makefile make install_root=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} install mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d cp scripts/avfscoda.csh scripts/avfscoda.sh ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d %pre #/usr/sbin/service avfscoda stop %post if test ! -e /overlay; then mkdir /overlay; fi #/usr/sbin/service avfscoda start #/usr/sbin/chkconfig avfscoda on %files %doc README INSTALL.avfscoda INSTALL.preload COPYING COPYING.LIB FORMAT NEWS TODO %dir %{prefix}/lib/avfs %dir %{prefix}/lib/avfs/extfs %{prefix}/sbin/avfscoda #/dev/cfs0 %{prefix}/lib/avfs/extfs/* /lib/modules/%{kernel}/misc/redir.o /etc/profile.d/avfscoda.sh /etc/profile.d/avfscoda.csh /etc/rc.d/init.d/avfscoda %changelog